
Tool demonstration paper accepted at POST14

Tool demonstration paper "Compiling CAO: from Cryptographic Specifications to C Implementations" accepted at POST14 (part of ETAPS 2014: 5-13 April 2014, Grenoble, France).

Paper accepted at FASE

Our paper on target-oriented model finding has been accepted at the 17th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE).

Echo at ASE'13

I've just presented our tool Echo at ASE'13.

New homepage

Hello World!

Ph.D. concluded

Last monday, 21st October 2013, I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis.

The members of the jury were Professor Luís Rodrigues, Professor Spyros Voulgaris, Professor Pascal Felber, Professor José Pereira and José Oliveira.

HASLab Open-Day

O HASLab é Parceiro Privilegiado do INESCTEC e dedica-se a produzir sistemas de software confiáveis em contextos em que a correção, capacidade de resposta, robustez e segurança são incontornáveis e tipicamente alvo de certificação.

Desenvolve investigação integrada em três linhas e aborda os problemas tomando partido da sinergia entre elas: a engenharia de software, os sistemas distribuídos, e a criptografia e segurança de informação.

LNCS tutorial notes

Our lectures notes on the DSL'13 Summer School will be published by an LNCS book of the school.


We've just presented our ongoing work at the III FATBIT Meeting.

Tool Demo accepted at ASE

Our tool demo of Echo has been accepted at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).


We've just presented our ongoing work at the II FATBIT Meeting.



Paper accepted at BX

Our paper on least-change bidirectional transformation has been accepted at the International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (BX).

Invited for the SBLP'12 special issue (SCP)

Our SBLP'12 was invited for the special issue to be published by the SCP journal.

Paper accepted at FASE

Our paper on bidirectional QVT-R transformations has been accepted at the International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE).