
PTCRISync project

We have been commissioned by the FCT to participate in the development of an ORCID-based synchronization framework for the Portuguese Current Research Information System (PTCRIS).

RAMiCS'15 in Braga

Interested in algebraic and relation methods in computer science? Please consider submitting to

Joined BESTCASE project

I've joined the BESTCASE project on languages and tools for critical real time systems as a post-doctoral researcher.

PhD thesis defended

I've successfully defended my PhD thesis at the University of Minho.

Paper accepted at SoSyM

Our paper on least-change bidirectional model transformations has been accepted at the Springer's International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM).

journal ASE: "Model Inference for Spreadsheets"

Journal of Automated Software Engineering

journal TSE: "Embedding, Evolution, and Validation of Model-Driven Spreadsheets"

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

Going to P2P'14

I'll be at P2P'14 as co-author of a paper on using gossip protocols for live video streaming (LayStream: composing standard gossip protocols for live video streaming) and on the gossip protocols to tackle the emerging challenges of the SmartGrid (A peer-to-peer service architecture for the Smart Grid (short paper)). 

HASLab ganha prémio internacional através do seu núcleo Green Software Lab

O esforço desenvolvido no Green Software Lab do HASLab foi premiado internacionalmente!

No contexto dos nossos esforços de investigação com vista à redução do consumo de energia por análise e transformação de software, vencemos um prémio de mérito no valor de $2000.

Paper accepted at VL/HCC

Our paper on bidirectional spreadsheet formulas has been accepted at IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC).

Paper accepted at BX

Our paper on multidirectional model transformation has been accepted at the International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (BX).