Reinvigorating Mathematics for the Information Society

The Information Society requires highly qualified professionals who can design complex systems with increasing levels of safety and reliability. But it also requires a high degree of "mathematical proficiency" from its individuals, meaning the ability to use mathematical language and methods to model situations/scenarios and reason productively through these models in order to solve problems. This literacy and capability has become a key element of democratic citizenship.

This project gathers computer scientists, math teachers, mathematicians and others who recognize the need for new approaches to the teaching and learning of mathematical skills. We aim to exploit and combine the dynamics of algorithmic problem solving and calculational reasoning on both maths education and the practice of software engineering, boosting the abilities students need to overcome the challenges they will encounter through life.

The overall approach stems from two decades of research on correct-by-construction program design which brought to scene a whole discipline of problem-solving and shed light on the underlying mathematical structures, modeling and reasoning principles. A most relevant consequence has been the systematization of a calculational style of reasoning which can greatly improve on the traditional verbose proofs in natural language, proceeding in a formal, essentially syntactic way.


The project aims to produce relevant contributions in the following areas:

  • Design calculi foundations and principles.
  • Calculational methods and the principles of algorithimic problem solving, as a basis for reinvigorating the teaching and practice of Mathematics in the context of modern IT-driven societies.
  • Innovative computer-based tools to support the envisaged methodological shifts.

-- HugoMacedo - 20 Nov 2009