Formal Methods Europe FME 2001 Electronic Meeting Message Board
[ FME 2001 ]

[ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 |
List of Submitted Papers | Program Committee private website | Symposium website ]

 New   Please email in case you want to stick a message here about the papers you are concerned with.

  Paper 01

[ Reports for paper 01 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 02

[ Reports for paper 02 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 03

[ Reports for paper 03 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 04

[ Reports for paper 04 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 05

[ Reports for paper 05 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 06

  1. From: Jayadev Misra
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Reject (3.2). This paper has the potential of being reworked for a future FME.

[ Reports for paper 06 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 07

[ Reports for paper 07 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 08

[ Reports for paper 08 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 09

[ Reports for paper 09 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 10

  1. From: Jayadev Misra
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Reject (3.3). The notion of approximate semantics seems to be of dubious value. It may be accepted to achieve a balance for theoretical papers. But I hope there are better papers of theoretical nature.

[ Reports for paper 10 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 11

[ Reports for paper 11 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 12

[ Reports for paper 12 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 13

[ Reports for paper 13 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 14

  1. From: Jayadev Misra
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Reject (3.3). This paper has the potential of being reworked for a future FME.

[ Reports for paper 14 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 15

[ Reports for paper 15 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 16

  1. From: Yves Ledru
    Date: 09 Nov 2000
    Contents: (...) I have rediscussed the topic this morning with Sophie Dupuy and we are still in favour of accepting the paper. Therefore, we'd like to keep our recommendation as "4" in order to reflect this positive opinion. So the current grades are 4, 2, 2
    > I believe there is no consensus towards recommending
    > acceptance of the paper. Perhaps we could reach a consensus recommending
    > the PC to consider the paper a borderline candidate,
    > if everyone agrees with this, of course.
    I agree with this and I hope that the PC will get sufficient information from our e-mail discussions.
[ Reports for paper 16 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 17

  1. From: Lars-Henrik Eriksson
    Date: 02 Nov 2000
    Contents: At 09:05 +0000 2000-11-02, Jose N. Oliveira wrote:
    >Dear Lars,
    >I wonder whether you'd be willing to trigger discussion about paper 17,
    >which has got a 1, a 2 and a 5 given by your sub-referee Roland Bol...
    I've asked him about that yesterday and I just got the following reply:
      >From referee 1:
      > ... and the central "case study"
      > demonstrating the applicability has already been published in more detail
      > elsewhere.
      OK, I didn't know that. Then the paper should be rejected.
      Roland Bol

    ...which settles the discussion, I guess.

[ Reports for paper 17 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 18

[ Reports for paper 18 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 19

[ Reports for paper 19 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 20

  1. From: Kaisa Sere
    Date: 06 Nov 2000
    Contents: It seems that I had the highest score 3 for this paper (due to the fact that these people try to extend Z to cover the entire development cycle from specification to C code). Anyhow, I think the paper should be rejected, especially as there seems to be technical problems in the work.
[ Reports for paper 20 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 21

[ Reports for paper 21 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 22

  1. From: Jayadev Misra
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Reject (2.6). The paper is work in progress. Its potential is not clear. It should not be published now.

  2. From: Pamela Zave
    Date: 8 Nov 2000
    Contents: With this note, I propose to close the email discussion of paper 22.

    The three reviewers agree closely on the facts about this paper. It is very interesting and potentially quite valuable. It is well-written, as far as it goes. On the other hand, the presentation is sketchy, which might indicate a lack of maturity in the work itself. The work is likely to improve with time.

    The three reviewers diverge on their interpretation of these facts: two say "accept", one says "reject" (we'll get a better paper next year).

    I believe that the only way to make a decision like this is in the context of the content and quality of the other accepted papers. So the discussion should be tabled until that context is available.

[ Reports for paper 22 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 23

  1. From: Tomasz Janowski
    Date: 07 Nov 2000
    Contents: (...) The balance is clearly on the accepting side, as two reviewers were neutral and one accepting. My review differs from others on the question of relevance, which I marked "minority interest" as the paper does not tackle directly the main theme of FME2001 (software productivity with formal methods). Taking a broader definition (formal methods in general) I can revise this rating to "majority interest" and the overall rating to "weak accept".

  2. From: Peter Gorm Larsen
    Date: 07 Nov 2000
    Contents: Dear all,
    I would like to follow Tomasz and change my 3.5 to 4 for overall recommendation. I think that this closes the discussion about this paper such that we as a whole recommend the paper to be accepted to people attending the physical PC meeting.

[ Reports for paper 23 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 24

[ Reports for paper 24 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 25

[ Reports for paper 25 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 26

[ Reports for paper 26 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 27

[ Reports for paper 27 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 28

[ Reports for paper 28 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 29

[ Reports for paper 29 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 30

[ Reports for paper 30 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 31

[ Reports for paper 31 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 32

[ Reports for paper 32 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 33

  1. From: Jayadev Misra
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Accept (3.7). The paper is one of the better ones I have been assigned. I have attached two reviews, from people who are very well versed in this field. I am slightly more positive about this paper than the reviewers.

[ Reports for paper 33 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 34

[ Reports for paper 34 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 35

[ Reports for paper 35 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 36

[ Reports for paper 36 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 37

  1. From: Jayadev Misra
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Accept (3.4). The primary reason to accept this paper is to report experience with industrial efforts. Technically it is not as strong as Paper 33. But, it can be used to balance the program.

[ Reports for paper 37 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 38

[ Reports for paper 38 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 39

[ Reports for paper 39 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 40

[ Reports for paper 40 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 41

  1. From: [ deliberately omitted ]
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Reject. This is a highly problematic paper, and I have communicated with Jose earlier about it. It seems that the proof rules are wrong; therefore, it should be rejected. Even if the rules are found to be correct, I am inclined to reject it because a highly respected reviewer spent several days trying to figure out the essence of the paper and failed. So, in its present form it can't help the average reader. (I am still trying to get a sense of what the proof rules say, and my recommendation could change by the time of the meeting.)

[ Reports for paper 41 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 42

[ Reports for paper 42 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 43

  1. From: Jayadev Misra
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Accept (3.8). A very solid performance. Not earthshaking though, and I recommend a change of title along the ones suggested in the review.

[ Reports for paper 43 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 44

  1. From: Jayadev Misra
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Accept (3.8). Again a very solid piece of experimental work. This is the ideal forum to publish it.

[ Reports for paper 44 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 45

  1. From: Steve Schneider
    Date: 8 Nov 2000
    Contents: I see this paper is on the `warm list' and that my referee is the odd one out. My referee Zak seems to be unavailable this week, so I've looked over the paper and the reports and will have to make informed comments about his view.

    In fact, his overall recommendation was `2 or 3', which has appeared as a `2' on the table, and in the calculation of the paper's overall score. I propose to change this overall recommendation to a `3', still consistent with his recommendation, for the following reasons:

    The reports in fact seem to make similar points. The difference is that Zak is aware of (and to some extent involved in) similar work being carried out at Oxford in the context of CSP and FDR, which is possibly why he feels the work is not so novel, whereas the other referees do feel the work is new. I don't know where or whether the Oxford work has yet appeared (I can't find any references to papers on their rather extensive website) - the fact that Zak gives no references for it, or criticisms that they are unaware of the Oxford work, indicates that it has not yet appeared.

    I hope this is sufficient to close the discussion at the same time as opening it! I think we are essentially in agreement about this paper.

    To sum up (for Jose), raise OR1 to 3 for this paper.

[ Reports for paper 45 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 46

  1. From: Pamela Zave
    Date: 8 Nov 2000
    Contents: I don't feel strongly about the relatively high mark I gave this paper. Would gladly lower it to a 3.
[ Reports for paper 46 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 47

[ Reports for paper 47 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 48

  1. From: Jayadev Misra
    Date: 30 Oct 2000
    Contents: Accept (3.8). A nice piece of theoretical work, with some experimental results validating the work.

[ Reports for paper 48 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 49

[ Reports for paper 49 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 50

[ Reports for paper 50 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 51

[ Reports for paper 51 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 52

[ Reports for paper 52 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 53

[ Reports for paper 53 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 54

  1. From: Yves Ledru
    Date: 06 Nov 2000
    Contents: (...)

    I think I can summarize our discussion as follows:

    a) We did not end up with a consensus on accepting/rejecting the paper. The three of us keep their initial recommendations ("4", "1", "1")

    b) We all agree that the paper should tell more about the formal work that is mentioned in the paper. But two of us believe that the current state of the paper does not give enough guarantee on what the final version of the paper would be.

    It seems that Nico will attend the PC meeting, so he will be able to transmit other details of our lively discussion.

[ Reports for paper 54 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 55

[ Reports for paper 55 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 56

[ Reports for paper 56 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 57

[ Reports for paper 57 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 58

[ Reports for paper 58 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 59

[ Reports for paper 59 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 60

[ Reports for paper 60 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 61

[ Reports for paper 61 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 62

  1. From: Pamela Zave
    Date: 8 Nov 2000
    Contents: With this note I propose to close the email discussion of paper 62.

    John defers to me and Antonia Lopes (for Jose) as having more experience in the area, and lowers his score to a 3. In addition, I plan to file a revised report in which I list some additional concerns and lower my score to 1. That will make a much more unified picture.
[ Reports for paper 62 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 63

[ Reports for paper 63 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 64

[ Reports for paper 64 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 65

[ Reports for paper 65 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 66

[ Reports for paper 66 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 67

[ Reports for paper 67 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 68

[ Reports for paper 69 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 69

[ Reports for paper 69 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 70

[ Reports for paper 70 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 71

[ Reports for paper 71 | Score board | Top ]

  Paper 72

[ Reports for paper 72 | Score board | Top ]

J. N. Oliveira