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Statistics for Research/PCVIA Web

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Feb 2007 137 0 0  45 WebHome
 13 WebStatistics
  8 WebChanges
  7 WebNotify
  6 Teste
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebRss
  6 VodaNews
  5 Bibtex
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebPreferences
Jan 2007 391 0 0 133 WebHome
 33 Bibtex
 26 WebNotify
 24 PcviaNews
 21 WebSearch
 21 WebChanges
 21 WebStatistics
 17 WebIndex
 17 WebPreferences
 15 WebRss
  9 Teste
Oct 2006 287 0 0 128 WebHome
 31 WebStatistics
 17 PcviaNews
 15 WebPreferences
 13 Bibtex
 13 WebChanges
  8 WebRss
  7 WebIndex
  7 BibtexStyle
  7 WebNotify
  6 ProjectDetails
May 2006 818 0 0 237 WebHome
112 WebStatistics
 66 Bibtex
 45 PcviaNews
 40 WebIndex
 39 WebNotify
 36 WebPreferences
 33 BibtexStyle
 33 WebRss
 33 WebSearch
 26 WebChanges
Mar 2006 1468 0 0 378 WebHome
194 WebStatistics
106 Bibtex
 94 WebNotify
 81 PcviaNews
 75 WebChanges
 74 WebIndex
 71 WebSearch
 68 WebRss
 56 WebPreferences
 43 ProjectDetails
Jan 2006 584 0 0 162 WebHome
 85 WebStatistics
 56 WebNotify
 40 WebChanges
 37 WebSearch
 34 WebIndex
 31 Bibtex
 26 PcviaNews
 18 WebRss
 17 WebPreferences
 15 ProjectDetails
Dec 2005 1032 0 0 269 WebHome
143 WebStatistics
 86 WebNotify
 71 WebIndex
 67 WebChanges
 64 WebSearch
 56 PcviaNews
 47 WebPreferences
 44 Bibtex
 30 ProjectDetails
 24 BibtexStyle
Aug 2005 692 0 0 153 WebHome
 73 WebChanges
 70 WebStatistics
 53 WebNotify
 51 WebIndex
 50 WebRss
 42 WebSearch
 36 PcviaNews
 27 Bibtex
 22 WebPreferences
 17 Teste
Jul 2005 619 0 0 117 WebHome
 78 WebStatistics
 57 WebChanges
 54 WebNotify
 50 WebIndex
 46 WebSearch
 24 WebPreferences
 24 PcviaNews
 22 WebRss
 20 Bibtex
 19 VodaNews
Jun 2005 880 0 0 127 WebHome
115 WebStatistics
 94 WebChanges
 78 WebIndex
 70 WebNotify
 69 WebSearch
 48 PcviaNews
 37 Bibtex
 33 ProjectDetails
 27 WebRss
 27 MenuTopics
May 2005 1092 0 0 173 WebStatistics
155 WebHome
 99 WebIndex
 84 WebChanges
 78 PcviaNews
 74 WebNotify
 63 WebSearch
 63 Bibtex
 58 ProjectDetails
 32 Teste
 31 WebLeftBar
Feb 2004 890 100 12 430 WebHome
134 PUReCafe?
 83 PurePublications?
 34 PUReEvents?
 33 PUReNews?
 32 WebChanges
 30 WebStatistics
 30 MenuTopics
 26 PureAnnouncements?
 16 ProjectSummary?
  7 WebPreferences
 56 AlcinoCunha
 17 JoseNunoOliveira
 17 JorgeSousaPinto
  8 JoseBarros
  7 LuisSoaresBarbosa
  6 JoostVisser
  1 DavidCosta
Jul 2006 606 11 2 187 WebHome
 81 WebStatistics
 43 Bibtex
 39 PcviaNews
 32 WebNotify
 31 WebPreferences
 29 WebRss
 27 WebIndex
 19 WebSearch
 18 Teste
 18 BibtexStyle
 13 MariaJoaoVaranda
Nov 2004 4628 11 2 1621 WebStatistics
944 PUReCafe?
506 WebHome
287 PUReSoftware?
180 PUReEvents?
117 PurePublications?
102 PUReNews?
 89 PureAnnouncements?
 87 WebIndex
 86 HaGLR?
 68 VooDooM?
  7 JoostVisser
  4 AlcinoCunha
  1 JoseNunoOliveira
  1 LuisSoaresBarbosa
Dec 2006 229 12 0 102 WebHome
 18 WebChanges
 17 WebSearch
 13 Bibtex
 13 WebStatistics
 11 WebNotify
 10 WebIndex
  7 WebRss
  6 PcviaNews
  5 BibtexStyle
  5 MenuTopics
 12 MariaJoaoVaranda
Jul 2004 3537 12 1 909 PUReCafe?
662 WebStatistics
582 WebHome
197 PUReSoftware?
164 PurePublications?
139 PUReEvents?
126 PUReNews?
 78 MenuTopics
 74 PureAnnouncements?
 68 HaskellCommunitiesAndActivities?
 65 VooDooM?
  6 JorgeSousaPinto
  3 LuisSoaresBarbosa
  2 JoostVisser
  1 NunoRodrigues
  1 JoseBacelarAlmeida
May 2004 2389 12 1 671 WebStatistics
624 PUReCafe?
537 WebHome
128 PUReSoftware?
 78 PUReEvents?
 56 PurePublications?
 46 PUReNews?
 46 HaskellCommunitiesAndActivities?
 24 MenuTopics
 20 WebPreferences
 19 VooDooM?
  5 JoseNunoOliveira
  3 JorgeSousaPinto
  3 JoaoSaraiva
  2 AlcinoCunha
Feb 2005 395 13 0 131 WebHome
 36 WebChanges
 33 WebNotify
 30 WebSearch
 26 WebStatistics
 24 PcviaNews
 22 WebIndex
 21 WebPreferences
 14 VodaNews
 12 MenuTopics
 11 WebLeftBar
  7 MariaJoaoVaranda
  5 AlcinoCunha
  1 PedroRangelHenriques
Oct 2004 2382 13 2 425 WebHome
416 PUReCafe?
235 WebStatistics
226 PUReSoftware?
133 PurePublications?
127 PUReEvents?
 87 HaGLR?
 79 PUReNews?
 77 PureAnnouncements?
 76 ProjectSummary?
 70 ChopaChops?
  4 JorgeSousaPinto
  4 JoostVisser
  3 AlcinoCunha
  2 LuisSoaresBarbosa
  1 JoseBacelarAlmeida
  1 JoaoSaraiva
Jun 2004 2892 14 3 751 PUReCafe?
676 WebStatistics
582 WebHome
156 PUReSoftware?
110 PUReEvents?
 90 PUReNews?
 85 PurePublications?
 47 PureAnnouncements?
 45 ProjectSummary?
 44 VooDooM?
 43 WebChanges
  9 LuisSoaresBarbosa
  6 JoostVisser
  1 JoseNunoOliveira
  1 AlcinoCunha
Apr 2005 1055 16 6 261 WebHome
117 WebStatistics
 98 WebChanges
 96 WebIndex
 74 WebNotify
 62 WebSearch
 50 Bibtex
 49 PcviaNews
 36 WebPreferences
 27 VodaNews
 26 BibtexStyle
 22 MariaJoaoVaranda
Apr 2004 720 18 1 304 WebHome
 98 PUReCafe?
 54 PUReSoftware?
 37 WebStatistics
 32 PurePublications?
 30 VooDooM?
 23 PUReNews?
 22 PureAnnouncements?
 22 HaskellCommunitiesAndActivities?
 21 PUReEvents?
 13 WebChanges
  5 JorgeSousaPinto
  4 LuisSoaresBarbosa
  4 JoostVisser
  2 JoseBarros
  2 AlcinoCunha
  1 JoseNunoOliveira
  1 JoseBacelarAlmeida
Sep 2005 760 19 5 208 WebHome
 74 WebStatistics
 65 WebNotify
 62 WebChanges
 56 WebIndex
 47 WebSearch
 40 Bibtex
 37 PcviaNews
 25 ProjectDetails
 24 WebPreferences
 22 BibtexStyle
 20 MariaJoaoVaranda
  4 EvaOliveira
Oct 2005 924 2 1 193 WebHome
193 WebStatistics
 82 WebNotify
 61 WebChanges
 60 WebSearch
 59 WebIndex
 45 PcviaNews
 28 WebRss
 27 WebPreferences
 24 BibtexStyle
 23 Bibtex
  3 MariaJoaoVaranda
Jan 2005 615 2 0 135 WebHome
 67 WebNotify
 65 WebStatistics
 60 WebChanges
 50 WebIndex
 49 WebSearch
 39 LinksGBS?
 29 LinksPrototyping?
 28 LinksLBT?
 16 WebPreferences
 16 VodaNews
  2 DamijanRebernak
Aug 2004 3525 23 8 822 WebStatistics
737 PUReCafe?
434 WebHome
196 PUReSoftware?
154 PUReNews?
137 PurePublications?
125 PUReEvents?
 87 PureAnnouncements?
 80 MenuTopics
 72 WebIndex
 72 VooDooM?
 31 JoostVisser
Sep 2004 2720 24 7 516 WebHome
494 PUReCafe?
311 WebStatistics
190 PUReSoftware?
158 PUReEvents?
132 PUReNews?
109 PurePublications?
 77 VooDooM?
 73 PureAnnouncements?
 72 HaGLR?
 70 ChopaChops?
 17 LuisSoaresBarbosa
  9 JoostVisser
  5 TiagoAlves
Nov 2006 133 3 1  58 WebHome
 12 WebChanges
  9 WebSearch
  8 Bibtex
  7 WebNotify
  6 ProjectDetails
  6 WebStatistics
  5 PcviaNews
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebRss
  4 MariaJoaoVaranda
Mar 2005 1066 38 1 288 WebHome
199 WebStatistics
 95 WebChanges
 87 WebIndex
 66 WebNotify
 52 WebSearch
 47 PcviaNews
 40 Bibtex
 35 WebPreferences
 24 WebRss
 21 BibtexStyle
 21 MariaJoaoVaranda
 13 PedroRangelHenriques
  5 EvaOliveira
Dec 2004 510 51 0 202 WebHome
 81 LinksPrototyping?
 42 LinksLBT?
 26 WebSearch
 25 WebNotify
 25 WebStatistics
 22 WebChanges
 19 LinksGBS?
 15 VodaNews
 14 WebPreferences
  9 WebIndex
 33 PedroRangelHenriques
 10 MariaJoaoVaranda
  5 JoostVisser
  3 AlcinoCunha
Mar 2004 1076 51 2 494 WebHome
165 PUReCafe?
125 PUReSoftware?
 55 PurePublications?
 37 WebChanges
 34 PureAnnouncements?
 32 WebStatistics
 32 PUReNews?
 28 PUReEvents?
 18 ProjectSummary?
 14 VooDooM?
 27 JoostVisser
 17 AlcinoCunha
  5 JorgeSousaPinto
  2 JoseNunoOliveira
  1 JoseBacelarAlmeida
  1 JoaoSaraiva
Sep 2006 338 7 0 166 WebHome
 23 PcviaNews
 22 WebStatistics
 17 Bibtex
 13 WebChanges
 12 WebIndex
 12 WebNotify
 11 ProjectDetails
 10 WebPreferences
  9 MenuTopics
  8 WebTopicList
  7 MariaJoaoVaranda
Jun 2006 902 7 1 294 WebHome
207 WebStatistics
 41 WebIndex
 37 Bibtex
 37 PcviaNews
 36 WebRss
 35 WebNotify
 32 WebPreferences
 28 WebChanges
 24 WebSearch
 21 ProjectDetails
  8 MariaJoaoVaranda
Apr 2006 643 7 2 197 WebHome
101 WebStatistics
 47 PcviaNews
 43 Bibtex
 31 WebNotify
 30 WebRss
 28 WebIndex
 23 WebChanges
 22 WebSearch
 19 Teste
 15 BibtexStyle
  9 MariaJoaoVaranda
Feb 2006 754 7 0 202 WebHome
 65 WebStatistics
 63 WebRss
 61 WebNotify
 58 WebChanges
 54 WebIndex
 50 WebSearch
 35 Bibtex
 34 PcviaNews
 22 ProjectDetails
 18 BibtexStyle
  7 EvaOliveira
Nov 2005 829 7 2 271 WebHome
 81 WebStatistics
 62 WebNotify
 58 WebIndex
 55 WebChanges
 52 WebSearch
 44 PcviaNews
 42 Bibtex
 22 ProjectDetails
 22 WebRss
 20 WebPreferences
  9 MariaJoaoVaranda
Aug 2006 418 8 1 197 WebHome
 44 WebStatistics
 28 WebRss
 22 PcviaNews
 18 WebNotify
 16 WebIndex
 15 Bibtex
 13 WebChanges
 12 Teste
 10 WebSearch
  8 BibtexStyle
  9 MariaJoaoVaranda


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r644 - 10 Feb 2007 - 22:21:56 - TWikiGuest
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