Victor Francisco Fonte graduated in Systems and Informatics Engineering, has a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in Distributed Systems by the University of Minho.

His current research interests are focused on autonomous and pair-wise operation in distributed systems with application to large-scale, loosely-coupled and autonomous operated environments. His interests encompass also eventual consistent models and techniques for multi-datacenter key-value stores, and highly scalable transactional multi-tier platforms. His research has also been focused on replication, autonomous identity management and causality tracking. He supervises several M.Sc. and Ph.D. projects, and lectures in Master programmes at the University of Minho on Distributed Systems and Information Security topics.

He collaborates in a number of FCT and EU-funded research projects, has been serving as an external scientific coordinator or consultant in several QREN-funded research projects, co-founded and supervised the Linux Research Group (1995-2008), and the Mobile Computing Interest Group (2010-12) at University of Minho, and has been actively involved in several open-source software and research projects.