
Showing results in 'Announcements'. Show all posts

Joined ScalABLE 4.0 Project

I joined the H2020 ScalABLE 4.0 project on scalable automation for flexible production systems.

TRUST Kickoff

The TRUST project has just kicked off with a joint workshop with the DALI project.

Joined NanoSTIMA project

I joined the NanoSTIMA project on high-assurance medical cyber-physical systems as a post-doctoral researcher.

TRUST recommended for funding

Our project on trustworthy software design has been recommended for funding.

PTCRISync project

We have been commissioned by the FCT to participate in the development of an ORCID-based synchronization framework for the Portuguese Current Research Information System (PTCRIS).

Joined BESTCASE project

I've joined the BESTCASE project on languages and tools for critical real time systems as a post-doctoral researcher.


We've just presented our ongoing work at the III FATBIT Meeting.


We've just presented our ongoing work at the II FATBIT Meeting.