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RESCUE kick-off meeting (25/01/2008)
DI@UBI Covilhã
Friday, January 25 th, 2008
Preliminary Program:
- 10h45 - Opening Session
- 11h00 - 11h30 : Embedded Systems Challenges and Trends (Miguel Pinho - ISEP)
- 11h30 - 12h00 : Cooperative Distributed Embedded Systems (Luis Nogueira - ISEP)
- 12h00 - 12h30 : Cost Analysis of Functional Programs (Hugo Simões - DCC/FCUP)
- 12h30 - 13h00 : Security and Safety Policies: some considerations related to the CACE and RESCUE Projects (Manuel Barbosa - DI/UM)
- Lunch
- 15h00 - 15h30 : Design by Contracts and JML: Concepts and tools (José Carlos Bacelar - DI/UM)
- 15h30 - 16h00 : Proof Based Tools Assisted Program Verification (Jorge Sousa Pinto - DI/UM)
- 16h00 - 16h30 : System L: a Linear Language based on Iteration (Sandra Alves - DCC/FCUP)
- Coffee Break
- 16h45 - 16h15 : The Formula-Tree Proof Method (Sabine Broda - DCC/FCUP)
- 17h15 - 17h45 : On the characterisation of strongly normalising terms with explicit substitution and/or generalised application (José Carlos Espirito Santos - DM/UM)
- 17h45 - 18h15 : Kleene Algebras and Temporal logics for Program Verification (Nelma Moreira e David Pereira - DCC/FCUP)
- 18h15 - 18h30 : Discussion Panel.
- 18h30 : Closing Session
 Copyright © by the contributing authors. Ideas, requests, problems? Send feedback.
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