
He M, Vafeiadis V, Qin S, Ferreira JF.  2016.  Reasoning about Fences and Relaxed Atomics. Search Results 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing. Abstract2016-pdp-gpsfences.pdf

For efficiency reasons, weak (or relaxed) memory is now the norm on modern architectures. To cater for this trend, modern programming languages are adapting their memory models. The new C11 memory model allows several levels of memory weakening, including non-atomics, relaxed atomics, release-acquire atomics, and sequentially consistent atomics. Under such weak memory models, multithreaded programs exhibit more behaviours, some of which would have been inconsistent under the traditional strong (i.e. sequentially consistent) memory model. This makes the task of reasoning about concurrent programs even more challenging. The GPS framework, recently developed by Turon et al., has made a step forward towards tackling this challenge. By integrating ghost states, per-location protocols and separation logic, GPS can successfully verify programs with release-acquire atomics. In this paper, we present a program logic, an enhancement of the GPS framework, that can support the verification of a bigger class of C11 programs, that is, programs with release-acquire atomics, relaxed atomics and release-acquire fences. Key elements of our proposed logic include two new types of assertions, a more expressive resource model and a set of newly-designed verification rules.

Ferreira JF, He G, Qin S.  2012.  Automated Verification of the FreeRTOS Scheduler in HIP/SLEEK. Sixth International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE). :51-58. Abstract2012-automatedverificationfreertosscheduler.pdf

Automated verification of operating system kernels is a challenging problem, partly due to the use of shared mutable data structures. In this paper, we show how we can automatically verify memory safety and functional correctness of the task scheduler component of the FreeRTOS kernel using the verification system HIP/SLEEK. We show how some of HIP/SLEEK features like user-defined predicates and lemmas make the specifications highly expressive and the verification process viable. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first code-level verification of memory safety and functional correctness properties of the FreeRTOS scheduler. The outcome of our experiment confirms that HIP/SLEEK can indeed be used to verify code that is used in production. Moreover, since the properties that we verify are quite general, we envisage that the same approach can be adopted to verify the scheduler of other operating systems.

Ferreira JF, Huang Y, He G, Qin S, He J.  2013.  Deadline analysis of AUTOSAR OS periodic tasks in the presence of interrupts. 15th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods - ICFEM. Abstract2013-deadlineanalysisautosar_os.pdf

AUTOSAR, the open and emerging global standard for automotive embedded systems, offers a timing protection mechanism to protect tasks from missing their deadlines. However, in practice, it is difficult to predict when a deadline is violated, because a task missing its deadline may be caused by unrelated tasks or by the presence of interrupts. In this paper, we propose an abstract formal model to rep- resent AUTOSAR OS programs with timing protection. We are able to determine schedulability properties and to calculate constraints on the allowed time that interrupts can take for a given task in a given period. We implement our model in Mathematica and give a case study to illus- trate the utility of our method. Based on the results, we believe that our work can help designers and implementors of AUTOSAR OS programs check whether their programs satisfy crucial timing properties.

Ferreira JF, Gherghina C, He G, Qin S, Chin W-N.  2014.  Automated verification of the FreeRTOS scheduler in HIP/SLEEK. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer. 16(4):381-397. Abstract2014-sttt-automatedverificationfreertosscheduler.pdf

Automated verification of operating system kernels is a challenging problem, partly due to the use of shared mutable data structures. In this paper, we show how we can automatically verify memory safety and functional correctness properties of the task scheduler component of the FreeRTOS kernel using the verification system Hip/Sleek. We show how some of Hip/Sleek features like user-defined predicates and lemmas make the specifications highly expressive and the verification process viable. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first code-level verification of memory safety and functional correctness properties of the FreeRTOS scheduler. The outcome of our experiment confirms that Hip/Sleek can indeed be used to verify code that is used in production. Moreover, since the properties that we verify are quite general, we envisage that the same approach can be adopted to verify components of other operating systems.