Participants Workshop

The summer school program includes a Participants Workshop, where participants are given the opportunity to present their work. The senior researchers present at the summer school will provide the presenting participants with feedback on their research subject.


Presentations in the Participants Workshop will vary in length: 5min, 10min, 15min. The time for the presentation also includes a few minutes for questions from the audience and discussion.

Before the summer school

Those participants who wish to contribute to the Participants Workshop should submit an extended abstract (1-2 pages in LNCS style) before June 4. The summer school's organization committee will review these abstracts to select workshop presenters, and to assign time slots. The selected short papers will appear in the informal proceedings of the summer school.

After the summer school

Based on the short papers, the presentations at the workshop, and reactions of other summer school participants and the invited speakers, the organization committee will invite the best workshop participants to work out their contribution into a full paper.

The full papers will be subjected to a reviewing procedure by the scientific committee of the summer school. The scientific committee will then select the participants papers that will be included into the formal proceedings of the summer school. These formal proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes of Computer Science series.