Formal Verification of kLIBC with the WP Frama-C plug-in

Carvalho N, Sousa CS, Pinto JS, Tomb A.  2014.  Formal Verification of kLIBC with the WP Frama-C plug-in. Proceedings of the 6th NASA Formal Methods Symposium .

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science

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This paper presents our results in the formal verification of kLIBC, a minimalistic C library, using the Frama-C/WP tool. We report how we were able to completely verify a significant number of func- tions from and . We discuss difficulties encoun- tered and describe in detail a problem in the implementation of common functions, for which we suggest alternative implementations. Our work shows that it is presently already viable to verify low-level C code, with heavy usage of pointers. Although the properties proved tend to be shallower as the code becomes of a lower-level nature, it is our view that this is an important direction towards real-world software verifica- tion, which cannot be attained by focusing on deep properties of cleaner code, written specifically to be verified.

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