Integrated Simulation of Implantable Cardiac Pacemaker Software and Heart Models

Bernardeschi C, Domenici A, Masci P.  2014.  Integrated Simulation of Implantable Cardiac Pacemaker Software and Heart Models. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Cardiovascular Technologies, copy at

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This paper presents an approach for integrated simulation of pacemaker models and heart models, each developed with the appropriate formalism. Heart models are developed in MathWorks, a powerful tool for the simulation of complex systems, whereas pacemakers are developed in PVS, a theorem-proving environment enabling both simulation and formal verification of safety requirements. The two tools communicate over a Web-based interface, which makes it possible to integrate the simulation of the MathWorks model of the heart and the PVS model of the pacemaker. In this paper, we illustrate the architecture developed for integrated simulation of the pacemaker-heart system and present an example application for realistic models.

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