@ARTICLE{JH07:mini, author = "Joshi, Rajeev and Holzmann, Gerard", title = {A mini challenge: build a verifiable filesystem}, journal = {\mbox{Formal Aspects of Computing}}, year = 2007, volume = 19, number=2, pages = "269-272(4)", month = jun, note = "", abstract = "We propose tackling a mini challenge problem: a nontrivial verification effort that can be completed in 2-3 years, and will help establish notational standards, common formats, and libraries of benchmarks that will be essential in order for the verification community to collaborate on meeting Hoare's 15-year verification grand challenge. We believe that a suitable candidate for such a mini challenge is the development of a filesystem that is verifiably reliable and secure. The paper argues why we believe a filesystem is the right candidate for a mini challenge and describes a project in which we are building a small embedded filesystem for use with flash memory.", url = "http://eis.jpl.nasa.gov/lars/", doi = "doi:10.1007/s00165-006-0022-3", } @ARTICLE{CBO05:algtoobj, author = "Cruz, M. A. and Barbosa, L. S. and Oliveira, J. N.", title = {From Algebras to Objects: Generation and Composition}, journal = {\mbox{Journal of Universal Computer Science}}, year = 2004, volume = 11, number = 10, pages = "1580-1612(33)", month = oct, note = "", abstract = "This paper addresses objectification, a formal specification technique which inspects the potential for ob ject-orientation of a declarative model and brings the ’im- plicit ob jects’ explicit. Criteria for such ob jectification are formalized and implemented in a runnable prototype tool which embeds Vdm-sl into Vdm++. The paper also in- cludes a quick presentation of a (coinductive) calculus of such generated ob jects, framed as generalised Moore machines.", } @MASTERSTHESIS{S07:vdmhol, author = "Vermolen, Sander Dani{\"e}l", title = {\mbox{Automatically Discharging VDM Proof Obligations using HOL}}, school = "Radboud University Nijmegen", type = "Master's thesis", address = "Computing Science Department", month = jun # "-" # aug, year = 2007, note = "", } @ARTICLE{W01:jffs, author = "Woodhouse, David", title = "JFFS: The Journalling File System", year = 2001, } @MISC{SITE:yaffs, key = "Yet Another Flash File System", note = "http://www.yaffs.net/", }