Workflows Representations

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Belo O, Faria J, Ribeiro AN, Oliveira B, Santos V.  2015.  Modeling E-Government Processes Using Yawl: Half-Way Towards Their Effective Real Implementation. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance - Icegov . :{288-291}. Abstractp288-belo.pdf

Today E-Government institutions face a lot of challenges related to the quality and effectiveness of the ervices they provide. In most cases, their users are more demanding, imposing new ways of acting and dealing with heir needs, requesting often expeditious and effective attendance. Independently for their nature, we believe that such pertinent characteristics begin to be sustained immediately as we start to study and model E-Government processes. Modeling and simulation are useful tools on the assurance of the availability of E-Government services in many aspects, contributing significantly to improve processes implementation, ranging from their inception to their final software application roll-up and maintenance. In this paper we studied the use of YAWL – a work flowing language – for modeling E-Government processes, showing through a real world application case how it can help us in the construction of effective models that may be used as a basis for understanding and building the correspondent software applications.