
Maratona Inter-Universitária de Programação (MIUP) 2018

A Maratona Inter-Universitária de Programação (MIUP) 2018, um concurso de programação destinado a alunos universitários, organizado pelo Departamento de Informática da Universidade da Beira Interior no dia 13 de outubro de 2018.

Mais info aqui


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: The Future of Computing and the IBM Q Network

Speaker: Walter Riess, IBM Research – Zurich and Binnig and Rohrer Nanotechnology Center, and Noam Zakay, IBM Corporate Technology and Intellectual Property.

Date & Location: Wednesday, 6th June, 2018, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Networking Session: 10h45 -11h00, Auditorium A2, 1st floor.

Talk Session: 11h00 -12h00, Auditorium A2, 1st floor.

Abstract This week UMinho, INL, CEiiA and INESC TEC, joined together in the QuantaLab, will sign an agreement for the Minho QHub. This will provide the first connection to the IBM Q quantum machines from Portugal, opening a number of opportunities for both fundamental and applied research in Quantum Computing. The seminar will address: 1. The future of computing and the emergence of quantum computers (by Walter Riess, Head of the Science and Technology Department, at IBM Research – Zurich) 2. Joining the IBM Q Network: Challenges and opportunities (by Noam Zakay is Business Development Executive for IBM Corporate Technology and Intellectual Property).

About the Speaker Walter Riess is Head of the Science & Technology department at IBM Research – Zurich and coordinator of the Binnig and Rohrer Nanotechnology Center. Dr. Riess studied physics at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, where which he earned a Ph.D. in 1991 and habilitated in 1996. In 1995, he joined the IBM Research – Zurich Laboratory as a research staff member working on organic light-emitting diodes (LED). Dr. Riess has received numerous IBM awards and recognitions, among them the prestigious IBM Corporate Patent Portfolio Award in 2005. In 2007, he received a Special Recognition Award from the Society for Information Display for his leading contributions to the design and development of a top-emitting large-area active-matrix organic light-emitting display driven by amorphous silicon thin-film transistors. In 2014 he was named Distinguished Research Staff Member at IBM Research – Zurich.Dr. Riess has authored and/or coauthored more than 100 scientific papers and holds 70 granted patents. He is a senior member of IEEE, member of the German Physical Society, the Swiss Physical Society, and the Materials Research Society. Noam Zakay is Business Development Executive for IBM Corporate Technology and Intellectual Property. In this position Noam initiates partnering and commercialization of technologies developed across IBM Research labs worldwide with external parties and drives them to closure. In his current position, Noam is in charge of initiating business and growing the IBM Q Network ecosystem across Europe. In his 26 years with IBM, Noam held various positions with focus on enabling new business missions and strategies. In recent years, Noam was awarded an IBM Master Deal Maker certification from INSEAD. Noam holds Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering. Graduated with honors from the University of South Florida, Tampa.


Supercomputação e Data Science… De Braga para o Mundo

A conferência “Supercomputação e Data Science… De Braga para o Mundo” está a ser organizada no âmbito da terceira Semana da Economia e realiza-se no dia 22 de maio, próxima terça-feira, entre as 14h30 e as 17h30, no Fórum Braga.

Os painéis desta sessão contam com intervenções de Rui Oliveira (UMinho), Pedro Ferreira (i3S/Ipatimup), Ingolf Wittman (IBM), Manuel Dias (Microsoft), José María Cela (BSC Applied Projects), Susana Mata (Accenture), Raul Azevedo (WeDo), Pedro Martins (Singularity) e Paulo Vilaça (SilicoLife), sendo o encerramento a cargo de António Cunha (UMinho).

A entrada é livre, mediante inscrição prévia online.

Mais informações: https://www.facebook.com/events/608583146141250


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Formal design of embedded systems

Speaker: Naijun Zhan, Distinguished Research Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

Date & Location: Monday, 16th April, 2018, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h45 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th floor.

Talk Session: 14h00 -15h00, Auditorium A2, 1st floor.

Abstract I will report our on recent work on model-based formal design of embedded systems. In this approach, one can build a graphical model of a system to be developed with Simulink/Stateflow (S/S), and then conduct extensive simulation. In order to formally verify the graphical model, we translate S/S diagrams into HCSP automatically. HCSP is a formal modeling language for hybrid systems, which is an extension of CSP with differential equations intended to model continuous evolution and several kinds of interrupts capturing the interaction between continuous evolution and discrete jumps.
Using Hybrid Hoare Logic and its theorem prover, the translated HCSP formal model can be verified. In order to justify the correctness of the translation, we give an inverse translation from HCSP to Simulink, so that the consistency can be checked by co-simulation. Also, we define formal semantics of S/S and HCSP with UTP so that the correctness of the bidirectional translation can be proved theoretically. Finally, we propose a notion of approximate bisimulation for HCSP so that a given HCSP process can be correctly discretised. Based on this, we define a set of refinement rules to refine an HCSP process into a piece of SystemC code, proved to be approximate bisimilar to the original HCSP process. All the above are supported by a tool chain called MARS, whose application to real-world case studies will be mentioned.

About the Speaker Naijun Zhan is a research professor of State Key Lab. of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He got his bachelor and master degrees both from Nanjing University, and his PhD from the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prior to join Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, he worked at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Mannheim University, Germany as a research fellow.
He is a distinguished research professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (since 2015), and the winner of Outstanding Youth Fund of Natural Science Foundation of China (2016). His research interests cover formal design of real-time, embedded and hybrid systems, program verification, concurrent computation models, modal and temporal logics, and so on. Currently, he serves the editorial boards of Formal Aspects of Computing, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Journal of Software, and Journal of Computer Research and Development.


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Privacy-aware Databases

Speaker: Rogério Pontes, HASLab, INESC TEC & UMinho

Date & Location: Wednesday, March 21st, 2018, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th floor.

Talk Session: 14h00 -14h30, Auditorium A2, 1st floor.

Abstract: Individual data privacy, though understood as a fundamental right, is commonly overlooked in our daily use of mobile, web and desktop applications. Each bit of information generated and exchanged by application’s users is stored and analysed for corporate gains in centralised Cloud infrastructures, often at the expense of user’s control over its own personal data. Privacy-aware databases aim to address this issue by protecting the user’s confidentiality from the moment data is stored on the system until query results are returned to the clients. In this talk, I’m presenting an overview of the current state of the art on privacy-aware database systems, the basic principles on how privacy-aware databases work and how they have failed to effectively protect data. Afterwards, I will present how we are bringing these concepts to NoSQL databases and pushing the existing boundaries of privacy-aware databases by exploring new alternatives such as Multi-party protocols and trusted hardware (Intel SGX).

About the speaker: Rogério Pontes is currently a PhD candidate at MAP-I and research assistant at HASLab, INESC TEC & UMinho. His thesis work, supervised by Manuel Barbosa and Ricardo Vilaça, is focused on data privacy in Clouds, mainly within the SafeCloud EU H2020 project. In particular, his research aims to propose novel privacy-aware databases and assess how they compare with current enterprise database systems. Prior to his PhD, Rogério worked on a Linear Algebra Approach to OLAP systems, during his Master’s thesis, and he got the opportunity to work a variety of topics, novel theoretical models of analytical databases, full stack development of social networks, and automatic cloud deployments in collaboration with the industry. Rogério has been involved in several projects like SafeCloud, OSSaaS, and FalarSobreCancro.org, and has published several papers on security and privacy in databases.Rogério is enthusiastic to his research work on privacy being a hot topic that is full of challenges and tackles a major human concern.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: An Algebraic Approach to the Design of Block Ciphers

Speaker. Óscar Pereira, HASLab, INESC TEC & Minho University.

Date & Location: Wednesday, Nov 8th, 2017, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -15h, Auditório A2, first floor.

Abstract:We explore the possibility of modelling a working block cipher, and analysing its security, exclusively through an algebraic framework of polynomial rings and finite fields: one aims to get the simplest formal models of ciphers for which it is possible to get demonstrative evidence of its security but still with reasonably efficient implementations.

About the speaker: Óscar Pereira is currently a PhD candidate at MAP-I and a researcher at HASLab, INESC TEC, Braga. Having completed his masters at UMinho on the subject “Towards a fully algebrisable Symmetric Cryptosystem”, in 2015, his PhD thesis can be seen as a continuation of that work, which is supervised by Prof. José Manuel Valença. In particular, Óscar’s focus is on how to leverage the algebraic descriptions of cryptographic primitives in order to improve the way one reasons about their security. Prior to his graduate studies, Óscar has also spent some time in the industry working on web development and AI; but he felt missing mathematics and decided to dive deep in the pool, focusing on cryptography.


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: The Data Cube as a Typed Linear Algebra Operator

Speaker. Prof. José N. Oliveira, HASLab, INESC TEC & Minho University.

Date & Location: Wednesday, Sept 27th, 2017, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -15h, Auditório A2, first floor.

Abstract: There is a need for a typed notation in linear algebra applicable to the fields of econometrics and data mining. This talk will show that such a notation exists and is useful in formalizing and reasoning about data aggregation operations. In particular, one such operation — the construction of a data cube — is shown to be easily expressible as a linear algebra operator. The construction is type-generic and its properties, which can be derived from its typed definition using matrix algebra, include a “free theorem”. Linearity also ensures incremental updating of data cubes in face of raw data updates. The construction is “universal” in the sense that the other forms of data aggregation (eg. slicing, rollup, cross tabulation etc) are algebraically derivable from the given linear algebra definition of cubes, in a way that is amenable to parallelization.

About the speaker: José N. Oliveira is a full professor of Computer Science at the Informatics Department of University of Minho and researcher at HASLab/ INESC TEC. He is also a member of IFIP WG 2.1 (Algorithmic Languages and Calculi) and of the Formal Methods Europe (FME) Association; and also serves on the editorial board of Springer journal Formal Aspects of Computing. José’s research interests are focussed on formal methods, algebra of programming (program calcu- lation) and functional programming. Throughout his career, José published tens of book chapters, journals, and other peer- reviewed publications on relation algebra and its application to programming since three decades. He also served as PC member for over 50 venues. Currently, he is developing a linear algebra of programming which he wants to apply to the verification of complex software systems.


Maratona Inter-Universitária de Programação (MIUP) 2017

A Maratona Inter-Universitária de Programação (MIUP) 2017, um concurso de programação destinado a alunos universitários, organizado pelo Departamento de Informática da Universidade do Minho no dia 7 de outubro de 2017.

A MIUP é um concurso por equipas (de 3 elementos) e as linguagens de programação permitidas para resolver os problemas propostos são C, C++ e Java.

Esta atividade serve como preparação dos alunos portugueses para o Southwestern European Regional Programming Contest (SWERC) 2017, organizado pela faculdade Telecom ParisTech e pela faculdade École normale supérieure e que será realizado a 25 e 26 de novembro de 2017, na faculdade Telecom ParisTech.

Mais info aqui


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: VOCAL — The Verified OCaml Library

Speaker. Mário Pereira, Université Paris-Saclay, LRI Lab, France.

Date & Location: Monday, July 24th, 2017, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 10h30 -11h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 11h00 -11h40, Auditório A2, first floor.

Abstract: Programming libraries are the basic building blocks of any realistic programming project. It is then of most interest for a programmer to build her software on top of bug-free libraries. Even massively used and tested libraries can contain bugs: in 2006 a bug was found in the Java’s standard library, after 9 years of undetected presence. One possibility to verify the behavior of such libraries is to employ deductive software verification. It may come as a surprise, but program verification has been very little applied to libraries of significant size. This work presents the first steps towards VOCAL, a mechanically verified library of efficient general-purpose data structures and algorithms, written in the OCaml language. OCaml is the implementation language of worldwide used systems where stability, safety, and correctness are of utmost importance. In the VOCAL project, we use a combination of three tools to tackle the formal development of the library: CFML, Coq, and Why3.

About the speaker: Mário Pereira is currently a 3rd year PhD candidate at Université Paris-Saclay, France, and researcher at LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique), France, working within Why3 team, under the supervision of Jean-Christophe Filliâtre. Mário got his BSc engineering degree from Universidade da Beira Interior (ranked 1st) and MSc degree on “major in logic and computation” from FCUP, Porto (ranked 1st). Mário’s research interests are mainly deductive software verification, functional programming, type systems, module systems, program transformations. Mário is the winner of the software competition VerifyThis in 2016 and 2017 editions. Mário is currently a main developer of the Why3 verification platform and the main developer of the VOCAL library, a mechanically verified OCaml library, whose first release will appear soon. You can learn more about the speaker here: https://www.lri.fr/~mpereira/.


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: SafeFS: A Modular Architecture for Secure User-Space File Systems (One FUSE to rule them all)

Speaker. João Paulo, HASLab, INESC TEC & Minho University.

Date & Location: Wednesday, June 28th, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -14h30, Auditório A2, first floor.

Abstract: The exponential growth of data produced, the ever faster and ubiquitous connectivity, and the collaborative processing tools lead to a clear shift of data stores from local servers to the cloud. This migration occurring across different application domains and types of users—individual or corporate—raises two immediate challenges. First, outsourcing data introduces security risks, hence protection mechanisms must be put in place to provide guarantees such as privacy, confidentiality and integrity. Second, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution that would provide the right level of safety or performance for all applications and users, and it is therefore necessary to provide mechanisms that can be tailored to the various deployment scenarios. In this paper, we address both challenges by introducing SafeFS, a modular architecture based on software-defined storage principles featuring stackable building blocks that can be combined to construct a secure distributed file system. SafeFS allows users to specialize their data store to their specific needs by choosing the combination of blocks that provide the best safety and performance tradeoffs. The file system is implemented in user space using FUSE and can access remote data stores. The provided building blocks notably include mechanisms based on encryption, replication, and coding. We implemented SafeFS and performed in-depth evaluation across a range of workloads. Results reveal that while each layer has a cost, one can build safe yet efficient storage architectures. Furthermore, the different combinations of blocks sometimes yield surprising tradeoffs.

About the speaker: João Paulo is currently a Post-Doc researcher at HASLab, INESC TEC and University of Minho. He obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science from the MAP-i Doctoral Program in Computer Science, which is a joint program of Minho, Aveiro and Porto Universities with the collaboration of CMU and UT-Austin Universities (2015). Also, he has a M.Sc. in Informatics Engineering (2009) and a B.Sc. in Informatics Engineering (2007), both concluded at the University of Minho. Currently, his research focus on large scale distributed systems with an emphasis on storage systems and data management. He has several publications on journals and international conferences, and has participated in the research and development of EU (CoherentPaaS, SafeCloud) and national (Pastramy, RED) projects..


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar:HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Static Energy Consumption Analysis in Software : the Worst-Case Scenario.

Speakers. Marco Couto, HASLab, INESC TEC & Minho University.

Date & Location: Wednesday, May 10th, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -14h30, Auditório A2, first floor.

Abstract: Energy consumption is becoming an evident concern to software developers. While programming languages provide several compiler optimizations, memory profiler tools, benchmark and time execution monitoring frameworks, there are no equivalent tools/frameworks to profile/optimize energy consumption.This is even more notorious due to the propagation of mobile devices. Such propagation of devices is also influencing software development: a software system is now developed as a set of similar products sharing common features. This talk will focus on explaining how energy consumption analysis can be performed in software in a very challenging and promising manner: statically, without execution. Moreover, a case study will be used to better explain how to achieve this, while showing the speaker’s ongoing work in the area.

About the speaker: Marco Couto is a third year MAP-i PhD student affiliated with HASLab/INESC TEC & the University of Minho, and working under the supervision of Prof. João Saraiva. He is currently working on energy consumption analysis in software. Marco completed his MSc degree in Informatics Engineering in 2014, with a thesis entitled “Monitoring Energy Consumption in Android Applications”. Currently, his areas of research are green computing, source-code analysis and manipulation, and configurable systems. After that, he started his PhD thesis entitled “Energy-aware Software Product Lines”, with the goal of statically analyzing the source code of similar software systems, and compare the energy efficiency with each other. Since the beginning of his PhD, Marco has also been involved in two FCT bilateral projects, two FLAD/NSF projects and one FCT project.


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Green Computing as an Engineering Discipline

Speaker: Rui Pereira, HASLab, INESC TEC & Minho University.

Date & Location: Wednesday, March 29th, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -14h30, Auditório A1, ground floor.

Abstract While in the previous century computer users were mainly looking for fast computer software, this is nowadays changing with the advent of powerful mobile devices, like laptops, tablets and smartphones. In our mobile-device age, one of the main computing bottlenecks is energy consumption. This growing concern on energy efficiency may also be associated with the perspective of software developers. Unfortunately, developing energy-aware software is still a difficult task. While programming languages provide several compiler optimizations, memory profiler tools, benchmark and time execution monitoring frameworks, there are no equivalent tools/frameworks to profile/optimize energy consumption. This talk is focused on introducing the motivation behind green software and briefly showing some challenges faced in researching this topic. The talk will also touch on several misconceptions in this research area, while also showcasing several of the speaker’s concluded and ongoing research.

About the speaker: Rui Pereira is a fourth-year MAPi PhD student, affiliated with HASLab/INESC TEC & the University of Minho, and working under the supervision of Prof. João Saraiva and Prof. Jáome Cunha. He received his MSc degree in Informatics Engineering in 2013, with the thesis “Queryin for Model-Driven Spreadsheets” under the SpreadSheets as a Programming Paradigm (SSaaPP) project. Currently, his areas of research are green computing, source-code analysis and manipulation, and human-computer interaction. For his PhD thesis “Analyzing and Optimizing Abnormal Energy Consumption in Software Systems”, in which he was also awarded an FCT grant for, he focuses on the challenge of both detecting where high energy consumption occurs and understanding how to avoid and optimize this abnormal behaviour. He is also one of the founding members of the Green Software for Space Control Mission (GreenSSCM) project, the Software Repositories for Green Computing FLAD/NSF project, and the Green Software Lab: Green Computing as an Engineering Discipline (GSL) project.


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Subgroup Mining

Speakers. Prof. Paulo J. Azevedo, HASLab, INESC TEC & Minho University.

Date&Location: Wednesday, March 8th, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -14h30, Auditório A1, ground floor.

Abstract: In this talk I will briefly describe the data mining process and take association rules mining as an example of pattern mining. I will make use of association rules algorithms to tackle the subgroup mining problem. In subgroup mining one tries to identify interesting subpopulations according to a specific property or constraint. Typically, interesting means deviating from the expected. Several examples of techniques and patterns to describe interesting subgroups will be put forward.

About the speaker: Prof. Paulo J. Azevedo got his PhD from Imperial College at University of London (1995) and is now an Assistant Professor (with habilitation) at the Department of Informatics University of Minho. He is a member of the High-Assurance Software Lab (HASLab) – INESC Tec L.A. His research interests are Knowledge Discovery in Databases (data mining) and Machine Learning, in particular association rules, subgroup discovery, motif discovery in time series, graph mining, bioinformatics and recommendation systems. His most recent research interests include Distribution Learning and Social Networks. He has participated and led several research projects funded by the Portuguese research foundation. He was a reviewer for research projects submitted to the French ANR. He was a PC member of several data mining conferences as DS, PKDD, ECML and IJCAI. He was also a reviewer for several data mining journals as Intelligent Data Analysis: An International Journal, Information Science and Springer Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.


Formação em Linux: LIP-MInho – Fevereiro 2017

Decorreu na semana de 6 Fevereiro passado, nas instalações do Departamento de Informática, um curso de Formação em Linux, da responsabilidade do LIP-Minho.

O curso, que decorreu sempre muito positivamente, teve como público alvo, para além dos investigadores daquele centro de investigação, estudantes de cursos lecionados pelo DI e pela Escola de Ciências.

Os alunos que participaram de forma substantivo no curso serão obsequiados com um certificado de frequência .


Alunos de Engenharia Informática apresentam aplicações a empresários

No dia 10 de fevereiro de 2017, os alunos do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática da UMinho, divididos em 9 grupos, apresentaram os seus produtos de software a um conjunto de especialistas e empresários. Estas apresentações, que se realizaram nas instalações da empresa tecnológica PRIMAVERA, surgiram no âmbito da unidade curricular (UC) de Projeto de Engenharia Informática. Esta UC permite aos alunos desenvolver produtos de software, num contexto de permanente contacto com o meio empresarial e clientes finais. Ao longo da sessão foram apresentados os nove projetos: FocusIURISAPHELIONMyDoPet4UHomecookDominiumeaze e beeFit.

  • Focus é uma ferramenta de integração de serviços de personal training entre personal trainers e os seus alunos, permitindo a gestão e monitorização de acompanhamentos à distância. O objetivo é agilizar o processo de acompanhamento à distância entre as duas partes, centralizando num só local os planos de treino, planos nutricionais e conversação.
  • IURIS é uma plataforma web que proporciona soluções na área do direito. A principal mais valia assenta no sistema inteligente desenvolvido capaz de validar o cumprimento da lei aplicável a cada processo, contemplando todas as situações e exceções presentes nos respectivos códigos. IURIS dirige-se ao Direito da Família e das Sucessões, presente no livro V do código civil, facilitando e automatizando fases do processo de inventário, como é o caso da relação de bens e do mapa da partilha.
  • APHELION é um jogo de realidade alternativa para dispositivos móveis onde os utilizadores competem em equipa, no mundo real, usando os dispositivos como arma. Com este conceito inovador, os jogadores podem juntar-se a amigos e desconhecidos e, em qualquer lugar, simular combates.
  • MyDO é uma ferramenta que visa a agilização de processos no setor da restauração, nomeadamente a nível de pedidos, dotando o cliente de autonomia para a elaboração dos mesmos. Permite ainda ao restaurante consultar facilmente informações úteis à sua gestão.
  • Pet4U é um sistema simples e intuitivo que visa promover um meio de interligação entre as clínicas veterinárias e os tutores de animais, através da partilha de informações médicas e notificações de eventos relacionados com os animais.
  • Homecook é uma aplicação para o planeamento de refeições, ajudando os seus utilizadores a estabelecer regimes alimentares saudáveis e variados. Oferece um leque diversificado de receitas e planos de refeições cuidadosamente selecionados pela sua equipa de provedores.
  • Dominium é um jogo de geolocalização onde várias equipas disputam o controlo de áreas numa virtualização do mundo real. Cada jogador combina as suas capacidades físicas e intelectuais com as várias mecânicas de jogo, de modo a ajudar a sua equipa a dominar o maior número de áreas possíveis. Competição, cooperação, socialização e estratégia definem a experiência de jogar Dominium.
  • Eaze é uma aplicação iOS que pretende tornar-se o primeiro assistente médico de bolso inteligente. Promove um estilo de vida preventivo e, através de um motor de inteligência artificial, auxilia confortavelmente os utilizadores na gestão da sua rotina médica.
  • beeFit é uma ferramenta multi-plataforma de gestão e acompanhamento de treinos em ginásio. Tem como objetivo permitir aos ginásios a rentabilização os seus recursos, enquanto promove o acompanhamento mais próximo dos seus profissionais aos frequentadores do espaço, criando uma experiência de treino mais positiva.

Podes ver o vídeo sobre as aplicações aqui.

Podes ver o vídeo da apresentação aos empresários aqui.


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: On the Design of Distributed Programming Models

Speakers. Christopher Meiklejohn, Université Catholique de Louvain and Instituto Superior Técnico.

Date&Location: Wednesday, February 15, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -15h, Auditório A2, 1st Floor.

Abstract: Programming large-scale distributed applications requires new abstractions and models to be done well. We demonstrate that these models are possible. Following from both the FLP result and CAP theorem, we show that concurrent programming models are necessary, but not sufficient, in the construction of large-scale distributed systems because of the problem of failure and network partitions: languages need to be able to capture and encode the tradeoffs between consistency and availability. We present two programming models, Lasp and Austere, each of which makes a strong tradeoff with respects to the CAP theorem. These two models outline the bounds of distributed model design: strictly AP or strictly CP. We argue that all possible distributed programming models must come from this design space, and present one practical design that allows declarative specification of consistency tradeoffs, called Spry.

About the speaker: Christopher Meiklejohn is a former senior software engineer at Basho Technologies, Inc., Cambridge, US, and at Machine Zone, Inc., San Francisco, US. He got a Graduate Coursework at Brown University in 2013, and BSc in Information Technology from Northeastern University, Boston, with Academic Excellence Award in 2009. His passion to distributed systems and programming languages has recently urged him to pursue his PhD studies at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, and the Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, under the supervision of Peter Van Roy and Rodrigo Rodrigues. Christopher already develops a program- ming language for distributed computation, called Lasp, which is part of his thesis focus. Christopher has very good experience in distributed systems as he spent several years working on the distributed key-value store Riak at Basho, the cloud computing framework at Mesosphere, and the protocol design and verification at Machine Zone, a gaming company in Palo Alto. Christopher is also a consistent speaker at more than dozen industrial workshops and events and has many workshop publications. He is also leading the creation of a startup company on Edge Computing within the recently accepted H2020 Edge Computing project: LightKone.


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Next Generation Clouds

Speakers. Rolando Martins, FCUP & CRACS/INESC TEC, Porto.

Date&Location: Wednesday, February 8, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -15h, Auditório A2, 1st Floor.

Abstract: The ever-increasing adoption of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and edge computing is pushing current Cloud Computing infrastructures. The model where systems would rely on an always available back-end infrastructure(s), is now diverging towards a fully fledged multi-tiered architecture that includes edge clouds, cloudlets, private and public clouds. This is model is commonly referred as Cloud-of-Clouds. This talk’s purpose is to motivate the audience for to the next generation of Clouds by providing an insight on current research pathways and their possible applications, namely in health-care, search & rescue operations and highly dense events, e.g., sport events.

About the speaker. Rolando Martins: studied at Faculty of Science of the University of Porto (FCUP), where he also obtained his M.Sc in Informatics: Networks and Systems. As part of his Masters thesis (YapDss), he researched the field of distributed stack splitting in Prolog, exploring Or- Parallelism. He also worked at EFACEC as a software engineer/architect and later as a systems researcher. He obtained his Ph.D in Computer Science from FCUP, as a part of a collaborative effort between FCUP, EFACEC and Carnegie Mellon University, under the supervision of Prof. Fernando Silva, Prof. Luís Lopes and Prof. Priya Narasimhan. His Ph.D. research topic arose from his employment at EFACEC, where he was exposed to the difficulties underlying today’s railway systems and light-rail deployments, and came to understand the scientific challenges and the impact, of address- ing the issues of simultaneously supporting real-time and fault-tolerance in such systems. He is a former member of the the Intel Science and Technology Center (ISTC), where he was involved in both Cloud Computing and Embedded Computing centers, and Parallel Data Lab (PDL) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). At the same time, he was also a computer re- search scientist at YinZcam, a spinoff from CMU that provided mobile applications for the NBA, NHL, NFL and MLS, where he was involved on cloud computing, content management systems, OAuth and video stream- ing. He is currently an invited assistant professor at the department of Computer Science at FCUP and researcher at CRACS (Center for Research in Advanced Computing Systems) part of INESC-Tec. Some of his research interests include security, privacy, intrusion tolerance, (secure) distributed systems, edge clouds, P2P, IoT, cloud-computing, fault-tolerance (byzantine and non-byzantine), operating systems (with special interest in the Linux kernel).

CESIUM – Semana de Engenharia Informática.

04 a 11 de fevereiro de 2017

Na semana de 4 a 11 de fevereiro realizar-se-à mais uma edição da SEI – Semana da Engenharia Informática, uma semana organizada por alunos e para alunos, gratuita e totalmente dedicada a apresentar e aprofundar temas de destaque no panorama atual da informática.

A SEI (http://seium.org), anteriormente designada por Semana da LEI, tem vindo a apresentar um programa intensivo composto por palestras e workshops orientados por oradores de relevo a nível nacional, uma variedade de momentos de discussão e pró-atividade, uma abordagem social e momentos de lazer. Desta forma, pretende-se inspirar alunos não só da nossa universidade, mas também de outras e até de toda comunidade que nos rodeia.


Formação em Linux: LIP-MInho – Fevereiro 2017

No quadro das atividades de formação, o LIP-Minho promove, mais uma vez, um curso de introdução ao Linux, a ter lugar no Campus de Gualtar, Braga, em Fevereiro 2017. O programa da responsabilidade do grupo de Computação Avançada tem como objetivos gerais:

  • Facultar um contacto prático com o ambiente de linha de comando em Linux, na sua variante BASH com a exploração das funcionalidades essenciais, bem como de um conjunto representativo dos comandos e utilitários que integram as distribuições Linux modernas.
  • A formação inclui, também, a instalação e configuração (básica) de um sistema Linux que servirá de plataforma de suporte aos exercícios propostos.

O curso a realizar em modo intensivo, com uma duração prevista de cerca 20 horas, decorre em três dias consecutivos, de 6, 7 e 8 de Fevereiro próximos. Os interessados deverão inscrever-se através do endereço http://doodle.com/poll/iyc6yiyx43aqa8qx

Para facilitar o contacto com a organização agradecemos que na identificação do participante seja usado, em vez do nome, o endereço de correio eletrónico (preferencialmente institucional).

Nota1: O curso só se realizará se houver um número suficiente de interessados.
Nota2: O prazo para a inscrição, termina no dia 27 de Janeiro 2017.
Nota3: Não há custos associados.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Conflict-free Replicated DataTypes in Practice.

Speakers. Georges Younes and Vitor Enes, HASLab, INESC TEC & Minho University.

Date&Location: Wednesday, January 11, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -14h45, Auditório A2, 1st Floor.

Abstract. Replication is a currently a de facto approach for highly scalable and available systems. In particular, full replication requires all system replicas to be equal, and thus consistent, even under network-partition failures (where some replicas may be unreachable by others). Since such failures often occur in most large-scale systems, a strong consistency model (which requires full synchronization among replicas on each request) would negatively impact availability. However, as giving up availability is nowadays not an option for large-scale service providers such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Basho, they tend to adopt weaker consistency models such as eventual consistency (EC) — that allows a replica to be accessed without prompt sync with others. In EC systems, replicas are allowed to temporarily diverge, provided that this divergence can, later on, be reconciled into a common consistent state. Practical systems used to resolve conflicts in ad-hoc ways that can lead to anomalies, as the shopping cart in Amazon’s Dynamo DB. Recently, Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) were introduced to avoid these issues in a systematic way without the burden of data-type-specific crafting of conflict resolution. This talk will focus on introducing the different flavours of CRDTs, and briefly showing how we implemented them in practical and real systems like Redis, Antidote DB, Lasp language, and a benchmarking platform.

About Georges Younes. Georges is currently a 2nd year MAP-I PhD student, under the supervision of Prof. Carlos Baquero, and hosted by HASLab, INESC TEC and University of Minho. He was awarded a grant from Google within the Google Summer of Code program in 2016 for his work on implementing pure-op-based CRDTs in Lasp programming language – which will partially be covered in the talk. He was also granted an internship from NOVA university of Lisbon for his work within the EU FP7 SyncFree project. Georges received his MSc in Informatics and Telecommunication from the University of Toulouse, France, and was hosted by HASLab to accomplish his MSc thesis work that was partially published at the ECOOP PMLDC’16 workshop in Italy.

About Vitor Enes. Vitor is an MSc student at the Department of Informatics of the University of Minho, supervised by Prof. Carlos Baquero, and hosted by HASLab, INESC TEC. He has been granted two internships from HASLab and from NOVA University of Lisbon to pursue his research, mainly within his MSc program and the EU FP7 SyncFree project, which was partially published at ECOOP PMLDC’16 workshop in Italy. Vitor holds a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from University of Minho as well. He is working on Distributed Systems (Eventual Consistency), but he also enjoys Formal Methods (although he knows very little about them). He hopes that, one day, he can work on both of them to make Distributed Systems work better.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Efficient Modelling and Analysis of User Interfaces in High-Assurance Systems.

Speaker. Saulo Silva, HASLab, INESC TEC & Minho University.

Date&Location: Wednesday, November 16, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -14h30, Meeting room, Third Floor.

Abstract: Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) integrate computational and physical capabilities, and have, in many cases, high-assurance needs. Interactive CPS such as cockpits and medical devices provide user interfaces that allow users to monitor and control the system. To ensure safe and effective operation of these interactive CPS, it is important to ensure the absence of latent design anomalies in their user interfaces. In this presentation, we present a research strand on the convergence between models of device interaction logic and models of user goals and activities. The main objective is to improve the quality of modelling and analysis of high-assurance interactive system’s interfaces by exploring the integration of the two types of models.

About the speaker: Saulo Silva is currently a PhD student at the Department of Informatics of Minho University, supervised by Prof. Jose Creissac Campos, and a researcher at HASLab, INESC TEC. He holds a masters degree on Sustainable Technologies from the Federal Institute of Goias, Brazil. Saulo’s research interests are in the area of modelling and analysis of Human-Machine Interfaces in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) with high-assurance needs, that spans several use-cases like safe-critical systems (as medical devices), nuclear control panels, airplane cockpits, railway automated controls, aerospace control panels, just to cite a few. Saulo is currently developing methods and tools for automatic analysis of cockpit interfaces and programmable medical devices, and he has already published some of his work.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Causality is Simple.

Speaker. Prof. Carlos Baquero, HASLab, INESC TEC & UMinho.

Date&Location: Wednesday, October 12, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -15h, Auditório A2, First Floor.

Abstract: Causality is an essential component of how we make sense of the physical world, and of our relations to other humans. If I put a cup on the table, and look back at it, I expect it to be there. I also expect to get a reply to my postcards, after I send them, and not before. These days hardly any service can claim not to have some form of distributed algorithm at its core. In a distributed scenario, if we are not careful, it is very easy to break the causal sense of things. In a key-value store my writes can be directed to a replica, and my subsequent reads served from an outdated one – my cup might not be there when I look back. Message dissemination middleware might not always provide the ordering I expect – I might receive some replies, before their leading questions. Luckily, most of these problems were already there 30 years ago, although in a much smaller scale, and lots of techniques have been developed to keep track of causality and make sense of the complex interactions in modern systems. However developers often look at techniques such as as replica synchronization with version vectors, or causal broadcasting algorithms, as black boxes; or as complex sets of rules that have to be followed and not questioned. This talk will focus on bringing back the intuition on causality, and show that keeping in mind some simple concepts, allows to understand how version vectors and vector clocks work, and were they differ, and how to use more sophisticated mechanisms to handle millions of concurrent clients in modern distributed data stores.

About the speaker: Carlos Baquero is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minho and a Senior Researcher at the High Assurance Laboratory within INESC TEC. He teaches several courses in the area of Distributed Systems. He is one of the inventors of Conflict-free Replicated DataTypes (CRDTs). In the 90s, motivated by mobile computing and dis- connected operation for file systems, he studied data types with merge (and fork) operations over semi-lattices, a precursor to state-based CRDTs. He is interested in causality and in distributed aggregation algorithms, and specially likes all things distributed that eventually merge. Carlos pub- lished dozens of papers in reputable conferences and journals on version vectors, distributed data, aggregation, and Bloom Filters. He chaired and served as TPC member on many conferences and workshops, supervised over ten PhD and MSc students, and has been invited to several talks in academic and industrial events. He is currently the leader of the NORTE 2020 TEC4Growth SMILES project at INESC TEC.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: A Framework for Quality Assessment of ROS Applications

Speaker: André Santos, HASLab/INESC TEC & University of Minho

Date: September 28

Venue: Braga, INESC TEC’s Pole

Coffee Session: 1.30 pm to 2.00 pm (Lounge, 4th floor of DI, Building 07)

Talk Session: 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm (Room 0.03, ground floor)

Abstract:Robots are being increasingly used in safety-critical con- texts, such as transportation and health. The need for flexible behavior in these contexts, due to human interaction factors or unstructured operating environments, led to a transition from hardware- to software-based safety mechanisms in robotic systems, whose reliability and quality is imperative to guarantee. Source code static analysis is a key component in formal software verification. It consists on inspecting code, often using automated tools, to determine a set of relevant properties that are known to influence the occurrence of defects in the final product. This presentation is about HAROS, a generic, plug-in-driven, framework to evaluate code quality, through static analysis, in the context of the Robot Operating System (ROS), one of the most widely used robotic middleware. This tool (equipped with plug-ins for computing metrics and conformance to coding standards) was applied to several publicly available ROS repositories, thus providing a first overview of the internal quality of the software being developed in this community.

Keywords: Software Engineering; robotics, software quality, coding standards, software metrics.

Speaker:André Santos is currently a MAP-I PhD candidate and researcher at HASLab, INESC TEC & University of Minho. He holds an MSc degree in Informatics Engineering from the University of Minho. His MSc thesis, named Applying Coding Standards to the Robot Operating System, focused on software quality, namely on studying various coding standards and how they can be applied in robotics software. André is currently focusing on exploring how robotics software can be further improved in terms of quality and safety. His research interests lie in formal methods and ways to measure software quality. More concretely, he enjoys working on tools for software analysis and development. His first notable work was on the PROVA project, by Educed, in which he developed an editor for graphical models of software requirements. More recently, André improved this tool which lead to the acceptance of a paper at IROS’16 conference, that will be presented in this talk.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: On the ’divide & conquer’ metaphor — the ‘quinta essentia’ of programming.

Speaker. Prof. José Nuno Oliveira, HASLab, INESC TEC & UMinho.

Date&Venue: Wednesday, July 13, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -15h, Auditório A2, 1st Floor.

Abstract: “Divide & conquer” (D&C) is a well-known programming principle based on recursively breaking down a complex problem into sub-problems of the same kind. D&C is also a basis for parallel programming, Google map-reduce being one of its best known instances. But how does the metaphor with “divide et impera” in politics and sociology get into a programmer’s way? This talk introduces “formal metaphors” and their algebra to reason about a wide range of problem specifications that can be implemented in a D&C fashion. We show that this falls into the more general programming strategy known as “change of virtual data structure”, which can be achieved in two basic ways. These will be illustrated with the quicksort and mergesort algorithms, showing what they have in common and what makes them different from the very start of development.

About the speaker: José Nuno Oliveira is a full professor at the Informatics Department of the university of Minho and a senior research member at HASLabINESC TEC and Univ. of Minho. He graduated in electrical engineering from the Univ. of Porto and received the MSc and PhD degrees in computer science from the Univ. of Manchester, UK. Prof. Oliveira’s main research interests are formal methods, algebra of programming, and functional programming. Prof. Oliveira served on the PC of almost 50 conferences and workshops in his field of study and co-chaired some of them. He is also a member of IFIP WG2.1 and of the FME association.. Read more about his research here: http://haslab.uminho.pt/jno/.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Pattern Based Software Development.

Speaker: Rui Couto

Date&Venue: June, 29, Braga, INESC TEC’s Pole

Coffee Session: 1.30 pm to 2.00 pm (Lounge, 4th floor of DI, Building 07)

Talk Session: 2.00 pm to 2.30 pm (Auditorium A2, 1st floor)

Abstract: For its contribution to a systematic and rigorous process, Model Driven Architecture (MDA) can be seen as an interesting software development methodology. Software models (being formal representations), are used in the MDA as a part of a systematic and automated development process. Software models are derived from requirement specifications (requirement models), and such transformation is usually a manual process. It is well known that manual transformation process have a negative impact in the overall process, being the same is valid for the requirement models to software models transformation process.

In order to mitigate these problems, this work proposes a developent process, to support the automatic transformation of requirement models into software models. It allows for the integration of requirement models as part of the MDA standard process. The proposal is supported by a framework, sustained by a controlled natural language in order to formalize the requirements specification. The specifications are then converted into an intermediary representation, with support for information manipulation, and then to identify software requirement patterns. These software requirement patterns represent common requirements found across several specifications. The software requirement patterns support the process of identifying relevant software patterns, which can be instantiated and combined in order to produce architectural models. These models are integrated in the MDA process, in order to at the end achieve source code, user interface prototypes, among other analysis artifacts.

Keywords: Software Engineering, Model Driven Development, Software Patterns.

Speaker:Rui Couto is a PhD student at the Department of Informatics of the University of Minho, supervised by Prof. António Nestor Ribeiro and Prof. José Creissac Campos, and a researcher at HASLab/INESC TEC. His research interests lie in the intersection of Model Driven Development, Software Engineering, and Requirements Engineering. He holds an MSc. in Informatics Engineering from the University of Minho, and has been working on the application of model driven techniques and tools to the software development process since then. Rui is particularly interested in bringing closer the software engineering and requirements engineering fields, with a focus on automated reasoning techniques and tools. Rui has published several conference and workshop papers so far.

JOIN’2016 – Jornadas de Informática

13, 14 e 15 de junho de 2016

Nos dias 13, 14 e 15 de junho de 2016 decorrem na Universidade do Minho as XIV.ª Jornadas de Informática, um evento anual que visa promover a interação entre os alunos dos cursos de três ciclos de estudos desta universidade com uma forte componente de informática e o meio empresarial, regional ou nacional, que tem sido a sua maior força empregadora.

Durante os três dias do evento poderás assistir a sessões científicas, de índole mais técnica ou tutorial, e a sessões de divulgação das empresas do referido tecido empresarial, de workshops temáticos por elas oferecidos e divulgação de propostas de temas de dissertação, projetos de investigação e desenvolvimento e oportunidades de emprego.

Assim, durante esta edição poderás assistir a sessões de aproximadamente 45 minutos cada, em que os oradores convidados abordarão temas de interesse técnico para a comunidade científica da universidade. Este ano, os temas abordam conceitos e tecnologias avançadas sobre : Intelligent CloudComputer Security e MedTech.

Mais info http://join.di.uminho.pt

Summer School in Advanced Scientific Computing

Monday 20th June – Thursday 23rd June

This Summer School in Advanced Scientific Computing in Europe, is a week-long workshop which introduces researchers, faculty, staff, students, and industrial partners to high performance computing, data analytics, and scientific visualization. TACC’s technology experts will teach attendees how to effectively use advanced computing resources and technologies like Stampede, Maverick, and Wrangler.

This event is appropriate for all skill levels, from new users of advanced computing technologies to those who have research projects requiring powerful computing, visualization, storage or software capabilities.

The courses and lab classes in this Summer School will be supplied by experts in High Performance Computing (HPC) from the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), at Austin, Texas, with experience in similar courses. This Summer School is the unique opportunity of attendance of this course in Europe and the contentes will be similar to those that TACC staff is preparing for the next TACC Summer Supercomputing Institute, using the same course and training materials and accessing the same remote HPC resources at TACC.

Researchers and PG students in Scientific Computing, both from Science and Engineering areas, with a need to efficiently use intensive computing resources, to process and visualize large quantities of data. The attendees should be motivated to take advantage of modern computer architectures based on an increasing number of CPU cores, to better explore their potential.

more info

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Verifiable side-channel security of cryptographic implementations: constant-time MEE-CBC.

Speaker. Prof. Manuel Barbosa, HASLab/INESC TEC & UMinho, and DCC-FCUP.

Date&Location: Wednesday, May 25, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee Session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk Session: 14h -15h, Auditório A2, 1st Floor.

Abstract: We provide further evidence that implementing software countermeasures against timing attacks is a non-trivial task and requires domain-specific software development processes: we report an implementation bug in the S2N library, recently released by AWS Labs. This bug (now fixed) allowed bypassing the balancing countermeasures against timing attacks deployed in the implementation of the MAC-then-Encode- then-CBC- Encrypt (MEE-CBC) component, creating a timing side-channel similar to that exploited by Lucky 13. Although such an attack could only be launched when the MEE-CBC component is used in isolation – Albrecht and Paterson recently confirmed in independent work that S2N’s second line of defence provides adequate mitigation – its existence shows that conventional software validation processes are not being effective in this domain. To solve this problem, we define a methodology for prov- ing security of implementations in the presence of timing attackers: first, prove black-box security of an algorithmic description of a cryptographic construction; then, establish functional correctness of an implementation with respect to the algorithmic description; and finally, prove that the implementation is leakage secure.

We present a proof-of-concept application of our methodology to MEE- CBC, bringing together three different formal verification tools to produce an assembly implementation of this construction that is verifiably secure against adversaries with access to some timing leakage. Our methodology subsumes previous work connecting provable security and side-channel analysis at the implementation level, and supports the verification of a much larger case study. Our case study itself provides the first provable security validation of complex timing countermeasures deployed, for ex- ample, in OpenSSL.

About the speaker: Manuel Barbosa is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Porto. He is a member and co-coordinator of the High Assurance Software Laboratory at INESC TEC, where he leads the Cryptography and Information Security group. He obtained a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Porto in 1996, an MSc degree from University Newcastle in 1997 and a PhD degree in Electric and Electronic Engineering from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 2000. His recent research contributions have been in the field of provable security of cryptographic algorithms and domain-specific languages for the implementation and formal verification of cryptographic software. Learn more about him at http://haslab.uminho.pt/mbb.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Frontiers of Big and Open Linked Data.

Speaker: Prof. Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

Date&Location: Wednesday, May 11, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk session: 14h -15h, Auditório A2, 1st Floor.

Abstract: Governments attach much attention to the opening and linking of data to serve transparency, innovation, better resources utilization, and related objectives. At the same time, datification produce more and more data (big, linked and potentially open) that can be used for a variety of purposes. This data deluge has resulted in many new applications and services. However, despite the efforts undertaken, the progress in utilizing such data is falling short of its potential and government ambitions. The seminar will introduce the concepts of big, linked, open data, outline how such data is being produced through datafication processes, and present innovative applications and the latest research results in the area. The focus will be on combing varieties of data using platforms that bring together public organizations, businesses and citizens.

About the speaker: Prof.dr.ir. Marijn Janssen holds the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek chair in “ICT and Governance” and is head of the Information and Communication Technology section of the Technology, Policy and Management Faculty of Delft University of Technology.

More information at www.tbm.tudelft.nl/marijnj.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Formalizing Single-assignment Program Verification: an Adaptation-complete Approach.

Speaker: Cláudio B. Lourenço, HASLab/INESC TEC & University of Minho.

Date&Location: Wednesday, March 30, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk session: 14h00 -14h30, Auditório A2, 1st Floor.

Abstract: Deductive verification tools typically rely on the conversion of code to a single-assignment (SA) form. In this paper we formalize program verification based on the translation of While programs annotated with loop invariants into a dynamic single-assignment language with a dedicated iterating construct, and the subsequent generation of compact, indeed linear-size, verification conditions. Soundness and completeness proofs are given for the entire workflow, including the translation of annotated programs to SA form. The formalization is based on a program logic that we show to be adaptation-complete. Although this important property has not, as far as we know, been established for any existing program verification tool, we believe that adaptation-completeness is one of the major motivations for the use of SA form as an intermediate language. Our results here show that indeed this allows for the tools to achieve the maximum degree of adaptation when handling subprograms.

About the speaker: Cláudio is a third-year MAPi PhD student, affiliated with HASLab/INESC TEC & University of Minho, and working under supervision of Jorge Sousa Pinto. His area of interest and PhD thesis focuses on formal verification of programs. In particular, he has been working on the formalization of different approaches to generate efficiently-solved verification conditions. He has graduated in Computer Science from the University of Minho, in 2011, having attended one year at the University of Groningen, under the European Erasmus Program. In 2013, he completed his Master degree in Software Engineering at the University of Minho, where he studied mainly formal methods and distributed systems. His Master’s thesis, “A bounded model checker for SPARK”, focused on bounded verification of SPARK programs. In 2012 and 2013, he also participated, as a research fellow, in different projects supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. More recently he did an internship at the Japanese National Institute of Informatics under the supervision of Shin Nakajima where he explored and implemented different methods to generate verification conditions in the context of LLVM intermediate representation.

Workshop – Git

18 de março de 2015

O CESIUM organiza mais uma workshop, desta vez subordinada ao tema Introdução ao Git. Esta workshop decorrerá no Departamento de Informatica, em Gualtar, no dia 16 de março no DI-A2 pelas 14:30.

Inscrições em https://cesium.typeform.com/to/foVP1C

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Suggested Read: A Personal View of Average-Case Complexity.

Speaker: Bernardo Portela, HASLab/INESC TEC & University of Minho.

Date&Location: Wednesday, March 2, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk session: 14h00 -14h30, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Abstract:There is a large gap between a problem not being easy and the same problem being difficult – A Personal View of Average-Case Complexity represents a classic work by Russel Impagliazzo in the fields of computational complexity and cryptography, and serves as introductory and motivational material for promoting research in these subjects. To do this, Impagliazzo proposes five worlds, existing as a direct consequence of solving the “big” questions of computational complexity: Algorithmica, Heuristica, Pessiland, Minicrypt and Cryptomania. In each world, he analyzes (at a very high-level) the influence of solving these questions on algorithm design, artificial intelligence, cryptography and computer security. Our world is one of the above. This work is particularly interesting for researchers outside these areas of complexity and cryptography, as they are exactly the intended audience. The challenges presented are fairly well-known by everyone in the computer sciences community, and the consequences of their solutions are a powerful way to contextualize their importance. Furthermore, it is interesting to realize that these questions were not recent by the time the paper was published (1995), and they remain relevant and unanswered by 2016.

About the speaker: Bernardo is a third-year MAPi PhD student, affiliated with HASLab/INESC TEC & Univ. of Minho, and working under supervision of Manuel Barbosa. His areas of interest are Cryptography, Formal methods and Distributed systems. In particular, his thesis “High-Assurance Multiparty Computation” is focused on the challenge of bridging theoretical and practical approaches towards multiparty computation. Bernardo has been actively contributing in two projects: PRACTICE and SafeCloud. In the context of PRACTICE, he has researched the theoretical implications of the new Intel instruction set architecture “SGX”, towards enabling multiparty computation. In the context of SafeCloud, he has explored the feasibility of different trust models and special encryption techniques towards real-world cloud deployments. Bernardo’s cooperation with researchers from the University of Bristol has resulted in a contribution to be presented at EuroS&P: “Foundations of Hardware-Based Attested Computation and Application to SGX”.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Towards a Linear Algebra Semantics for SQL.

Speaker: Prof. José Nuno Oliveira, HASLab/INESC TEC & University of Minho.

Date&Location: Wednesday, February 17, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk session: 14h00 -15h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Abstract: In the 1990s, J. Gray (et al.) wrote: “[…] expressing roll-up, and cross-tab queries with conventional SQL is daunting. […] GROUP BY is an unusual relational operator […]”. E.Codd also expressed similar concerns: “[…] relational DBMS were never intended to provide […] for data […] consolidation [in] multi-dimensional data analysis”. In this talk, these remarks are taken as motivation for proposing (typed) linear algebra as theoretical framework able to smoothly accommodate the quantitative and qualitative aspects of SQL semantics, in a unified way, amenable to interpreting SQL queries in a distributed, map-reduce style.

About the speaker: José Nuno Oliveira is a full professor at the Informatics Department of the university of Minho and a senior research member at HASLabINESC TEC and Univ. of Minho. He graduated in electrical engineering from the Univ. of Porto and received the MSc and PhD degrees in computer science from the Univ. of Manchester, UK. Prof. Oliveira’s main research interests are formal methods, algebra of programming, and functional programming. The proposed talk can be framed in his efforts to develop a linear algebra of programming applicable to quantitative formal methods in software engineering. Prof. Oliveira served on the PC of almost 50 conferences and workshops in his field of study and co-chaired some of them. He is also a member of IFIP WG2.1 and of the FME association. For more information, please visit his webpage

MERSTel 2016 Workshop: “IoT for Intelligent Transport System: How Crowdsourcing has Changed Our World”

05 de fevereiro de 2016

Invited Talk Prof. Riri Fitri Sari
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Indonesia

DI – Anf. A2 – Friday, February 5th 2016, 15h00

Abstract: This talk presents the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) with the use of sensors and devices and their implementation for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The development of the Intelligent Transport System, Vehicular Network, and the supporting communication technologies will be elaborated. The theme of people as sensors and mining social media for meaningful information will be elaborated for the topic of Intelligent Transport System. We will also discuss some applications that take an open data approach to traffic and navigation.

Riri Fitri Sari is a Professor of  Computer Engineering  at the Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (UI) . Presently she holds the position of the CIO/Head of Information System Development and Services of the University of Indonesia. She graduated with a BSc in Electrical Engineering from UI. She gained a Master in Human Resources Management from the Atmajaya University Jakarta. Subsequently she completed her MSc degree in Software Systems and Parallel Processing from the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK, funded by British Council Chevening Award. She holds a PhD in Computer Networks from the School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK. Her PhD research was on Active Networks-based Congestion Control Protocols. Her current main teaching and research area includes Computer Network, Grid Computing, and ICT implementation. Prof. Dr. Sari is a Senior Member of the Institute for Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE). In November 2011, IEEE Region 10 Asia Pacific announce her as the recipient of the IEEE WIE Most Inspiring Engineer Award, awarded at the IEEE Region 10 Meeting in Kolkata, India, March 2012. Prof. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari is the 2009 Most Outstanding Lecturer at the University of Indonesia and the 3rd Winner of the National Selection of the Most Outstanding Lecturer hold by the Ministry of National Education of Republic of Indonesia in conjunction with the 64th National Independence Day.
Since April 2010, she has been the Chairperson of UI GreenMetric Ranking of World Universities, a flagship program of the University of Indonesia to rank university worldwide based on their green campus and sustainability programs and is the only specific ranking on university’s sustainability worldwide. Her international experiences include a study program and internship at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneve and New York. She has also involved in a joint research at CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics) in Geneve, a training in Engineering Education funded by UNESCO in Australia, higher education management training in Japan (JICA), and being an invited speakers in Korea (KAIST). Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari is a reviewers for many competitive grant schemes of Higher Education Directorate General of Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, National Research Board and Directorate General of Population Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Prof. Dr. Sari have visited some IT industries such as   Microsoft Research at Redmond, USA, Huawei Tech in Shenzen, Wipro in Bangalore, Samsung in Korea. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari was awarded with a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) from from the Toastmaster International. She received other award such as  Inspiring Woman and Youth 2012 from PT Indosat, and Kartini 2.0 Woman Technologist from PT Telkom in 2013. Married to Dr. Ir. Kusno Adi Sambowo, she lives with her three daughters Almira, Naufalia, and Laura Sambowo. Playing piano, reading novels and swimming are her hobbies. http://www.ppsi.ui.ac.id/riri

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Formal Analysis and Verification of Database Query Languages.

03 de fevereiro de 2016

Speaker: Dr. Raju Halder, HASLab/INESC TEC & University of Minho.

Date&Location: Wednesday, February 3, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk session: 14h00 -15h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Abstract. In this talk, we describe the abstract interpretation of Database Query Languages and its various applications. We formalized a complete denotational semantics, both at concrete and abstract levels, of database applications instrumented with data manipulation language operations such as SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE. The theoretical formal framework serves as a foundation of several interesting practical applications, e.g. fine grained access control of data, persistent watermarking, cooperative query answering, etc. In this direction, the issue of semantics-based dependence refinement in database language is also addressed which leads to a more precise analysis of database applications, including program slicing, language-based information flow security analysis, etc. The semantics-based analysis of Hibernate Query Language this way leads to a formal verification of persistent object’s properties as well..

About the speaker. Raju Halder is currently a re- searcher at HASLab/INESC TEC and University of Minho. He received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Prior to HASLab, Raju was a Post-Doctoral researcher at Macquarie University (Australia) and then joined the Indian Institute of Technology Patna. Be- fore the Ph.D, he also worked at IBM India Pvt. Ltd. Raju is the recipient of “Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Re- search (MIUR)” fellowship; he also got two Best Paper Awards at CISIM’11 and ACSS’15. Raju has served as PC member and reviewer for tens of conferences. His research interests include Abstract Interpretation, Model Checking, Program Analysis and Verification, Databases, etc.. You may want to visit the speaker’s webpage for more details: http://www.iitp.ac.in/~halder/index.html.

CESIUM – Semana de Engenharia Informática.

06 a 13 de fevereiro de 2016

Na semana de 6 a 13 de Fevereiro realizar-se-à mais uma edição da SEI – Semana da Engenharia Informática, uma semana organizada por alunos e para alunos, gratuita e totalmente dedicada a apresentar e aprofundar temas de destaque no panorama atual da informática.

A SEI (http://seium.org), anteriormente designada por Semana da LEI, tem vindo a apresentar um programa intensivo composto por uma Hackathon, palestras e workshops orientados por oradores de relevo a nível nacional, uma variedade de momentos de discussão e pró-atividade, uma abordagem social e momentos de lazer. Desta forma, pretende-se inspirar alunos não só da nossa universidade, mas também de outras e até de toda comunidade que nos rodeia.


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: A Layered Architecture for Tracing Distributed Systems.

22 de janeiro de 2016

Date&Location: Friday, January 22, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee session: 11h30 -12h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk session: 12h00 -13h00, Auditório 2, first Floor.

Speaker: Prof. Rodrigo Fonseca, Brown University, USA.

Title. A Layered Architecture for Tracing Distributed Systems.

Abstract. Many tasks for understanding and managing the execution of systems, such as debugging, snapshotting, monitoring, accounting, providing performance guarantees, are much harder in distributed settings. Correspondingly, many techniques such as distributed timestamps, end-to-end tracing, and taint tracking have been successfully used to help with these tasks. Their deployment, however, is usually fraught with difficulties, including intrusive instrumentation and lack of pervasiveness. In this talk I describe a layered architecture that factors primitives that are common to all these techniques – most importantly the causal propagation of generic metadata – with the goal of simplifying the instrumentation of current and new systems, and lowering the barrier for the adoption of these and novel techniques.

About the speaker. Rodrigo Fonseca is an assistant professor at Brown University’s Computer Science Department. He holds a PhD from UC Berkeley, and prior to Brown was a visiting researcher at Yahoo! Research. He is broadly interested in networking, distributed systems, and operating systems. His research involves seeking better ways to build, operate, and diagnose distributed systems, including large-scale internet systems, cloud computing, and mobile computing. He is currently working on dynamic tracing infrastructures for these systems, on new ways to leverage network programmability, and on better ways to manage energy usage in mobile devices. Rodrigo has a high record of peer reviewed publications; he regularly serves as a PC member in pioneer conferences in his area like SIGCOMM, EuroSys, NSDI, DSN, OSDI, Middleware, HotCloud, etc., and co-chaired some of them. He teaches Computer Networks and Advanced Networking at the Computer Science Department, and he mentored several PhD students. You may want to visit the speaker’s webpage for more details: http://cs.brown.edu/people/rfonseca/.


HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Typed Connector Families.

13 de janeiro de 2016

Date&Location: Wednesday, January 13, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk session: 14h00 -14h45, Auditório 2, first Floor.

Speaker: José Proença, HASLab/INESC TEC and University of Minho.

Title. Typed Connector Families.

Abstract. Typed models of connector/component composition specify interfaces describing ports of components and connectors. Typing ensures that these ports are plugged together appropriately, so that data can flow out of each output port and into an input port. These interfaces typically consider the direction of data flow and the type of values flowing. Components, connectors, and systems are often parameterised in such a way that the parameters affect the interfaces. Typing such connector families is challenging. This work takes a first step towards addressing this problem by presenting a calculus of connector families with integer and boolean parameters. The calculus is based on monoidal categories, with a dependent type system that describes the parameterised interfaces of these connectors. As an example, we demonstrate how to define n-ary Reo connectors in the calculus. The paper focusses on the structure of connectors – well-connectedness – and less on their behaviour, making it easily applicable to a wide range of coordination and component-based models. A type-checking algorithm based on constraints is used to analyse connector families, supported by a proof-of-concept implementation.

About the speaker. José Proença is currently a postdoc at HASLab/INESC TEC and University of Minho, working with Prof. Luís Barbosa. José holds a masters degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from University of Minho and a PhD from Leiden University, Amsterdam, working on CWI within the group of Foundations of Software Engineering. Before joining HASLab, José was affiliated with Distrinet, KU Leuven, working mainly with Danny Hughes and Dave Clarke, and he spent some time at Bristol University, UK. José works mainly on coordination of distributed components, often associated to the Reo coordination language, and on formal approaches to software product line engineering. More recently he has been working on binding and component models for embedded devices in the context of the LooCI middleware and micro PnP. José has many publications in his research area, and he serves as PC member and reviewer for several journals and conferences, which he co-chaired some of them.

HASLab InfoBlender Seminar: Toward dependable interactive systems

06 de janeiro de 2016

Date&Location: Wednesday, January 6, 2016, at DI, Gualtar campus, Braga.

Coffee session: 13h30 -14h00, Sala de Estar, 4th Floor.

Talk session: 14h00 -14h45, Auditório 2, first Floor.

Speaker: Camille Fayollas, Université de Toulouse, France

Title. Toward dependable interactive systems: dealing with system faults at development and run time.

Abstract. Engineering interactive systems for safety critical applications such as in avionic digital cockpits (and more generally Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)) is a challenge from a dependability viewpoint. The dependability of the user interface and its related hardware and software components must be consistent with the criticality of the functions to be controlled. This talk will introduce the challenges existing for using interactive systems for the command and control of critical functions. This talk will then present and a dual approach based on fault prevention and fault tolerance for dealing with system faults both at development and run time. Firstly, we propose a model-based approach to describe in a complete and unambiguous way interactive software components to prevent as much as possible development software faults. Secondly, we propose a fault tolerant approach to deal with operational natural faults. This is achieved through the implementation of a fault tolerant architecture based on the principle of self-checking components.

About the speaker. Camille Fayollas is a temporary assistant professor in Computer Science at National Polytechnic Institute (University of Toulouse, INP-ENSEEIHT), France. She completed her PhD, focusing on a Generic Soft- ware Architecture and a Model-Based Approach for the Dependability of Critical Interactive Systems in July 2015. Her research involves techniques, notations and tools to analyse dependability and fault-tolerance of interactive critical systems. Please read about the speaker on http://www.irit.fr/~Camille.Fayollas/.

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