The documentation of the NatSkinPlugin only covers the additional tags that have been implemented. Have a look at the NatSkin topic for more information.
returns the current topic revision (compatible among all TWiki engines)
returns a link on to add or change the form attached to a topic. This will be shown on the edit screen depending on WEBFORMs being defined or not. More precisely FORMBUTTON returns
The optional %lt;format>
string may contain the following variables
: the url of the link
: the link text
: the complete anchor including the link and the text
For example %FORMBUTTON{"| $1"}%
will generate a pipe and the formbutton
if possible. See the edit.nat.tmpl
template file of the NatSkin.
get the current skin style; the priority is
set in (a) the user preferences (b) the WebPreferences or (c) TWikiPreferences
%IFSKINSTATE{<tests> then="..." else="..."}%
conditionally returns content depending on the current skin state; <tests> can be
: test if the current style is <name>
: test if the style variation is <name>
: test if the current border is on, off or "thin"
: test if the web buttons are currently on or off
: test if the sidebar is currently on the right, left or off
: test if the searchbox is currently on given position or off
: test if the twiki release this plugin is installed on is Beijing, Cairo or Dakar
: test the current topic action
: control wether to eat surrounding whitespaces or not
: test if a skin state variable called <name> is set to be changeable or not using the the FINALPREFERENCES setting; known names are are "style", "sidebar", "buttons", "border", "variation" or "searchbox"; "all" tests wether you can vary the skin at all; "switches" tests of you can change at least one of "sidebar", "buttons", "border" or "searchbox"
The tag will render the "then" content if all tests evaluate to true and the "else" content otherwise. Tested strings can be regular expressions.
%IFSKINSTATETHEN{<tests>}% <then content> [%ELSIFSKINSTATE{<tests>}% <elsif content>]* [%ELSESKINSTATE% <else content>]? %FISKINSTATE%
This is the multi-line version of IFSKINSTATE that uses the
same tests as above but takes the content from between the sections; thus,
arbitrary TWikiML might be rendered conditionaly. IFSKINSTATETHEN
expressions can be nested safely. Within a single IFSKINSTATETHEN the
ELSIFSKINSTATE parts can be repeated arbitrarily. Before rendering the
<then|elsif|else condition>
any $nop
string will be removed first.
Thereby nested TWikiML expressions can be prevented from being expanded in
returns a list of all known skin styles.
returns a list of all known styles variations.
returns an url to a login depending on the current scheme. This will be a link to
on any legacy twiki releases or in case the LoginManager is set to "none"
on using dakar's TemplateLogin
using ApacheLogin
returns an url to a logout depending on the current login scheme. This will be a link to
on any legacy twiki releases or in case the LoginManager is set to "none"
on using dakar's TemplateLogin
substitute for %MAXREV%
which differes all too much on Beijing, Cairo
and Dakar. This version grants to behave the same.
substitute for the %REVISIONS%
tag which only works on
the TWiki:Plugins/PatternSkin.
returns either a textual or a graphical a logo to be used in the header bar depending on a set of preference variables.
NATWEBLOGO will check for a couple of preference variables in the following order:
if defined
if defined
if defined
if defined
The ...IMG%
cases will return a full <img src="..." ... />
tag whereas
the ...NAME%
cases will return the string only.
So given you want to have the string TWiki in the logo position when using NatSkin but not so when using a different skin on the same site. Then add the following to the TWikiPreferences:
* Set NATWEBLOGONAME = %WIKITOOLNAME% * Set WEBLOGOIMG = /path/to/your/defaultlogo.gif
If you want to have a different logo using NatSkin than using another skin on the same site then add the following to the TWikiPreferences:
* Set NATWEBLOGOIMG = /path/to/your/natskinlogo.gif * Set WEBLOGOIMG = /path/to/your/defaultlogo.gif
returns the previous topic revision taking NumberOfRevisions
into account
set the skin state using TWiki markup. This is different from using topic preference variables in three respects: (1) you can set the skin state at any place now, i.e. INCLUDEing another topic where that topic's preference variables are not evaluated. (2) SETSKINSTATE "may come to late" in the rendering pipeline so that it does not take effect throughly; topic preferences are fetched before rendering starts. (3) it is not checked if the resulting skinstate is "valid" when you use SETSKINSTATE; this is the case if you use preferences values
The following argumets are known and can be used in any combination:
%USERACTIONS{"<format>" ...}%
display separate sets of actions for anonymous or authenticated users.
The "guest" and "format" format strings can use the following variables
display a web component. A web component "MyComponent" is searched looking for
The WEBCOMPONENT tag will retrieve the component where it was found first. Thereby every web can define a component of its own but if it is not defined locally a predefined component will be returned. Components can be predefined in the Main and the TWiki where the name of the component is prefix with "TWiki" to distinguish them from the local web components that may be present in the Main and the TWiki. As a last resort the local components of the TWiki are used.
By default the NatSkin comes with predefined components
to display a the sidebar component
see also: MYSIDEBAR
%WEBLINK{web="..." name="..."}%
display a link to a WebHome with the given name and add the SITEMAPUSEDTO description to to the hover balloon
returns "beijing", "cairo" or "dakar" depending on the TWiki engine this plugin is installed on
File:![]() | Description: |
bin/natlogon | logon cgi script |
bin/natsearch | search cgi script |
data/TWiki/NatSkinPlugin.txt | plugin topic |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/ | main module |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/NatSkinPlugin/ | authentication module |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/NatSkinPlugin/ | NatSearch module |
to automatically check and install other TWiki modules that this module depends on. You can also do this step manually.
Name | Version | Description |
TWiki::Plugins::SpreadSheetPlugin | >=1.018 | Required. Download and install from TWiki:Plugins/SpreadSheetPlugin |
TWiki::Plugins::RedDotPlugin | >=1.35 | Recommended; Download from TWiki:Plugins/RedDotPlugin |
TWiki::Plugins::FlexWebListPlugin | >=0.07 | Required; Download from TWiki:Plugins/FlexWebListPlugin |
TWiki::Plugins::BreadCrumbsPlugin | >=0.01 | Required; Download from TWiki:Plugins/BreadCrumbsPlugin |
TWiki::Plugins::FilterPlugin | >=0.94 | Required; Download from TWiki:Plugins/FilterPlugin |
TWiki::Plugins::GluePlugin | >=1.5 | Required; Download from TWiki:Plugins/GluePlugin |
TWiki::Plugins::IfDefinedPlugin | >=0.93 | Required; Download from TWiki:Plugins/IfDefinedPlugin |
TWiki::Plugins::TwistyPlugin | >=1.000 | Required; Download from TWiki:Plugins/TwistyPlugin |
in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
cgi script) from the file bin/.htaccess
and natsearch
are recognized as cgi scripts in your server configuration
* Set HTTPSLOGON = onThis will prevent passwords being sent in clear-text over a possibly insecure net.
: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !443 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} template=oopslogon RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/bin/$1 [R,L]Note, that you might need to accommodate the
url path above to your installation!
Plugin Author: | TWiki:Main/MichaelDaum |
Copyright ©: | 2003-2006, MichaelDaum? |
License: | GPL (GNU General Public License) |
Plugin Version: | v3.00-pre12 |
Change History: | |
06 Mar 2007: | improved USERACTIONS tag for more flexibility; added NATSEARCHGLOBAL and NATSEARCHCONTENT flags for NatSearch |
05 Feb 2007: | new option NATSEARCHIGNORECASE; |
13 Oct 2006: | prevent recursive expansion of WEBCOMPONENTs; fixed natsearch not to print to STDOUT but use standard apis |
02 Oct 2006: | respect access rights in WEBCOMPONENTs; prevent deep recursion in WEBCOMPONENTs |
18 Sep 2006: | fixed natlogon to run on current TWiki4.1-svn |
31 Aug 2006: | don't call getSkin during initPlugin - you may switch off albeit you are needed |
29 Aug 2006: | cleaned up and removed all spaghetti code distinguishing beijing, cairo and dakar; removed lots of code that got useless now, i.e. NATSCRIPTURL |
25 Aug 2006: | first release that drops beijing and cairo support; fixed and cleaned up initialisation sequence to detect commandline context properly; removed unused IFACCESS tag; minor rewrite of the email obfuscator; fixed natsearch to properly support web.topic jumps; moved part of the documentation to NatSkin |
21 Aug 2006: | removed TablePlugin hack loading plugin preferences into the session store; instead provide proper css for twikiTables to match the current style now; this needs TablePlugin from TWiki > 4.0.4; alternatively use the attached patch to it; multiple fixes to email obfuscator; simplified support for localization ; fixed unexpanded MAKETEXT in natsearch |
15 Aug 2006: | suport for userinterface internationalization |
04 Aug 2006: | fixed detection of the cgi action to be more robust on different apache configurations (rewrites, aliases); implemented NATWEBLOGO to circumvent different ways of using WEBLOGO, WIKITOOLNAME; added a wrapper for natsearch and natlogon to be called using dakar's TWiki::UI:run() mechanism; reintroduced the dependency on the FilterPlugin which is still used in one place; load email obfuscator javascript only when needed |
28 Jul 2006: | This version drops the dependency on the FilterPlugin and adds three new dependencies (1) FlexWebListPlugin, (2) BreadCrumbsPlugin and (3) GluePlugin; added use strict; and fixed some minor bugs showing up then; removed NATLOGON, NATLOGOUT tags and replaced it with NATLOGINURL, NATLOGOUTURL for more flexibility; fixed check of USEWYSIWYG preference variable |
15 Jun 2006: | remove double target attribute from external urls |
26 May 2006: | fixed error fetching the number of the last revision |
24 May 2006: | fixed detection of style files to prevent 403 errors; added SETSKINSTATE; added more accesskeys to topic actions; added "nop" class to prevent external link detection |
05 May 2006: | fixed table bgcolor for Independence style; display default WebLinks for non-public webs |
19 Apr 2006: | use <link rel="stylesheet" ... /> instead of @import url() to ease the pain for js wysiwyg editors |
11 Apr 2006: | added STYLEPATH feature; added style=off feature to emulate non-css browser; disable email obfuscation javascript if unused |
05 Apr 2006: | added support for dakar's TemplateLogin; changed semantics of NATLOGON, added NATLOGOUT; fixed some grave bugs exposed by the PublishContrib |
27 Mar 2006: | moved MySideBar tempaltes to NatSkin; added docu for HTTPSLOGON |
20 Mar 2006: | multiple errors in natsearch: always first look into the current web, even for a global search; default to local search, was global before, use g: to switch to global search explicitely; GO function searches in all webs; display number of hits; sort hit results in reverse chronological order |
13 Mar 2006: | dont remove leading and trailing whitespaces from web components |
11 Mar 2006: | removed MYSIDEBAR tag; new web component search path; new sidebar construction logic using WebLinks; docu restructuring; packaging using BuildContrib |
22 Feb 2006: | removed GROUPSUMMARY, ALLUSERS and registrationHandle which where only used on the NatsWiki installation, moved into a plugin of its own; fixed initPlugin not to return 0, disable the plugin if not used with the NatSkin on a per handler base |
21 Feb 2006: | externalized the IFDEFINED family into a plugin of its own and added a new dependency for it |
15 Feb 2006: | properly detect scripted mode on Dakar |
14 Feb 2006: | moved FORMATLIST to TWiki:Plugins/FilterPlugin; added dependency on it; fixed uninitialized variables with perl-5.8.8; added escape chars to IFDEFINED; don't switch off using an atom skin |
03 Feb 2006: | added escape chars (percnt, dollar) to IFACCESS to make it more useful; fixed detection of a Dakar engine; fixed default REDDOT in the MySideBarTemplate |
26 Jan 2006: | docu fixes |
23 Jan 2006: | fixed natlogn; fixed FORMATLIST to expandCommonVariables of the format result |
09 Jan 2006: | removed local sandbox; added dependency on DakarContrib; added variable expansion to IFDEFINED; added cleanup code if the AliasPlugin is not installed; improved natsearch customization; w3c fixes in the MySideBarTemplate |
06 Dec 2005: | switching off the plugin if the skin is not NatSkin |
05 Dec 2005: | skin state variables respect FINALPREFERENCES settings; added WEBCOMPONENT |
01 Dec 2005: | added tooltips to topic actions |
29 Nov 2005: | fixed warning about using the deprecated endRenderingHandler on Dakar |
23 Nov 2005: | added $nop to IFSKINSTATETHEN content |
22 Nov 2005: | added support for the WysiwygPlugin; added custom templates for the BlackListPlugin's error messages |
10 Nov 2005: | added switchvariation urlparam; work arround bug in Dakar (nested calls to getRenderedVersion()); fixed duplicate target/class in external links; improved MySideBarTemplate using Twisties |
09 Nov 2005: | fixed wrong call to expandCommonVariables() ... doh |
08 Nov 2005: | fixed use of uninitialized variables; https links to the same site are not external once |
02 Nov 2005: | added OBFUSCATEEMAIL flag to switch off this feature |
28 Oct 2005: | add searchbox and style variations to the skin state; configuring header art is now done using style variations; fixed the NatSkinStyleBrowser to only "stick" to changes; extended IFSKINSTATE to cover the new skin state variables |
25 Oct 2005: | customization of natsearch by WebPreferences |
20 Oct 2005: | improved external link detection |
10 Oct 2005: | added switchstyle feature to cycle thru all installed skin styles |
09 Oct 2005: | rewrite of skin state: support switching border, sidebar, webbuttons and style independently; rewrite of the email obfuscator; improved skin style browser |
27 Sep 2005: | added conditional content tags IFSKINSTATE and IFDEFINED; added web button support |
30 Aug 2005: | added external link detection; fixed IFSKINSTYLE; added style support for the TWiki:Plugins/TablePlugin |
26 Aug 2005: | new NatSkin-2.0 release |
28 Apr 2005: | pre-release to fix installation on TWiki/Cairo |
16 Mar 2005: | Initial version |
Perl Version: | >=5.6 |
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: | TWiki:TWiki/GoodStyle nn%, TWiki:TWiki/FormattedSearch nn%, NatSkinPlugin nn% |
Plugin Home: | TWiki:Plugins/NatSkinPlugin |
Feedback: | TWiki:Plugins/NatSkinPluginDev |
Appraisal: | TWiki:Plugins/NatSkinPluginAppraisal |
-- TWiki:Main/MichaelDaum - 06 Mar 2007