-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2014/5) -- NB: this is not a library, it is just a script of demos. -- The useful material can be found in libraries BTree.hs and LTree.hs import Data.List import System.Time import System.Process import GHC.IO.Exception import Cp import List import Nat import Exp import BTree import LTree import St import Probability --- (a) BTree virtual data structure display ---------------------------------- --- Quicksort ------------------------------------------------------------------ qSort_vtree x = (pict. (anaBTree qsep)) x --- Towers of Hanoi ------------------------------------------------------------ hanoi_vtree = pict . (anaBTree strategy) --- (b) LTree virtual data structure display ----------------------------------- --- Fibonacci ------------------------------------------------------------------ fib_vtree n = (pict . (anaLTree fibd)) n --- Mergesort ------------------------------------------------------------------ mSort_vtree [] = (expShow "_.html") (Var " ") mSort_vtree l = (pict.(anaLTree lsplit )) l -- Double factorial ------------------------------------------------------------ dfac_vtree 0 = (expShow "_.html") (Var "1") dfac_vtree n = (pict. (anaLTree dfacd)) (1,n) --- (c) Decorating BTrees with the state monad --------------------------------- f Empty = return Empty f(Node(a,(x,y))) = do { n <- get ; put(n+1); x' <- f x ; y' <- f y ; return (Node((a,n),(x',y'))) } test = st(f t) 0 where t = anaBTree qsep "aecrecrsdadcedx" --- (d) A study of fibonacci --------------------------------------------------- -- pointwise version of fib = hyloLTree (either (const 1) add) fibd fibpw 0 = 1 fibpw 1 = 1 fibpw n = fibpw (n-1) + fibpw (n-2) -- linear version O(n) after mutual recursion law fiblpw n = let (a,b) = aux n in b where aux 0 = (1,1) aux n = let (a,b) = aux (n-1) in (a+b,a) -- IO-monadic version o fibpw showing algorithm evolution fibpwm 0 = return 1 fibpwm 1 = return 1 fibpwm n = do putStr("\nfib("++show n ++") = ...\n"); a <- fibpwm(n-1) ; b <- fibpw(n-2); -- putStr("\nn-1="++show(n-1)++" n="++show(n-2)++" a+b="++show(a+b)++"\n"); return (a + b) -- IO-monadic version o fibpw' showing algorithm evolution fiblpwm n = do (a,b) <- auxm n ; putStr("\nresult="++(show b)++"\n") where auxm 0 = return (1,1) auxm n = do (a,b) <- auxm(n-1); putStr("\nn="++show n ++" (a+b,a)="++show(a+b,a)++"\n"); return (a+b,a) -- measuring time costs: trun f a = do start <- getClockTime print(f a) end <- getClockTime print (diffClockTimes end start) tanalysis f f' a = do start <- getClockTime print(f a) mid <- getClockTime print(f' a) end <- getClockTime print (diffClockTimes mid start) print (diffClockTimes end mid) print $ div (tdPicosec(diffClockTimes mid start)) (tdPicosec(diffClockTimes end mid)) -- trun fib 19 -- trun fiblpw 19