Examples of Pointwise - Pointfree transformations

Crossed.hs - original

module Crossed where

-- since the four matches are disjoint, it is possible to swap them
--  to merge matches before removing guards.
crossed (h:t1) x | h == 0 = x
crossed []     y | y > 0  = 1
crossed (h:t2) z | otherwise = -z
crossed []     v | v < 0  = -1

Crossed.hs - resulting

module Crossed where

-- since the four matches are disjoint, it is possible to swap them
--  to merge matches before removing guards.
crossed ((h : xx_0)) xx_1
    = if h == 0 then xx_1 else -xx_1
crossed [] xx_2
    =   if xx_2 > 0
        then 1
        else if xx_2 < 0
             then -1
             else error "UnMatched Pattern"

Decl.hs - original

module Decl where

-- The declaration will be converted into a let inside the expressions.

f x y | x < 0 = x where x = y
f u v | u > 0 = -v
f a b | otherwise = 0

Decl.hs - resulting

module Decl where

-- The declaration will be converted into a let inside the expressions.

f xx_2 xx_3
    =   if let x = xx_3 in x < 0
        then let x = xx_3 in x
        else if xx_2 > 0 then -xx_3 else 0

IrrPat.hs - original

module IrrPat where

import Maybe

-- A let will be added to the expressions.

func :: Maybe Int -> Int
func ~(v@(Just x)) | isJust v = x
func v             | otherwise = 0

IrrPat.hs - resulting

module IrrPat where

import Maybe

-- A let will be added to the expressions.

func :: Maybe Int -> Int
func xx_1
    =   if let (v@(Just x)) = xx_1 in isJust v
        then let (v@(Just x)) = xx_1 in x
        else 0

A.hs - original

module A where

data X a = A | B a | C {x,y::a}

-- only the second match will not be merged, and the otherwise case is not
--  present in none of the expressions.

f (C {x = myx}) ([],0)    x | x < 0  = myx   
f A             (lst,0)   x | x == 1 = head lst  -- disjoint from others
f (C a b)       r@([] ,0) x | x > 0  = snd r
f (B 0)         (a,b)     x | x == 2 = b
f ((B 0))       (a,c)     x | x == 3 = -c

A.hs - resulting

module A where

data X a = A | B a | C {x,y::a}

-- only the second match will not be merged, and the otherwise case is not
--  present in none of the expressions.

f A (lst, 0) x
    =   if x == 1
        then head lst
        else error "UnMatched Pattern"
f (C xx_0 xx_1) xx_2@([], 0) x
    =   if x < 0
        then xx_0
        else if x > 0
             then snd xx_2
             else error "UnMatched Pattern"
f (B 0) (a, xx_3) x
    =   if x == 2
        then xx_3
        else if x == 3
             then -xx_3
             else error "UnMatched Pattern"

B.hs - original

module B where

data X a = A | B a | C {x,y::a}

-- Same as module A, but the last match makes every other match inconsitent,
--  because after converting to an if then else the last match may become
--  impossible to reach.
-- So no alterations will be made, except for some indentation differences.

f (C {x = myx}) ([],0)    x | x < 0  = myx   
f A             (lst,0)   x | x == 1 = head lst  -- disjoint from others
f (C a b)       r@([] ,0) x | x > 0  = snd r
f (B 0)         (a,b)     x | x == 2 = b
f ((B 0))       (a,c)     x | x == 3 = -c
f _             _         _ = 0

B.hs - resulting

module B where

data X a = A | B a | C {x,y::a}

-- Same as module A, but the last match makes every other match inconsitent,
--  because after converting to an if then else the last match may become
--  impossible to reach.
-- So no alterations will be made, except for some indentation differences.

f (C{x = myx}) ([], 0) x | x < 0 = myx
f A (lst, 0) x | x == 1 = head lst
f (C a b) r@([], 0) x | x > 0 = snd r
f (B 0) (a, b) x | x == 2 = b
f ((B 0)) (a, c) x | x == 3 = -c
f _ _ _ = 0