Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ALFA Programme?

ALFA is a European programme of co-operation between higher education institutions of the European Union and Latin America, which is implemented through networks of higher education institutions (HEI).

What is the LerNet? project?

LerNet? is an ALFA project approved by the European Community that foresees PhD student mobility for thesis work development.

Who can participate?

PhD candidates/students within Language Engineering and Software Development study area, from the following universities:
  • Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
  • INRIA (France)
  • Universidad Castilla-La-Mancha (Spain)
  • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)
  • Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
  • Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
  • U. EAFIT (Colombia)
  • Universidad Nacional San Luís (Argentina)
  • Universidad Católica Santiago del Estero (Argentina)
  • Universidad de La República (Uruguay)

To which universities can I go?

If you are a student from a European University, you can go to Latin-American Universities. If you are a student from a Latin-American university, you can go to a European University.

Can I choose freely the host institution?

No. You should contact your home university in order to find out where exactly you can go to.

What is the mobility period duration?

The mobility period lasts for 18 months, if you come from a Latin-American Higher Education Institution, and for 6 months if you come from a European University.

What are the selection criteria?

Each sending institution defines its specific selection criteria, respecting the general ones defined beforehand such as good academic profile, language knowledge and personal profile fitting mobility. However, it is mandatory that you are enrolled in a PhD programme at your home institution.

Do I need to pay any fees at the host institution?

No, students do not need to pay fees at the host institution. They are supposed to continue paying fees at their home university.

Who will be responsible for tutoring my PhD project?

For LA students - your PhD project will be jointly elaborated between your local tutor and the host university supervisor. Both of them will be responsible for tutoring your work. For EU students - Both home and host supervisors will be responsible for tutoring the research work developed during your mobility period.

Where do I obtain my degree?

In principle you obtain your degree from your home university. However, the project will encourage the creation of joint degrees between Latin American and European institutions, when appropriate.

Who arranges my accommodation?

During the preparation of your study period abroad, you and the International Relations of your own university are supposed to apply for accommodation in compliance with the procedures required by the host institution. Whenever possible/available, students will have access to university accommodation, but private apartments or family accommodation may also be the solution presented by each specific host university.

Who takes care of my travel arrangements?

You are supposed to take care of your own travel arrangements. It is important to highlight that you are supposed to advance payment of your travel costs. You must keep the original flight tickets, original invoices, boarding cards and transportation receipts from and to airport in order to receive the travel grant, upon arrival at the host institution.

How much is the mobility grant?

Your mobility grant consists of two parts:

  1. Stay grant
  2. Travel grant

The stay grant, financed by the ALFA project, is 750€ per month. The travel grant is 75% of the student travel costs, maximum 1125€ for intercontinental travels.

When will I receive my mobility grant?

For an 18-month mobility period, you will receive your mobility grant in four instalments (every six months) according to the following:

  • 1st instalment (immediately after arrival): you will receive 30% to the total stay grant + travel grant (against the presentation of copy of travel tickets, original receipt and boarding cards)

  • 2nd instalment: you will receive 30% to the total stay grant (against the presentation of the first intermediate report)

  • 3rd instalment: you will receive 30% to the total stay grant (against the presentation of the second intermediate report)

  • 4th instalment: you will receive the remaining 10% to the total stay grant (against the presentation of original travel tickets, boarding cards, final report and questionnaire).

For a six-month mobility period, you will receive your mobility grant in three instalments according to the following:

  • 1st instalment (immediately after arrival): you will receive 50% to the total stay grant + travel grant (against the presentation of copy of travel tickets, original receipt and boarding cards)

  • 2nd instalment: you will receive 40% to the total stay grant (against the presentation of the intermediate report after the first three months)

  • 3rd instalment: you will receive the remaining 10% to the total stay grant (against the presentation of original travel tickets, boarding cards, final report and questionnaire - once the mobility period is finished).

What are the required application documents?

You are requested to submit a properly filled in application form and a Curriculum Vitae. Your home institution may additionally require other documents.

A compulsory selection interview will also take place at your home institution.

What is the application deadline?

You must check the announcements at your home institution.

Where should I submit my application?

Your application documents must be submitted to your local International Relations Office.

Who is responsible for issuing the Letter of Acceptance?

The formal Letter of Acceptance is issued by the Host Institution. The coordinating institution, University of Minho in this case, is responsible for issuing a declaration certifying the grant allocation after the selection procedure is properly validated.

What else should I know?

You should additionally read the Grantholder's Guide of Good Practice