Section Aula1. (* ------------ Propositional Logic ------------ *) Variables Q P :Prop. Lemma ex1 : (P -> Q) -> ~Q -> ~P. Proof. intros. intro. apply H0. apply H. exact H1. Qed. Axiom double_neg_law : forall A:Prop, ~~A -> A. (* classical *) Lemma ex2 : (~Q -> ~P) -> P -> Q. (* this result is only valid classically *) Proof. intros. apply double_neg_law. intro. apply H. assumption. assumption. Qed. Theorem ex3 : forall A:Prop, A -> ~~A. Proof. intros. intro. apply H0; exact H. Qed. Lemma ex3' : forall A:Prop, A -> ~~A. Proof. intros. red. (* does only the unfolding of the head of the goal *) intro. unfold not in H0. apply H0; assumption. Save. Goal forall A:Prop, A -> ~~A. intros. unfold not. intro H0; apply H0; assumption. Abort. Lemma ex4 : P /\ Q -> Q /\ P. Proof. intro H. split. destruct H as [H1 H2]. exact H2. destruct H; assumption. Qed. Lemma ex5 : P \/ Q -> Q \/ P. Proof. intros. destruct H as [h1 | h2]. right. assumption. left; assumption. Qed. Variable B :Prop. Variable C :Prop. Lemma ex6 : (P->Q) /\ (B->C) /\ P /\ B -> Q/\C. (* exercise *) Lemma ex7 : ~ (P /\ ~P). (* exercise *) Lemma ex8 : (P\/Q)/\~P -> Q. (* exercise *) Lemma ex9 : ~(P \/ Q) <-> ~P /\ ~Q. Proof. red. split. intros. split. unfold not in H. intro H1. apply H. left; assumption. intro H1; apply H; right; assumption. intros H H1. destruct H. destruct H1. apply H; assumption. apply H0; assumption. Qed. Lemma ex9' : ~(P \/ Q) <-> ~P /\ ~Q. Proof. tauto. Abort. (* ------------ First-Order Logic ------------ *) Variable X :Set. Variable t :X. Variables R W : X -> Prop. Lemma ex10 : R(t) -> (forall x, R(x)->~W(x)) -> ~W(t). Proof. intros. apply H0. exact H. Qed. Lemma ex11 : forall x, R x -> exists x, R x. Proof. intros. exists x. assumption. Qed. Lemma ex12 : (exists x, ~(R x)) -> ~ (forall x, R x). Proof. intros H H1. destruct H as [x0 H0]. apply H0. apply H1. Qed. (* Exercise *) Lemma ex13 : (forall x, R x) \/ (forall x, W x) -> forall x, (R x) \/ (W x). Variable G : X->X->Prop. (* Exercise *) Lemma ex14 : (exists x, exists y, (G x y)) -> exists y, exists x, (G x y). (* ------------ Dealing with the equality ------------ *) Require Import Arith. Check O. Check S. Print nat. Check (S (S (S O))). Eval compute in 3+5*2. (* Finding existing proofs *) Search le. SearchPattern (_ + _ <= _ + _). SearchRewrite (_+(_-_)). SearchAbout ge. Lemma ex15 : 1 <= 3. Proof. Search le. apply le_S. apply le_S. apply le_n. Qed. Lemma ex16 : forall x y:nat, x <= 5 -> 5 <= y -> x <= y. Proof. intros. Search le. Check le_trans. apply le_trans with (m:=5). assumption. assumption. Qed. Lemma ex17 : forall x y:nat, (x + y) * (x + y) = x*x + 2*x*y + y*y. Proof. intros. SearchRewrite (_ * (_ + _)). rewrite mult_plus_distr_l. SearchRewrite ((_ + _) * _). rewrite mult_plus_distr_r. rewrite mult_plus_distr_r. SearchRewrite (_ + (_ + _)). rewrite plus_assoc. rewrite <- plus_assoc with (n := x * x). SearchPattern (?x * ?y = ?y * ?x). rewrite mult_comm with (n:= y) (m:=x). SearchRewrite (S _ * _). pattern (x * y) at 1; rewrite <- mult_1_l. rewrite <- mult_succ_l. SearchRewrite (_ * ( _ * _)). rewrite mult_assoc. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma ex18 : forall n:nat, n <= 2*n. Proof. induction n. simpl. Search le. apply le_refl. simpl. Search le. apply le_n_S. SearchPattern (_<= _ + _). apply le_plus_l. Qed. End Aula1.