An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Computing Minimal Hitting Sets

Abreu R, Cardoso N.  2014.  An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Computing Minimal Hitting Sets. Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX’14).

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Computing minimal hitting sets for a collection of sets is an important problem in many domains (e.g., Spectrum-based Fault Localization). Being an NP-Hard problem, exhaustive algorithms are usually prohibitive for real-world, often large, problems. In practice, the usage of heuristic based approaches trade-off completeness for time efficiency. An example of such heuristic approaches is S TACCATO, which was proposed in the context of reasoning-based fault localization. In this paper, we propose an efficient distributed algorithm, dubbed MHS2, that renders the sequential search algorithm S TACCATO suitable to distributed, Map-Reduce environments. The results show that MHS2 scales to larger systems (when compared to STACCATO), while entailing either marginal or small run time overhead.

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