Dependability in dynamic, evolving and heterogeneous systems: the Connect approach

Bertolino A, Di Giandomenico F, Marco DA, Issarny V, Martinelli F, Masci P, Matteucci I, Saadi R, Sabetta A.  2010.  Dependability in dynamic, evolving and heterogeneous systems: the Connect approach. Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE2010), copy at


The EU Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Project CONNECT aims at dropping the heterogeneity barriers that prevent the eternality of networking systems through a revolutionary approach: to synthesise on-the-fly the CONNECTors via which networked systems communicate. The CONNECT approach, however, comes at risk from the standpoint of dependability, stressing the need for methods and tools that ensure resilience to faults, errors and malicious attacks of the dynamically CONNECTed system. We are investigating a comprehensive approach, which combines dependability analysis, security enforcement and trust assessment, and is centred around a lightweight adaptive monitoring framework. In this project paper, we overview the research that we are undertaking towards this objective and propose a unifying workflow process that encompasses all the CONNECT dependability/security/trust concepts and models.

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