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Statistics for Education/MSM Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
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topic save and uploads:
Apr 2005 447 11 0  67 WebHome
 61 WebStatistics
 51 WebPreferences
 49 WebNotify
 41 WebChanges
 36 WebSearch
 35 WebIndex
 34 MenuTopics
 18 WebSearchAdvanced
 17 NoticiaS
 12 WebRss
  8 CarlosBaquero
  3 AlcinoCunha
Sep 2005 1219 4 0 195 TemaS
145 WebHome
143 WebStatistics
 81 Disciplinas
 73 WebChanges
 70 SemII
 70 NoticiaS
 67 WebNotify
 56 WebIndex
 56 PartilhA
 51 WebPreferences
  4 CarlosBaquero
Jul 2005 1099 37 0 140 WebHome
120 WebStatistics
119 TemaS
 80 WebChanges
 78 SemII
 75 NoticiaS
 69 WebNotify
 63 Disciplinas
 60 WebIndex
 56 WebSearch
 43 WebPreferences
 36 CarlosBaquero
  1 RuiJose
May 2005 1000 21 1 187 WebStatistics
100 WebHome
 96 WebChanges
 79 WebNotify
 73 WebPreferences
 67 SemII
 67 NoticiaS
 65 MenuTopics
 60 WebIndex
 58 WebSearch
 28 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 CarlosBaquero
  3 RuiJose
Jun 2005 942 1 0 151 WebStatistics
 96 WebChanges
 85 WebHome
 79 SemII
 76 WebNotify
 62 NoticiaS
 57 WebIndex
 57 WebSearch
 55 WebPreferences
 53 SandBoX?
 49 TemaS
  1 CarlosBaquero
Feb 2007 183 0 0  49 TemaS
 24 WebHome
 18 WebChanges
 11 WebStatistics
 10 WebPreferences
  9 NoticiaS
  8 WebNotify
  7 WebSearch
  7 Disciplinas
  6 SemII
  6 PartilhA
Jan 2007 695 0 0 138 TemaS
 96 WebStatistics
 79 WebChanges
 58 WebHome
 41 WebSearch
 38 WebNotify
 35 WebIndex
 30 Temas?
 28 NoticiaS
 27 SemII
 25 PartilhA
Dec 2006 495 0 0 112 TemaS
 73 WebChanges
 46 WebHome
 46 WebStatistics
 40 WebNotify
 38 WebSearch
 21 Temas?
 19 PartilhA
 17 SemII
 16 NoticiaS
 13 Disciplinas
Nov 2006 570 0 0 181 TemaS
 63 WebStatistics
 47 WebHome
 40 WebNotify
 40 WebChanges
 35 WebSearch
 25 WebIndex
 24 SemII
 18 Temas?
 17 NoticiaS
 16 PartilhA
Oct 2006 517 0 0 174 TemaS
 70 WebStatistics
 45 WebHome
 31 WebNotify
 25 WebIndex
 19 Temas?
 19 PartilhA
 19 Disciplinas
 18 SemII
 18 NoticiaS
 15 MenuTopics
Sep 2006 604 0 0 129 TemaS
 77 WebStatistics
 62 WebChanges
 47 WebHome
 34 Disciplinas
 33 SemII
 29 MenuTopics
 28 NoticiaS
 27 WebIndex
 24 WebSearch
 21 WebNotify
Aug 2006 648 0 0 124 TemaS
 89 WebStatistics
 67 WebChanges
 64 WebHome
 43 SemII
 41 NoticiaS
 32 WebNotify
 28 Disciplinas
 27 Temas?
 24 WebIndex
 23 PartilhA
Jul 2006 815 0 0 125 TemaS
120 WebStatistics
 92 WebHome
 59 NoticiaS
 54 SemII
 45 WebChanges
 43 WebPreferences
 42 MenuTopics
 40 WebNotify
 37 WebIndex
 30 PartilhA
Jun 2006 972 0 0 241 WebStatistics
142 TemaS
102 WebHome
 54 SemII
 50 WebChanges
 49 NoticiaS
 46 WebIndex
 44 MenuTopics
 33 WebPreferences
 32 WebNotify
 30 Disciplinas
May 2006 852 0 0 131 TemaS
110 WebStatistics
102 WebHome
 59 SemII
 46 WebChanges
 45 NoticiaS
 43 WebRss
 38 WebIndex
 37 Temas?
 37 WebPreferences
 32 MenuTopics
Apr 2006 1011 0 0 195 WebStatistics
155 TemaS
 92 WebHome
 56 SemII
 55 Temas?
 52 WebChanges
 50 MenuTopics
 47 NoticiaS
 45 WebRss
 44 WebIndex
 37 WebPreferences
Mar 2006 1889 0 0 236 WebStatistics
234 TemaS
186 WebHome
130 NoticiaS
127 WebChanges
124 SemII
103 WebPreferences
 98 PartilhA
 96 WebNotify
 92 WebIndex
 85 MenuTopics
Feb 2006 1063 0 0 137 TemaS
126 WebStatistics
109 WebHome
 77 NoticiaS
 74 WebNotify
 63 WebChanges
 63 Disciplinas
 58 PartilhA
 56 WebSearch
 53 WebIndex
 50 MenuTopics
Jan 2006 1142 0 0 175 TemaS
127 WebStatistics
112 WebHome
 85 NoticiaS
 83 WebNotify
 67 WebChanges
 61 SemII
 60 WebSearch
 57 WebIndex
 57 PartilhA
 49 Disciplinas
Dec 2005 1303 0 0 173 WebStatistics
149 TemaS
133 WebHome
 89 WebChanges
 89 NoticiaS
 85 WebNotify
 76 WebIndex
 74 WebSearch
 73 WebPreferences
 64 PartilhA
 64 Disciplinas
Nov 2005 1307 0 0 199 TemaS
143 WebHome
140 WebStatistics
 89 NoticiaS
 79 WebChanges
 76 WebIndex
 76 WebNotify
 65 Disciplinas
 61 SemII
 61 PartilhA
 59 WebSearch
Oct 2005 1244 0 0 195 TemaS
190 WebStatistics
127 WebHome
 81 WebChanges
 74 NoticiaS
 72 WebNotify
 63 WebIndex
 62 SemII
 56 WebSearch
 54 Disciplinas
 52 PartilhA
Aug 2005 1146 0 0 180 WebStatistics
123 TemaS
101 WebHome
 77 WebChanges
 68 WebIndex
 66 WebNotify
 64 Disciplinas
 63 NoticiaS
 61 SemII
 57 WebPreferences
 56 WebSearch
Mar 2005 0 0 0    
Feb 2005 0 0 0    
Dec 2004 0 0 0    
Nov 2004 0 0 0    


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.

r331 - 11 Feb 2007 - 09:19:30 - TWikiGuest
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