Pedro Martins

About Me

I defended my Ph.D thesis in 2014, Universidade do Minho, Portugal, in the MAP-i doctoral program, under the supervision of João Saraiva and João Paulo Fernandes.

I obtained my Master's degree in 2010, where I developed language extensions to the Matlab programming environment. Currently, I am researching techniques to embedded Attribute Grammars and their extensions in a functional setting.

I am a member of the High-Assurance Software Laboratory which is a privileged partner of INESC Technology and Science.

See my full CV. You can reach me at: prmartins [AT] di [DOT] uminho [DOT] pt



Embedding Attribute Grammars and their Extensions using Functional Zippers, Pedro Martins, Ph.D. thesis, University of Minho, July 2014. PDF

Zipper-based Modular and Deforested Computations. Pedro Martins, João Paulo Fernandes and João Saraiva. In the proceeding of the DSL 2013, an intensive summer school in the field of domain specific languages (to appear). PDF

Smelling Faults in Spreadsheets. Pedro Martins, Rui Abreu, Alexandre Perez, Jácome Cunha, João Paulo Fernandes and João Saraiva. In the proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME’14), Victoria, City of Gardens, British Columbia, Canada, September 28 - October 3. IEEE Computer Society, (to appear). PDF

Refactoring meets Model-Driven Spreadsheet Evolution, Jácome Cunha, João Paulo Fernandes, Pedro Martins, Rui Pereira and João Saraiva, in the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC’14). IEEE Computer Society (to appear). PDF

Refactoring Smelly Spreadsheet Models, Rui Pereira and Pedro Martins. In the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA’14), pages 556-571, June 30 - July 3, 2014 Guimarães, Portugal. LNCS, 8583. PDF

A Visual DSL for the Certification of Open Source Software, Tiago Carção and Pedro Martins. In the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA’14), pages 602-617, June 30 - July 3, 2014 Guimarães, Portugal. LNCS, 8583. PDF

Generating Attribute Grammar-based Bidirectional Transformations from Rewrite Rules. Pedro Martins, João Saraiva, João Paulo Fernandes and Eric van Wyk. In the proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation, (PEPM’14), pages 63-70, January 20-21, 2014 San Diego, California, USA. ACM Press. PDF


Zipper-based Attribute Grammars and their Extensions. Pedro Martins, João Paulo Fernandes and João Saraiva. In the proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP’13),pages 135-148, September 29 - October 4, Brasilia, Brasil. LNCS, 8129. PDF

A Framework for Modular and Customizable Software Analysis, Pedro Martins, Nuno Carvalho, João Paulo Fernandes, José João Almeida, João Saraiva. In the proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA'13), pages 443-458, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, June 24-27, 2013. LNCS, 7972. PDF

Martins, P., Fernandes, J.P., Saraiva, J.: A combinator language for software quality reports. In the International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE), Vol. 2, No. 3, May 2013 (pages 377-382) (ISSN 2010-3743).


SmellSheet Detective: A Tool for Detecting Bad Smells in Spreadsheets, Jácome Cunha, João Paulo Fernandes, Pedro Martins, Jorge Mendes and João Saraiva. In proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2012) (tool demo), Innsbruck, Austria, September/October 2012. PDF

A Web Portal for the Certification of Open Source Software, Pedro Martins, João P. Fernandes, João Saraiva. In the proceedings of the Open Source Software Certification Conference (OPENCERT'12), pages 244-260, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2012. LNCS 7991. PDF

A Purely Functional Combinator Language for Process Management, Pedro Martins, João Paulo Fernandes and João Saraiva. In the proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies (SLATE'12), Braga, Portugal (51-69). PDF

Program and Aspect Metrics for Matlab, Pedro Martins, Paulo Lopes, João Paulo Fernandes, João Saraiva and João Cardoso. In the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA'12), pages 217-233, Salvador da Bahia, Brasil, June 18-21, 2012. LNCS 7336. PDF


Zipper-based embedding of modern attribute grammar extensions, Pedro Martins. In the proceeding of the doctoral Symposium of the 3rd International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE10), pages 15-20, Eindhoven, October 2010. PDF

A Domain Specific Aspect Language for Matlab, Pedro Martins, Master thesis, University of Minho, December 2010. Buy it here!


I have actively participated in the following projects:

  • ON.2 IC&DT - “BEST CASE – Better Science Through Cooperative Advanced Synergetic Efforts". Ref. RL8 (Ref.: NORTE-01-0124-FEDER-000062): Languages and Tools for Critical Real Time Systems.

  • BEST CASE - Better Science Through Competitive Advanced Synergetic Efforts, Gestão confiável de grandes volumes de dados para armazenamento e processamento analítico - ref.a NORTE-01-0124-FEDER-000058.

  • System for Adapting the Vehicle dynamic parameters to the driving Environment and Driver capabilities (SAVED), funded by the MIT Portugal Program, a large-scale international collaboration involving MIT and government, academia, and industry in Portugal, project ref. MIT-PT/TS-ITS/0036/2008.

  • Bidirectional Transformations Applied to Programming Environments for Scientific Computing, a joint research project with U.S. partners Eric Van Wyk, Ted Kaminski and Kevin Williams, all at the University of Minnesota, funded by Fundação Luso Americana para o Desenvolvimento under the program Portugal-U.S. Research Networks 2011

  • CROSS - An Infrastructure for Certification and Re-engineering of Open Source Software, funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-010049, with grant Refª BI3-2011_PTDC/EIA-CCO/108995/2008.


I have served as:

I have been a young researcher in the University of Minnesota, under the supervision of Eric Van Wyk, for a total of six months: three months between October and December, 2011 and more three months between April and June 2012. We have been working in a bidirectional transformation framework for tree-based structures.

I attended the GTTSE Summer School, the Central European Functional Programming School in 2010 and the DSL 2013, an intensive summer school in the field of domain specific languages.