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Ambient Intelligence for Virtual Teams and Virtual Organizations

Scope and Topics

Collaborative Networks, Virtual Organizations and Information Technologies are changing the way people interact with its surroundings.

Ambient Intelligence is an emerging research area that has received much attention in recent years, concerned with the implications of embedding computing devices into the environment, and how human and artificial agents can interact in such technological contexts. The infrastructure for ambient intelligence is coming on line. Computational resources are becoming cheaper, while ubiquitous network access has started to appear, which, together, ease the increasing interest on the development of collaborative networked organizations.

Different devices equipped with simple intelligence and the abilities to sense, communicate and act, will be unremarkable features of our world. Therefore, one takes the view that ambient intelligence is imminent and inevitable and it may be of great interest in virtual organizations and virtual enterprises scenarios. This session will provide the opportunity to gather researchers from a variety of scientific research fields together with representatives of commercial interests, to explore the technology and the application of ambient intelligence environments in the context of virtual enterprises development, management and administration.

This session intends to focus, mainly but not exclusively, on the linking of traditional visions of ambient intelligence towards people with a vision of people interacting with business, enterprises and organizations. Therefore, we expect contributions emphasizing topics such as ambient intelligence and virtual enterprises, ubiquitous computing and communication in virtual organizations, intelligent user interfaces in complex environments (smart homes, hospitals, transportation, roads, manufacturing, etc.), with a strong emphasis on practical applications.


Full paper submission: 28 . February . 2007
Acceptance notice: 30 . April . 2007
Camera-ready submission: 12 . May . 2007 

Acceptance of papers is based on the full paper (up to 8 pages). Each paper will be evaluated by members of the Program Committee.

Paper Submission

Papers must be submitted through the PRO-VE 2007 Conference submission link.

Structure of the Event

The core of the  event will be the presentation of recent advances in research and applications, and debates about different topics of interest.

All papers accepted will be published in the proceedings of the conference.

Call for Papers 

The Call for Papers for this special session is available here.


At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the session to present the paper and register in the main Conference.

Program Committee

António Abelha - Portugal
Carlos Ramos - Portugal
Cesar Analide - Portugal
Juan Carlos Augusto - Spain
Ichiro Satoh - Japan
Manuel Filipe Santos - Portugal
Monica Divitini - Norway

(to be completed)

Organizing Committee

António Abelha - Engineering School, Universidade do Minho
Cesar Analide - Engineering School, Universidade do Minho

Contact Information

António Abelha
University of Minho - Department of Informatics
Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Tel.: +351-253 604 470
Fax: +351-253 604 471
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