Next Generation Clouds


By Rolando Martins, FCUP & CRACS/INESC TEC, Porto.

Abstract. The ever-increasing adoption of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and edge computing is pushing current Cloud Computing infrastructures. The model where systems would rely on an always available back-end infrastructure(s), is now diverging towards a fully fledged multi-tiered architecture that includes edge clouds, cloudlets, private and public clouds. This is model is commonly referred as Cloud-of-Clouds. This talk’s purpose is to motivate the audience for to the next generation of Clouds by providing an insight on current research pathways and their possible applications, namely in health-care, search & rescue operations and highly dense events, e.g., sport events..

Keywords. Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Edge Clouds and Cloudlets.

About the speaker. Rolando Martins studied at Faculty of Science of the University of Porto (FCUP), where he also obtained his M.Sc in Informatics: Networks and Systems. As part of his Masters thesis (YapDss), he researched the field of distributed stack splitting in Prolog, exploring Or- Parallelism. He also worked at EFACEC as a software engineer/architect and later as a systems researcher. He obtained his Ph.D in Computer Sci- ence from FCUP, as a part of a collaborative effort between FCUP, EFACEC and Carnegie Mellon University, under the supervision of Prof. Fernando Silva, Prof. Lu ́ıs Lopes and Prof. Priya Narasimhan. His Ph.D. research topic arose from his employment at EFACEC, where he was exposed to the difficulties underlying today’s railway systems and light-rail deployments, and came to understand the scientific challenges and the impact, of address- ing the issues of simultaneously supporting real-time and fault-tolerance in such systems. He is a former member of the the Intel Science and Technol- ogy Center (ISTC), where he was involved in both Cloud Computing and Embedded Computing centers, and Parallel Data Lab (PDL) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). At the same time, he was also a computer re- search scientist at YinZcam, a spinoff from CMU that provided mobile applications for the NBA, NHL, NFL and MLS, where he was involved on cloud computing, content management systems, OAuth and video stream- ing. He is currently an invited assistant professor at the department of Computer Science at FCUP and researcher at CRACS (Center for Research in Advanced Computing Systems) part of INESC-Tec. Some of his research interests include security, privacy, intrusion tolerance, (secure) distributed systems, edge clouds, P2P, IoT, cloud-computing, fault-tolerance (byzantine and non-byzantine), operating systems (with special interest in the Linux kernel).


Address:  University of Minho, Gualtar campus, Braga, Portugal.

Building. Departamento de Informatica, Building 07.

Coffee session: at 1:30PM-2PM, Sala de Estar, 4th floor.

Talks session: at 2PM-2:45PM, Auditorium A2, 1st floor.