Implementing QVT-R Bidirectional Model Transformations Using Alloy

Cunha A, Macedo N.  2013.  Implementing QVT-R Bidirectional Model Transformations Using Alloy. 16th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - FASE. 7793:297–311.

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QVT Relations (QVT-R) is the standard language proposed by the OMG to specify bidirectional model transformations. Unfortunately, in part due to ambiguities and omissions in the original seman- tics, acceptance and development of effective tool support has been slow. Recently, the checking semantics of QVT-R has been clarified and formalized. In this paper we propose a QVT-R tool that complies to such semantics. Unlike any other existing tool, it also supports meta-models enriched with OCL constraints (thus avoiding returning ill-formed models), and proposes an alternative enforcement semantics that works ac- cording to the simple and predictable “principle of least change”. The implementation is based on an embedding of both QVT-R transformations and UML class diagrams (annotated with OCL) in Alloy, a lightweight formal specification language with support for automatic model finding via SAT solving.

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