Course Syllabus

Introduction to HCI
A general introduction to HCI to provide students with enough background for the topics addressed in the course.
The evaluation of interactive computing systems is addressed from a number of different perspectives. Traditional approaches based on user testing or expert review are covered first. Then, the role of models in the analyses of interactive systems [Harrison et al., 2008, Barbosa et al., 2011] is discussed, and the opportunities that a clear expression of the problem and systematic analysis techniques may afford presented.
  1. User studies – usability testing and controlled experiments
  2. Usability inspection – expert reviews
  3. Automated analysis through model-based testing
  4. Automated analysis through formal verification
Interaction techniques
A number of promising and useful interaction methods are covered. The topic addresses 3D interfaces and the tracking and displaying technology required to deliver information according to the user point of view, as well as more recent results using multi-sensory information. The new perspectives of use open by Natural user interfaces, and their ability to bind physical and real world and benefit from the capabilities that users already have to interface with the real world are also addressed [Bowman et al., 2012, Kulik, 2009].
  1. 3D interaction
  2. Multi-sensory interfaces
  3. Natural user interfaces
  4. Development technologies and guidelines
Interaction paradigms
A number of advanced topics on Interaction Paradigms are addressed here, with a particular emphasis on Ubiquitous Computing. Topics range from the capability of systems to adapt to their usage situations (both during design and once deployed) through implicit interactions and context-awareness [Schmidt, 2013], to the development of public displays having the ability to create a shared experience between nearby people and the challenges this creates, such as shared ownership and social negotiation around their use. Virtual reality systems are also addressed, in particular the use of 3D application server as a means of prototyping Ubiquitous Computing environments.
  1. Context-aware sensing systems
  2. Interactive Public Displays
  3. Virtual reality systems and the prototyping of Ubiquitous Computing environments
Design and development approaches
This module introduces students to two different, and to an extent antagonistic, approaches: Lean UX [Gothelf and Seiden, 2013], which is strongly anchored on fast iterations over multiple designs and on measuring the results of those designs to support the evolution of the project; and Model-Based User Interface Development [Meixner et al., 2011], which is based on the idea of a structured development progressing from more conceptual models to the final user interface through a process of model refinement. The students will have the opportunity to contrasts the two approaches and explore the roles that each might play in the development of an Interactive Computing System.
  1. Lean UX
  2. Model-based development