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Financial Products

The Banking and Debt Management (BDM) in the World Bank Treasury assures high-quality delivery to Bank clients of the IBRD's financial products menu - which includes lending and risk management products - by way of providing a wide range of client services, namely:

  • Offering general IBRD financial product information/training programs, through the preferred client media. Training can be  classroom-based, distance learning or multi-media.

  • Supporting the customized application of the flexibility of IBRD financial terms (currency, interest rate basis, repayment terms) to meet client's project or sovereign risk management needs. This support can be provided during IBRD project/loan preparation or in connection with the client's overall IBRD financing program.

  • Enabling the access of IBRD borrowers to the Bank's risk management products. As part of the process of negotiating a Master Derivatives Agreement (MDA) between a client and the IBRD, BDM offers workshops and other activities aimed at building client-country capacity to use derivative products in general and IBRD risk mangement products in particular.

  • Providing training workshops on the use of analytical tools such as the Financial Product Workbooks, the Principal Amortization Generator, the Swap Calculator and the Cap/Floor Calculator. These tools were designed by IBRD to support informed borrower decision making with respect to IBRD loan and risk mangement products.


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