Luís Soares Barbosa

I am Associate Professor (with Habilitation) at the Computer Science Department, Universidade do Minho, and senior researcher at the High Assurance Software laboratory, HASLab INESC TEC. My main research focuses on program semantics, logics and calculi applied to rigorous software analysis, design, and construction. Most of my work is framed on Coalgebra and Modal Logic.

I am a member of IFIP WG1.3 (Foundations of System Specification), and, since January 2019, chair of IFIP Tecnhical Committee TC1 on Foundations of Computer Science. In 2018 I was appointed by INESC TEC to the Management Team of QuantaLab, a collaborative research laboratory on Quantum Materials and Quantum Technologies.

I have a second academic affiliation to the United Nations University, currently serving as Deputy Head of its Operational Unit on Policy-driven Electronic Governance, UNU-EGOV. These two dimensions of my academic work meet together in the scientific coordination of the PT-FLAD Chair on Smart Cities & Smart Governance, established in 2016 at UMinho and entirely funded by the private sector. Above all, I am very fortunate to work with an amazing team of students and post-docs. Our joint research is framed in the ARCA Software Architecture & Design Calculi group.

Position statement

Software technology is pre-scientific in its lack of sound mathematical foundations to provide an effective basis to predict and certify programs' behaviour. Compared to other Engineering disciplines, we are somewhere in the 17th century. My research aims at improving scientific standards, seeking rigour and simplicity in software design and architecture through Mathematics.

A proper roadmap for a true Software Engineering discipline, targeting either classical, cyber-physical or quantum systems, has to discuss how systems are modelled and composed, and how properties of their behaviours are anticipated, expressed and verified.

As K. Lewin once put it, `there is nothing so practical as a good theory´.



lsb AT

+351 253604463 (direct) +351 253604430

+351 253604471
