About me...

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I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science from The University of York, and have been working on the application of formal software engineering techniques and tools to the modelling and analysis of interactive systems for over 15 years. I am particularly interested in bringing closer the software engineering (SE) and human-computer interaction (HCI) fields, with a focus on automated reasoning techniques and tools. I am currently the chair of the IFIP working group 2.7/13.4 on User Interface Engineering.

Current and recent funded research includes: model-based testing of user interfaces; prototyping of ambience intelligence systems using virtual reality simulations; reverse engineering for the analysis and transformation of the user interface layer of software systems; formal modelling and analysis of interactive systems; and model checking of the control logic of industrial machinery.
I was the coordinator of the University of Minho's node in REVVIS - a CYTED thematic network on Software Verification and Validation, and is currently cooperating with the Brazilian Aeronautics and Space Institute on the verification and validation of space systems' software. He also regularly cooperates with industry (EFACEC Automação, Cachapuz, IT Peers) in applied research projects.

I am a member of IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 on User Interface Engineering, and a founding member of the Engineering Interactive Computer Systems community of ACM. Among other roles, I was general co-chair for EICS 2012 and tutorials co-chair for INTERACT 2011, and I served in the steering committee of the EICS series of conferences from 2011 to 2014. I regularly serves in the programme committees of several conferences, including IFIP TC13 INTERACT, and ACM EICS. I was awarded an International Excellence Award by the BCS HCI Group (2009), and a Recognition of Service Award by ACM (2012).