Fraunhofer IDMT
 Department Cluster Audio/Multimedia


Fraunhofer- Gesellschaft
  at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT in Ilmenau. The Fraunhofer IDMT understands itself as technological and economic motor for the region Thuringia. With its innovation power our institute gives impulses for the economy and science in Germany and worldwide.

The research topics of our institute focus on the development of new media technologies for professional markets as well as for the home entertainment sector. We offer research and development in the field of acoustics, multimedia metadata, in the medical audio technology and in the area of the secure distribution of virtual goods. Further activities include the development of special audio applications and the conception of individualized solutions for integrated learning environments and systems for data representation.

In close cooperation with partners in economy, culture and science we realize innovative scientific results through applicable solutions which come up to the customer requirements.

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© 2005
Fraunhofer IDMT