(******************************************************** Coq as a Programming Language *********************************************************) Definition double (x:nat) : nat := 2 * x. (*check the type of an expression*) Check double. (*prints the definition of an identifier*) Print double. (*performs evaluation of an expression strategy: call-by-value; reductions: delta*) Eval cbv delta [double] in (double 22). (*"Eval compute" is equivalent to "Eval cbv delta beta iota zeta"*) Eval compute in (double 22). (* INDUCTIVE DATATYPES *) (* List type constructor *) Inductive list (A:Set) : Set := | nil : list A | cons : A -> list A -> list A. (* Trees *) Inductive tree (A:Set) : Set := | empty : tree A | node : tree A -> A -> tree A -> tree A. Check list_rec. (*RECURSIVE FUNCTIONS ON LISTS*) (*Length of a list*) Definition length' (A:Set) : list A -> nat := list_rec A (fun _=>nat) 0 (fun x xs r=> 1+r). Eval cbv delta beta iota in (length' nat (cons nat 1 (cons nat 1 (nil nat)))). (*Concatenation of lists*) Definition app' (A:Set) (l1 l2:list A) : list A := list_rec A (fun _=>list A) l2 (fun x xs r=> cons A x r) l1. Eval compute in (app' nat (cons nat 1 (nil nat)) (cons nat 2 (nil nat))). (*IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS...*) Implicit Arguments nil [A]. Implicit Arguments cons [A]. Implicit Arguments length' [A]. Implicit Arguments app' [A]. Eval compute in (length' (cons 1 (cons 1 nil))). Eval compute in (app' (cons 1 nil) (cons 2 nil)). Set Implicit Arguments. (*USING Fixpoint*) Fixpoint length (A:Set) (l:list A) : nat := match l with | nil => 0 | cons x xs => 1 + (length xs) end. Fixpoint app (A:Set) (l1 l2:list A) {struct l1} : list A := match l1 with | nil => l2 | cons x xs => cons x (app xs l2) end. (*DEPENDENT TYPES IN PROGRAMMING...*) Inductive Vec (A:Set) : nat -> Set := | Vnil : Vec A O | Vcons : forall (x:A) (n:nat), Vec A n -> Vec A (S n). Check (Vcons 1 (Vnil nat)). Fixpoint appVec (A:Set)(n1 n2:nat)(v1:Vec A n1)(v2:Vec A n2){struct v1}:Vec A (n1+n2) := match v1 in Vec _ m return Vec A (m+n2) with | Vnil => v2 | Vcons x m' v' => Vcons x (appVec v' v2) end. Eval compute in appVec (Vcons 1 (Vnil nat)) (Vcons 2 (Vcons 3 (Vnil nat))). (*An example of a program that is impossible to read (write?) *) Fixpoint VecHead (A : Set) (n : nat) (v : Vec A (S n)) {struct v}: A := (match v in (Vec _ l) return (l <> 0 -> A) with | Vnil => fun h : 0 <> 0 => False_rec A (h (refl_equal 0)) | Vcons x m' _ => fun _ : S m' <> 0 => x end) (* proof of Sn<>0 *) (fun H : S n = 0 => let H0 := eq_ind (S n) (fun e : nat => match e with | 0 => False | S _ => True end) I 0 H in False_ind False H0). (******************************************************** Coq as an Interactive Proof-Development Environment *********************************************************) (*Proof-term defined explicitly*) Definition simple_proof (A:Prop) (x:A) : A := x. Check simple_proof. Theorem ex1 : forall A B:Prop, A -> (A->B) -> B. intros A B H H0. apply H0. exact H. Qed. (*Interactive definition of the S combinator "Definition Scomb (A B C:Set) (x:A->B->C) (y:A->B) (z:A) : C := x." *) Definition Scomb (A B C:Set) : (A->B->C) -> (A->B) -> A -> C. intros A B C x y z. apply x. exact z. apply y; exact z. Defined. Print Scomb. (* Mixing interactive and definitional styles. REFINE tactic (a reasonable way to define "VecHead") *) Definition VecHead' (A:Set) (n:nat) (v:Vec A (S n)) : A. refine (fun A n v => match v in Vec _ l return (l<>0)->A with | Vnil => _ | Vcons x m' v => _ end _). intro h; elim h; reflexivity. intro h; exact x. discriminate. Defined. (* LOGICAL REASONING *) (*definitions*) (* (* False (absurd) is encoded as an empty type *) Inductive False : Prop :=. (* NEGATION - notation: ~A *) Definition not (A:Prop) : Prop := A -> False. (* AND - notation: A /\ B *) Inductive and (A B:Prop) : Prop := conj : A -> B -> and A B. (* OR - notation: A \/ B *) Inductive or (A B:Prop) : Prop := | or_introl : A -> or A B | or_intror : B -> or A B. (* EXISTENCIAL QUANT. - notation "exists x, P x" *) Inductive ex (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : Prop := ex_intro : forall x : A, P x -> ex P *) Theorem ex2 : forall A B, A/\B -> A\/B. intros; apply or_introl. apply and_ind with A B; try assumption. intros; assumption. Qed. Theorem ex2' : forall A B, A/\B -> A\/B. intros A B H; left; elim H; intros; assumption. Qed. (*First-order reasoning*) Theorem ex3 : forall (X:Set) (P:X->Prop), ~(exists x, P x) -> (forall x, ~(P x)). unfold not; intros. apply H. exists x (*apply ex_intro with x*); assumption. Qed. (* Exercise: prove the reverse implication Theorem ex3' : forall (X:Set) (P:X->Prop), (forall x, ~(P x)) -> ~(exists x, P x). *) (* CLASSICAL REASONING *) Axiom EM : forall P:Prop, P \/ ~P. Theorem ex4 : forall (X:Set) (P:X->Prop), ~(forall x, ~(P x)) -> (exists x, P x). intros. elim (EM ((exists x, P x))). intro; assumption. intro H0; elim H; red; intros; apply H0; exists x; assumption. Qed. (* Exercise: prove the other formulas... Theorem Pierce : forall P Q, ((P->Q)->P)->P. Theorem NNE : forall P, ~~P -> P. Theorem deMorgan1 : forall U P, ~(forall n:U, ~ P n) -> (exists n : U, P n). Theorem deMorgan2 : forall U (P:U->Prop), ~ (forall n:U, P n) -> exists n:U, ~ P n. Theorem deMorgan3 : forall U P, ~ (exists n : U, ~ P n) -> forall n:U, P n. *) (* SECTIONS *) Section Test. Variable U : Set. Hypothesis Q R: U->Prop. Theorem ex6: (forall x, Q x)/\(forall x, R x) -> (forall x, Q x /\ R x). intro H; elim H; intros H1 H2; split; [apply H1 | apply H2]; assumption. Qed. Let conj (a b:Prop) := a/\b. Hypothesis W Z:Prop. Definition ex7 := conj W Z. Check ex6. Print ex7. End Test. (*Note that local variables are abstracted*) Check ex6. Print ex7. (*OTHER USES OF AXIOMS*) (*A stack abstract data type*) Section Stack. Variable U:Type. Parameter stack : Type -> Type. Parameter emptyS : stack U. Parameter push : U -> stack U -> stack U. Parameter pop : stack U -> stack U. Parameter top : stack U -> U. Parameter isEmpty : stack U -> Prop. Axiom emptyS_isEmpty : isEmpty emptyS. Axiom push_notEmpty : forall x s, ~isEmpty (push x s). Axiom pop_push : forall x s, pop (push x s) = s. Axiom top_push : forall x s, top (push x s) = x. End Stack. Check pop_push. (*Now we can make use of Stacks in our formalisation!!!*) (* A NOTE OF CAUTION!!! *) Section Caution. Check False_ind. Axiom ABSURD : False. Theorem ex8 : forall (P:Prop), P /\ ~P. elim ABSURD. Qed. End Caution. (* EQUALITY *) Section Equality. (* eq definition Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop := refl_equal : x = x. *) Variable X:Set. Check eq_ind. Lemma ex9 : forall a b c:X, a=b -> b=c -> a=c. intros a b c H1 H2. elim H2 (*apply eq_ind with X b*). (*now, assumption kills the goal... instead, we proceed with rewriting...*) elim H1. reflexivity (*apply refl_equal*). Qed. End Equality. (* CONVERTIBILITY *) Section Convertibility. Lemma app_nil : forall (A:Set) (l:list A), app nil l = l. intros. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. End Convertibility. (* INDUCTION *) Section Induction. Theorem app_l_nil : forall (A:Set) (l:list A), app l nil = l. intros A l; pattern l. apply list_ind. reflexivity. intros a l0 IH; simpl; rewrite IH; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem app_l_nil' : forall (A:Set) (l:list A), app l nil = l. intros A l; elim l. reflexivity. intros a l0 IH; simpl; rewrite IH; reflexivity. Qed. (* INDUCTIVE PREDICATES *) (* A property (predicate) on natural numbers *) Inductive Even : nat -> Prop := | Even_base : Even 0 | Even_step : forall n, Even n -> Even (S (S n)). (* An inductive relation "x is the last element of list l" *) Inductive last (A:Set) (x:A) : list A -> Prop := | last_base : last x (cons x nil) | last_step : forall l y, last x l -> last x (cons y l). (* Exercise: Use the inversion tactic to prove that forall x, ~(last x nil). Can you avoid using that tactic? (second part is difficult) Exercise (difficult): Define the "Odd" predicate and prove that (Even n)->(Odd (S n)). *) (* An example of mutually defined inductive types *) Inductive EVEN : nat -> Prop := | EVEN_base : EVEN 0 | EVEN_step : forall n, ODD n -> EVEN (S n) with ODD : nat -> Prop := | ODD_step : forall n, EVEN n -> ODD (S n). End Induction. (* Use of libraries *) Require Import List. Check map.