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Dia 1 - 10 de Setembro

Programa para o primeiro dia das jornadas de Informática 2008


Programa Dia 10 - Quarta-Feira


9h00-9h30 Sessão de Abertura
9h30-10h30 "Relaxing your information system with CouchDB", Benoît Chesneau
10h30-11h00 Coffee break
11h00-11h30 "Modern, flexible service-oriented architectures", Ricardo Oliveira
11h30-12h30 "Cloud Computing and HP Labs Research", Peter Toft


Anfiteatro B1 - 9h00-9h30

Sessão de abertura

Com a participação de: 

  • Prof. Guimarães Rodrigues - Reitor da Universidade do Minho; *
  • Prof. António Cunha - Presidente da Escola de Engenharia; *
  • Prof. Doutora Graciete Tavares Dias - Presidente da Escola de Ciências; *
  • Prof. José Barros - Director do Departamento de Informática;
  • Prof. Rosa Vasconcelos - Presidente do Conselho de Cursos de Engenharia; *
  • Prof. Alcino Cunha- Director de Curso da LEI;
  • Prof. Carla Mendes - Directora de Curso da LCC;
  • Nuno Lebreiro - Presidente do CESIUM;
  • Davide Sousa - Presidente do GEMCC

* Presença a confirmar.

Anfiteatro B1 - 9h30 - 10h30

"Relaxing your information system with CouchDB", Benoît Chesneau

This presentation introduces CouchDB, a distributed , fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. CouchDB design and replication features solve the problem of high-traffic websites, distributed peer-to-peer, and offline application, all in the same time. This talk outlines what kind of apps you can build with CouchDB and where it can help your information system to be scalable and fault tolerant.

Bio: Benoît Chesneau is a french web craftman. After a Master in multimedia and technology, he developped and designed small and big-scale dynamic websites. Recently, he founded Enki Multimedia, a company building innovative web services and opensource applications.

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Coffee Break

Anfiteatro B1 - 11h00-11h30

"Modern, flexible service-oriented architectures", Ricardo Oliveira

Yesterday's infrastructures followed the typical server - application or server - service - application relationship, evolving to huge, underoptimized infrastructures. Having several concepts in mind (consolidation, virtualization, SOA, high availability), Eurotux's I&D department designed and implemented a modern, dependable and optimized infrastructure which is, as of today, supporting several clients's businesses, being secure, optimized and highly available, whilst maintaining a flexible administration model, aligning with today's business needs.

Bio: Director Técnico na Eurotux entre 2000 e 2007. Director Lisboa, Centro e Sul na Eurotux a partir de 2008. Especialização em infra-estruturas de serviços Inter/Intra/Extranet; arquitecturas de rede; segurança no desenho, implementação e gestão de serviços Internet com ênfase nas problemáticas da fiabilidade, elevada disponibilidade, escalabilidade e desempenho. Orador em conferências e seminários de segurança. Certificações: EMC (storage solutions), Cisco (CCNA), Arkeia (Network Backup).

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Anfiteatro B1 - 11h30-12h30

"Cloud Computing and HP Labs Research", Peter Toft  

This presentation starts with a high-level discussion of Cloud Computing – its evolution, its definition, the benefits it offers and the barriers to widespread industry adoption. It then provides an overview of HP Labs research into Cloud Computing, including a spotlight on a project developing a service that delivers secure virtual infrastructures on demand. 

Bio: Peter Toft is a research manager in the Automated Infrastructure Laboratory (AIL), based at HP Labs in Bristol. He is responsible for leading AIL’s work in the development of a virtual infrastructure service called the Cell Infrastructure, a key platform technology for a future dynamic cloud computing infrastructure. Previously, he was program manager for HP Labs’ activities around the SE3D Animation Showcase (see here)  – a research experiment in utility computing. Through the HP Labs experimental Utility Rendering Service, SE3D offered 12 small animation companies access to the same levels of flexible computer power as major animation houses such as DreamWorks. This enabled the animators to create their own animated short feature films, many of which went on to win awards.Peter joined Hewlett-Packard in 1986 and has worked in software product development, systems research, and in management consulting. His consulting activities focused on R&D strategy and management; software and firmware engineering approaches; and project/program management. Peter holds degrees in Physics from Oxford University, and in Information Engineering from Bristol University.

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