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Statistics for Personal/Jorge Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jan 2005 1082 9 0 207 WebHome
109 WebNotify
108 WebStatistics
 88 WebChanges
 84 WebPreferences
 76 ProjectThemes?
 76 WebSearch
 68 WebIndex
 42 HotList?
 32 CinemaTheque?
 31 BookShelf?
  9 JorgeSousaPinto
Jun 2006 1344 8 0 363 WebStatistics
209 WebHome
129 TpCp0506
 85 WebPreferences
 73 WebNotify
 59 MyPublications?
 58 WebSearch
 49 WebRss
 46 WebIndex
 45 WebChanges
 44 MenuTopics
  8 JorgeSousaPinto
Dec 2004 945 8 0 191 WebHome
100 WebNotify
 80 WebStatistics
 70 WebPreferences
 68 WebSearch
 59 WebChanges
 54 WebIndex
 52 ProjectThemes?
 43 HotList?
 42 PlayList?
 40 BookShelf?
  8 JorgeSousaPinto
Jun 2005 1639 7 1 259 WebStatistics
199 WebHome
109 WebNotify
102 CinemaTheque?
 99 WebChanges
 90 WebIndex
 87 WebSearch
 80 HotList?
 78 ProjectThemes?
 76 WebPreferences
 75 MyPublications?
  8 JorgeSousaPinto
Feb 2005 1348 7 0 211 WebHome
198 WebStatistics
 94 WebNotify
 74 ProjectThemes?
 73 WebPreferences
 71 WebIndex
 67 WebChanges
 66 WebSearch
 60 MyPublications?
 58 HotList?
 56 CinemaTheque?
  7 JorgeSousaPinto
Jan 2004 315 69 8 143 WebHome
 45 MusicList?
 21 PublicationList?
 20 PointlessHaskell?
 17 MovieList?
 15 WebPreferences
 14 MenuTopics
 11 BookList?
  6 OutrosList?
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebIndex
 76 AlcinoCunha
  1 JoostVisser
Sep 2006 551 6 0 138 WebHome
 68 WebNotify
 45 WebStatistics
 37 WebIndex
 34 WebChanges
 33 WebSearch
 28 TpCp0506
 22 WebPreferences
 20 WebRss
 13 MenuTopics
 13 PubsCctc
  6 JorgeSousaPinto
Jul 2005 1297 6 0 221 WebStatistics
187 WebHome
 94 WebChanges
 87 WebNotify
 80 WebIndex
 80 WebSearch
 74 WebPreferences
 71 MyPublications?
 49 HotList?
 48 PlayList?
 47 CinemaTheque?
  6 JorgeSousaPinto
Dec 2005 1275 5 0 248 WebHome
159 WebStatistics
136 WebNotify
109 WebPreferences
106 WebSearch
 89 WebChanges
 87 MyPublications?
 75 WebIndex
 42 ProjectThemes?
 36 MenuTopics
 32 JaKarTa?
  5 JorgeSousaPinto
Jan 2006 1014 3 0 224 WebHome
141 WebStatistics
 85 WebNotify
 70 WebSearch
 69 MyPublications?
 62 WebChanges
 58 WebIndex
 51 WebPreferences
 35 ProjectThemes?
 30 MenuTopics
 29 JaKarTa?
  3 JorgeSousaPinto
Apr 2005 1539 3 0 264 WebStatistics
221 WebHome
 94 WebNotify
 92 ProjectThemes?
 90 WebChanges
 88 WebSearch
 79 CinemaTheque?
 78 HotList?
 76 WebIndex
 72 PlayList?
 72 MyPublications?
  3 JorgeSousaPinto
Sep 2004 863 3 0 236 WebHome
 89 WebStatistics
 86 ProjectThemes?
 48 WebNotify
 46 BookShelf?
 45 WebIndex
 43 WebSearch
 43 HotList?
 42 PlayList?
 41 CinemaTheque?
 37 WebChanges
  3 JorgeSousaPinto
Jul 2006 883 29 0 169 WebStatistics
161 WebHome
120 TpCp0506
 59 WebNotify
 49 PubsCctc
 48 WebSearch
 43 WebPreferences
 41 WebRss
 29 MyPublications?
 27 JaKarTa?
 26 WebIndex
 29 JorgeSousaPinto
Feb 2004 84 19 1  52 WebHome
 10 PlayList?
 10 MenuTopics
  7 WebPreferences
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebChanges
 17 JorgeSousaPinto
  3 AlcinoCunha
Jul 2004 1139 10 0 490 WebStatistics
310 WebHome
 40 WebNotify
 35 WebSearch
 33 WebPreferences
 31 PlayList?
 30 HotList?
 28 CinemaTheque?
 27 BookShelf?
 26 WebChanges
 20 WebIndex
 10 JorgeSousaPinto
Apr 2006 782 1 0 178 WebHome
 94 WebStatistics
 56 WebRss
 52 WebNotify
 50 WebSearch
 49 MyPublications?
 44 WebChanges
 43 WebPreferences
 38 WebIndex
 28 JaKarTa?
 27 ProjectThemes?
  1 JorgeSousaPinto
Mar 2004 341 1 0 173 WebHome
 34 PlayList?
 32 CinemaTheque?
 29 BookShelf?
 26 HotList?
 14 WebStatistics
  6 WebIndex
  5 WebSearch
  4 WebPreferences
  3 WebChanges
  3 MenuTopics
  1 JorgeSousaPinto
Feb 2007 153 0 0  21 WebHome
 14 MenuTopics
 13 TpCp0506
 11 WebSearch
 11 WebStatistics
 10 WebChanges
  9 WebTopicList
  9 WebRss
  9 PubsCctc
  8 WebNotify
  8 WebPreferences
Jan 2007 432 0 0  72 WebHome
 64 WebNotify
 36 WebStatistics
 32 WebSearch
 31 WebChanges
 27 PubsCctc
 25 WebIndex
 24 TpCp0506
 23 WebRss
 23 WebPreferences
 21 MenuTopics
Dec 2006 342 0 0 102 WebHome
 54 WebNotify
 29 WebStatistics
 27 WebSearch
 26 WebChanges
 22 TpCp0506
 17 WebIndex
 15 WebRss
 10 MenuTopics
  9 PubsCctc
  7 WebPreferences
Nov 2006 321 0 0  80 WebHome
 53 WebNotify
 33 WebSearch
 29 WebChanges
 24 TpCp0506
 19 WebIndex
 19 WebStatistics
 11 WebRss
  9 WebPreferences
  7 WebTopicList
  7 MenuTopics
Oct 2006 512 0 0 114 WebHome
 94 WebStatistics
 69 WebNotify
 45 TpCp0506
 30 WebPreferences
 24 WebChanges
 23 WebSearch
 22 WebIndex
 14 PubsCctc
 13 MenuTopics
 11 WebRss
Aug 2006 429 0 0  87 WebHome
 53 WebStatistics
 42 WebNotify
 37 MyPublications?
 31 WebIndex
 28 WebChanges
 21 WebRss
 20 WebSearch
 19 TpCp0506
 17 JaKarTa?
 13 MenuTopics
May 2006 683 0 0 182 WebHome
131 WebStatistics
 46 WebRss
 36 MyPublications?
 35 WebPreferences
 33 WebIndex
 33 WebNotify
 30 WebSearch
 30 WebChanges
 23 JaKarTa?
 17 ProjectThemes?
Mar 2006 1916 0 0 378 WebHome
329 WebStatistics
151 WebPreferences
142 WebSearch
126 WebNotify
120 MyPublications?
109 WebChanges
105 WebIndex
 70 JaKarTa?
 68 ProjectThemes?
 67 MenuTopics
Feb 2006 923 0 0 220 WebHome
113 WebStatistics
 87 MyPublications?
 82 WebSearch
 76 WebNotify
 63 WebChanges
 53 WebPreferences
 50 WebIndex
 28 JaKarTa?
 28 MenuTopics
 27 ProjectThemes?
Nov 2005 1244 0 0 225 WebHome
142 WebNotify
137 WebStatistics
 91 WebChanges
 84 WebSearch
 80 MyPublications?
 65 WebIndex
 64 WebPreferences
 50 CinemaTheque?
 43 HotList?
 36 MenuTopics
Oct 2005 1496 0 0 323 WebHome
279 WebStatistics
112 WebNotify
 94 WebSearch
 92 MyPublications?
 89 WebIndex
 82 WebPreferences
 77 WebChanges
 47 HotList?
 46 CinemaTheque?
 40 MenuTopics
Sep 2005 1169 0 0 191 WebHome
163 WebStatistics
 99 WebNotify
 90 MyPublications?
 88 WebSearch
 80 WebIndex
 71 WebChanges
 63 WebPreferences
 51 CinemaTheque?
 43 HotList?
 40 ProjectThemes?
Aug 2005 1434 0 0 227 WebStatistics
200 WebHome
169 WebRss
102 WebNotify
 89 WebChanges
 85 WebIndex
 79 WebSearch
 76 MyPublications?
 73 WebPreferences
 48 CinemaTheque?
 47 ProjectThemes?
May 2005 1681 0 0 283 WebStatistics
202 WebHome
108 WebSearch
103 CinemaTheque?
 93 WebNotify
 90 ProjectThemes?
 90 HotList?
 87 WebChanges
 86 WebIndex
 79 PlayList?
 79 MyPublications?
Mar 2005 1643 0 0 301 WebStatistics
238 WebHome
 97 WebPreferences
 89 WebNotify
 89 WebSearch
 89 JaKarTa?
 80 WebIndex
 80 ProjectThemes?
 76 CinemaTheque?
 75 HotList?
 68 WebChanges
Nov 2004 1302 0 0 320 WebHome
238 WebStatistics
 97 WebNotify
 84 ProjectThemes?
 71 WebPreferences
 68 WebChanges
 65 WebSearch
 51 WebIndex
 50 PlayList?
 44 BookShelf?
 43 HotList?
Oct 2004 715 0 0 225 WebHome
 82 WebStatistics
 71 ProjectThemes?
 48 HotList?
 37 BookShelf?
 35 PlayList?
 35 CinemaTheque?
 34 WebNotify
 32 WebSearch
 27 WebChanges
 25 WebIndex
Aug 2004 1124 0 0 280 WebHome
261 WebStatistics
 76 WebPreferences
 74 WebNotify
 66 WebSearch
 62 ProjectThemes?
 48 PlayList?
 39 HotList?
 36 WebChanges
 35 WebIndex
 35 BookShelf?
Jun 2004 547 0 0 186 WebHome
115 WebStatistics
 50 WebPreferences
 27 WebNotify
 23 WebSearch
 22 PlayList?
 20 CinemaTheque?
 18 HotList?
 17 WebIndex
 17 BookShelf?
 16 WebChanges
May 2004 385 0 0 139 WebHome
 96 WebStatistics
 31 WebPreferences
 17 WebNotify
 17 WebIndex
 12 PlayList?
 12 CinemaTheque?
 10 HotList?
  9 MenuTopics
  9 BookShelf?
  8 WebSearch
Apr 2004 117 0 0  70 WebHome
 12 WebSearch
 10 WebStatistics
  6 CinemaTheque?
  5 WebChanges
  5 PlayList?
  4 BookShelf?
  3 HotList?
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebIndex


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.

r925 - 10 Feb 2007 - 15:46:55 - TWikiGuest
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