
SQL-based relational/transactional databases.
Correia A, Pereira JO, Rodrigues L, Oliveira R, Carvalho N.  2010.  Practical Database Replication. Replication: Theory and Practice. Abstract

This chapter illustrates how the concepts and algorithms described earlier in this book can be used to build practical database replication systems. This is achieved first by addressing architectural challenges on how required functionality is provided by generally available software componentes and then how different components can be efficiently integrated. A second set of practical challenges arises from experience on how performance assumptions map to actual environments and real workloads. The result is a generic architecture for replicated database management systems, focusing on the interfaces between key components, and then on how different algorithmic and practical optimization options map to real world gains. This shows how consistent database replication is achievable in the current state of the art.

Araújo M, Pereira JO.  2010.  Evaluating Data Freshness in Large Scale Replicated Databases. INForum – Simpósio de Informática. Abstractpaper128.pdf

There is nowadays an increasing need for database replication, as the construction of high performance, highly available, and large-scale applications depends on it to maintain data synchronized across multiple servers. A particularly popular approach, used for instance byFacebook, is the MySQL open source database management system and its built-in asynchronous replication mechanism. The limitations imposed by MySQL on replication topologies mean that data has to go through a number of hops or each server has to handle a large number of slaves. This is particularly worrisome when updates are accepted by multiple replicas and in large systems. It is however difficult to accurately evaluate the impact of replication in data freshness, since one has to compare observations at multiple servers while running a realistic workload and without disturbing the system under test. In this paper we address this problem by introducing a tool that can accurately measure replication delays for any workload and then apply it to the industry standard TPC-C benchmark. This allows us to draw interesting conclusions about the scalability properties of MySQL replication.

Correia A, Pereira JO, Rodrigues L, Carvalho N, Vilaça R, Oliveira R, Guedes S.  2007.  GORDA: An open architecture for database replication. Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications - NCA. :{287-290}. Abstractgapi.pdf

Database replication has been a common feature in database management systems (DBMSs) for a long time. In particular, asynchronous or lazy propagation of updates provides a simple yet efficient way of increasing performance and data availability and is widely available across the DBMS product spectrum. High end systems additionally offer sophisticated conflict resolution and data propagation options as well as, synchronous replication based on distributed locking and two-phase commit protocols. This paper presents GORDA architecture and programming interface (GAPI), that enables different replication strategies to be implemented once and deployed in multiple DBMSs. This is achieved by proposing a reflective interface to transaction processing instead of relying on-client interfaces or ad-hoc server extensions. The proposed approach is thus cost-effective, in enabling reuse of replication protocols or components in multiple DBMSs, as well as potentially efficient, as it allows close coupling with DBMS internals.

Carvalho N, Correia A, Pereira JO, Rodrigues L, Oliveira R, Guedes S.  2007.  On the use of a reflective architecture to augment database management systems. Journal Of Universal Computer Science. 13:1110-1135. Abstract10.

The Database Management System (DBMS) used to be a commodity software component, with well known standard interfaces and semantics. However, the performance and reliability expectations being placed on DBMSs have increased the demand for a variety add-ons, that augment the functionality of the database in a wide range of deployment scenarios, offering support for features such as clustering, replication, and selfmanagement, among others. The effectiveness of such extensions largely rests on closely matching the actual needs of applications, hence on a wide range of tradeoffs and configuration options out of the scope of traditional client interfaces. A well known software engineering approach to systems with such requirements is reflection. Unfortunately, standard reflective interfaces in DBMSs are very limited (for instance, they often do not support the desired range of atomicity guarantees in a distributed setting). Some of these limitations may be circumvented by implementing reflective features as a wrapper to the DBMS server. Unfortunately, this solutions comes at the expense of a large development effort and significant performance penalty. In this paper we propose a general purpose DBMS reflection architecture and interface, that supports multiple extensions while, at the same time, admitting efficient implementations. We illustrate the usefulness of our proposal with concrete examples, and evaluate its cost and performance under different implementation strategies.

Correia A, Pereira JO, Oliveira R.  2008.  AKARA: A Flexible Clustering Protocol for Demanding Transactional Workloads. OTM International Symposium on Distributed Objects, Middleware, and Applications - DOA. 5331:{691-708}. Abstractakara.pdf

Shared-nothing clusters are a well known and cost-effective approach to database server scalability, in particular, with highly intensive read-only workloads typical of many 3-tier web-based applications. The common reliance on a centralized component and a simplistic propagation strategy employed by mainstream solutions however conduct to poor scalability with traditional on-line transaction processing (OLTP), where the update ratio is high. Such approaches also pose an additional obstacle to high availability while introducing a single point of failure.
More recently, database replication protocols based on group communication have been shown to overcome such limitations, expanding the applicability of shared-nothing clusters to more demanding transactional workloads. These take simultaneous advantage of total order multicast and transactional semantics to improve on mainstream solutions. However, none has already been widely deployed in a general purpose database management system.
In this paper, we argue that a major hurdle for their acceptance is that these proposals have disappointing performance with specific subsets of real-world workloads. Such limitations are deep-rooted and working around them requires in-depth understanding of protocols and changes to applications. We address this issue with a novel protocol that combines multiple transaction execution mechanisms and replication techniques and then show how it avoids the identified pitfalls. Experimental results are obtained with a workload based on the industry standard TPC-C benchmark.

Soares L, Pereira JO.  2011.  Improving the Scalability of Cloud-Based Resilient Database Servers. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems - DAIS, with DisCoTec. Abstractsp11.pdf

Many rely now on public cloud infrastructure-as-a-service for database servers, mainly, by pushing the limits of existing pooling and replication software to operate large shared-nothing virtual server clusters. Yet, it is unclear whether this is still the best architectural choice, namely, when cloud infrastructure provides seamless virtual shared storage and bills clients on actual disk usage. This paper addresses this challenge with Resilient Asynchronous Commit (RAsC), an improvement to a well-known shared-nothing design based on the assumption that a much larger number of servers is required for scale than for resilience. Then we compare this proposal to other database server architectures using an analytical model focused on peak throughput and conclude that it provides the best performance/cost trade-o while at the same time addressing a wide range of fault scenarios.