<!-- PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS TOPIC It is automatically generated from the subversion repository, and any changes you make will simply be overwritten the next time a release is generated. Instead, you could check your fix in, raise a bug in the Bugs web, or mail the author. --> ---+!! <nop>%TOPIC% %TOC% This plugin allows to substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions. ---++ Syntax Rules ---+++ SUBST *Syntax*: =%<nop>SUBST{topic="..." ...}%= insert a topic by processing its content. * =topic="..."=: name of the topic text to be processed * =pattern="..."=: pattern to be extracted or substituted * =format="..."=: format expression or pattern substitute * =header="..."=: header string prepended to output * =footer="..."=: footer string appended to output * =limit="<n>"= maximum number of occurences to extract or substitute counted from the start of the text (defaults to =100000= aka all hits) * =skip="<n>"= skip the first n occurences * =exclude="...": skip occurences that match this regular expression * =expand="on,off"=: toggle expansion of TWiki markup before filtering (defaults to =on=) ---+++ STARTSUBST, STOPSUBST *Syntax*: <verbatim> %STARTSUBST{...}% ... %STOPSUBST% </verbatim> substitute text given inline. see [[#SUBST][SUBST]]. ---+++ EXTRACT *Syntax*:=%<nop>EXTRACT{topic="..." ...}%= extract text from a topic. see [[#SUBST][SUBST]]. ---+++ STARTEXTRACT, STOPEXTRACT *Syntax*: <verbatim> %STARTEXTRACT{...}% ... %STOPEXTRACT% </verbatim> extract content given inline. see [[#SUBST][SUBST]]. ---+++ FORMATLIST *Syntax*: =%<nop>FORMATLIST{"<list>" ...}% formats a list of items. The <list> argument is separated into items by using a split expression; each item is matched agains a pattern and then formatted using a format string while being separated by a separator string; the result is prepended with a header and appended with a footer in case the list is not empty. * <list>: the list * split="...": the split expression (default ",") * pattern="...": pattern applied to each item (default "\s(.*)\s") * format="...": the format string for each item (default "$1") * header="...": header string * footer="...": footer string * separator="...": string to be inserted between list items * limit="...": max number of items to be taken out of the list (default "-1") * skip="...": number of list items to skip, not adding them to the result * sort="on,off,alpha,num" order of the formatted items (default "off") * reverse="on,off": reverse the sortion of the list * unique="on,off": remove dupplicates from the list * exclude="...": remove list items that match this regular expression The pattern string shall group matching substrings in the list item to which you can refer to by using $1, $2, ... in the format string. Any format string (=format=, =header=, =footer=) may contain variables =$percnt$=, =$nop=, =$dollar= and =$n=. The variable =$index= referse to the position number within the list being formatted; using =$count= in the footer or header argument refers to the total number of list elements. ---++ Examples ---+++ Secure Html %STARTSUBST{pattern="<(a href=\"javascript:.*?)>(.*?)</a>" format="<$1>$2</a>"}% <a href="javascript:window.alert('Pop me up');">Pop me up</a> %STOPSUBST% ---+++ Format Comments | *Date* | *Author* | *Headline* | %EXTRACT{topic="%TOPIC%" expand="off" pattern=".div class=\"text\">.*?[\r\n]+(.*?)[\r\n]+(?:.*?[\r\n]+)+?-- (.*?) on (.*?)[\r\n]+" format="| $3 | $2 | $1 ... |$n"}% %STARTINCLUDE% <div class="text"><div class="comment"> This is a first comment. This is a first comment. This is a first comment. </div><div class="posted"> -- TWiki:Main.MichaelDaum on 22 Aug 2005 </div></div> <div class="text"><div class="comment"> This is a second comment. </div><div class="posted"> -- TWiki:Main.MichaelDaum on 22 Aug 2005 </div></div> %STOPINCLUDE% ---++ Plugin Installation Instructions * [[http://twiki.org/p/pub/Plugins/%TOPIC%/%TOPIC%.zip][Download]] the ZIP file * Unzip it in your twiki installation directory. Content: | *File:* | *Description:* | | ==data/TWiki/%TOPIC%.txt== | Plugin topic | | ==lib/TWiki/Plugins/%TOPIC%.pm== | Plugin Perl module | * (Dakar) Visit =configure= in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section. ---++ Plugin Info <!-- provided for compatibility only * Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions --> | Plugin Author: | TWiki:Main.MichaelDaum | | Copyright ©: | 2005-2007, MichaelDaum http://wikiring.com | | License: | GPL ([[http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html][GNU General Public License]]) | | Plugin Version: | v1.21 | | Change History: | <!-- versions below in reverse order --> | | 02 May 2007: | using registerTagHandler() as far as possible; \ enhanced parameters to EXCTRACT and SUBST | | 05 Feb 2007: | fixed escapes in format strings; \ added better default value for max number of hits to prevent deep recursions \ on bad regexpressions | | 22 Jan 2007: | fixed SUBST, added skip parameter to FORMATLIST | | 18 Dec 2006: | using registerTagHandler for FORMATLIST | | 13 Oct 2006: | fixed =limit= parameter in FORMATLIST | | 31 Aug 2006: | added NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC | | 15 Aug 2006: | added =use strict;= and fixed revealed errors | | 14 Feb 2006: | moved in FORMATLIST from the TWiki:Plugins/NatSkinPlugin;\ added escape variables to format strings | | 06 Dec 2005: | fixed SUBST not to cut off the rest of the text | | 09 Nov 2005: | fixed deep recursion using =expand="on"= | | 22 Aug 2005: | Initial version; added =expand= toggle | | TWiki Dependency: | $TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.024 | | CPAN Dependencies: | none | | Other Dependencies: | none | | Perl Version: | 5.005 | | TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: | %TWIKIWEB%.GoodStyle nn%, %TWIKIWEB%.FormattedSearch nn%, %TOPIC% nn% | | Plugin Home: | TWiki:Plugins/%TOPIC% | | Feedback: | TWiki:Plugins/%TOPIC%Dev | | Appraisal: | TWiki:Plugins/%TOPIC%Appraisal | -- TWiki:Main.MichaelDaum - 02 May 2007
This topic: TWiki
History: r0 - 11 Mar 2007 - 07:52:01 -
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