@inproceedings{PintoJS:tokpirst, Abstract = {Token-passing nets were proposed by Sinot as a simple mechanism for encoding evaluation strategies for the ¿-calculus in interaction nets. This work extends token-passing nets to cover a typed functional language equipped with structured types and unrestricted recursion. The resulting interaction system is derived systematically from the chosen big-step operational semantics. Along the way, we actually characterize and discuss several design decisions of token-passing nets and extend them in order to achieve simpler interaction net systems with a higher degree of embedded parallelism.}, Annote = {doi:10.1016/j.entcs.2008.03.061 }, Author = {Jos\'{e} Bacelar Almeida and Jorge Sousa Pinto and Miguel Vila\c{c}a}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS'07)}, Editor = {J. Giesl}, Keywords = {Interaction nets; reduction strategies; ¿-calculus; recursion}, Pages = {181-198}, Series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science }, Title = {{T}oken-passing {N}ets for {F}unctional {L}anguages}, Volume = {204}, Year = {2007}}