New papers accepted for publication at PEPM'14 and FASE'14.
Aug 26
Tool demo accepted for publication at ASE'13: Nuno Macedo, Tiago Guimarães, and Alcino Cunha, Model Repair and Transformation with Echo.
Mar 18
Our FASE'13 paper on Implementing QVT-R Bidirectional Model Transformations using Alloy is one of the nominated for best paper at ETAPS.
Feb 1
Paper accepted for publication at BX'13: N. Macedo, H. Pacheco, A. Cunha, and J. N. Oliveira: Composing Least-change Lenses.
Dec 21
Two new students have joined the project team as BI grant holders. Nuno Sousa will be working on bidirectionalizing spreadsheet formulas, and Tiago Guimarães will help in the implementation of a QVT-R bidirectional transformation tool.
Dec 18
Paper accepted for publication at FASE'13: N. Macedo and A. Cunha: Implementing QVT-R Bidirectional Model Transformations using Alloy.
Paper accepted for publication at RAMICS'12: N. Macedo, H. Pacheco and A. Cunha: Relations as executable specifications: taming partiality and non-determinism using invariants.
Jun 1
Paper accepted for publication at the post-proceedings of BX'12: H. Pacheco, A. Cunha and Z. Hu. Delta Lenses over Inductive Types.