@Techreport{BH86a, author = "Leonor Barroca and Pedro Rangel Henriques", title = "Especifica\c{c}\~{a}o e implementa\c{c}\~{a}o de um compilador para a linguagem {LISS}", year = 1986, type = "Relat\'orio Interno do {CCES}", month = "Sep.", institution = "G.D. de Ci\^encias da Computa\c{c}\~ao, D.I./ Univ. Minho", number = "", annote = "compilacao, semantica, espec funcional" } @Article{HVMLGW05, author = {Pedro Henriques and Maria João Varanda and Marjan Mernik and Mitja Lenic and Jeff Gray and Hui Wu}, title = {Automatic Generation of Language-based Tools using LISA System}, journal ={IEE Software Journal}, year = {2005}, month = {April}, volume = {152}, number = {2}, pages = {54-70} } @InProceedings{CH07b, author = {Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {LISS --- The language and the compiler}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Compiler Related Technologies and Applications (CoRTA'07 - Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal)}, year = {2007}, editor = {}, month = {Jul.}, annote = "compilacao, ga, geracao codigo, VM" } @Proceedings{WAGA90, title = "Attribute Grammars and their Applications", editor = "P. Deransart and M. Jourdan", organization = "{INRIA}", year = 1990, month = Sep, publisher = sv, note = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, nu. 461", annote = "compilacao, atributos" } @Book{RH02, author= {José Carlos Ramalho and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {XML \& XSL: da teoria à prática}, publisher = {Editora FCA}, series = {Série Tecnologias de Informação ISBN-972-722-347-8}, edition= {1st Ed.}, month = {Oct}, year = {2002} } @InBook{Val90a, author = "Jos\'e M. Valen\c{c}a", title = "Processos, {O}bjectos e {C}omunica\c{c}\~ao ({O}p\c{c}\~ao I - {MCC})", chapter = 2, year = 1990, month = Oct, publisher = gdcc, address = um, annote = "programacao oobjectos, proc comunicantes, espec formal" } @Incollection{RRH02, author = {F\'atima Rodrigues and Carlos Ramos and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {Data Reduction to Improve Knowledge Extraction}, booktitle = {Enterprise Information Systems III}, editor = {J.Filipe, B.Sharp and Miranda}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, pages = {137-145}, year = 2002 } @Phdthesis{Mos75a, author = "P. D. Mosses", title = "Mathematical Semantics and Compiler Generation", year = 1975, school = "Oxford University", annote = "compilacao incremental, atributos, ambientes prog" } @Unpublished{CH06a, author = {Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {LISS – Language, Compiler & Companion}, booktitle = {Invited Talk at the Conference on Compiler Technologies for .Net (CTNET'06 - Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal)}, year = {2006}, editor = {}, month = {Mar.}, annote = "compilacao, ga, geracao codigo, VM" } @Misc{CH05a, author = {Daniela da Cruz and Pedro Rangel Henriques}, title = {LISS - Language of Integers, Sequences and Sets}, howpublished = {Talk to the gEPL, Dep. Inform\'atica / Univ. Minho}, year = 2005, month = {Oct.}, annote = "compilacao, ga, geracao codigo, VM" }