
PhD Viva of Fábio André Silva

Defesa de tese de doutoramento de Fábio André Silva

Realiza-se no dia 19 de julho de 2016, pelas 14:30, no Auditório B2 @ CP2, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, as provas de doutoramento de Fábio André Souto da Silva com o título "Ambient Intelligence and Affective Computing: A contribute to energetic sustainability".


PhD Viva of João Marco Silva

Defesa de tese de doutoramento de João Marco Silva

Realiza-se no dia 14 de janeiro de 2016, pelas 14:30, no Auditório B2 @ CP3, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, as provas de doutoramento de João Marco Cardoso da Silva com o título "A Modular Traffic Sampling Architecture for Flexible Network Measurements".


Applications to the Doctoral Program in Informatics: 1st phase 2013/2014

Applications to the Doctoral Program in Informatics: 1st phase 2013/2014

Opening 2012/2013 Edition

Doctoral Program Opening Session @ 2011/2012 Edition

The Doctoral Program opening session, edition 2012/2013, takes place on October 19, 2012, at DI-A2 auditorium, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, beginning at 2:00pm.

Applications to the Doctoral Program in Informatics: 1st phase 2012/2013

Applications to the Doctoral Program in Informatics: 1st phase 2012/2013

The 1st phase for applications to the Doctoral Program in Informatics is open since the 21st of May until the 15th of June, 2012. For further details see "Application and Schedule".


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