InPACT: Integrated Engineering Tools for Protection, Automation and Control Systems

O projecto InPACT é um projecto de II&DT com vista ao desenvolvimento de ferramentas de engenharia avançadas para aplicação a sistemas de protecção, automação e controlo (PAC) de sistemas eléctricos de energia. Nestes sistemas incluem-se os domínios (i) da automação de subestações (SAS), (ii) comando e controlo de centrais electroprodutoras, (iii) automação de redes de distribuição e (iv) sistemas afins.

O projecto tem enfoque particular no SAS e em tecnologia de automação distribuída com base em normas internacionais aplicáveis, nomeadamente a IEC 61850 e normalização internacional associada e a IEC 61131-3, não deixando de abranger conceitos mais recentes como aqueles incluídos na série de normas IEC 61499 ou abordar outras tecnologias comunicativas de segunda geração como aquelas baseadas na série de normas IEC 60870-5.

A Universidade do Minho traz ao projecto competências nas áreas de investigação científica, análise e desenho de soluções nos domínios genéricos de aplicações informáticas e, em particular, nos domínios específicos da interface ao utilizador, edição diagramática, compiladores de linguagens, linguagens visuais e validação de comportamento.

Funded by EFACEC and QREN
Partners: EFACEC, U.Minho, EDP.
Budget: 81K¤ (UMinho budget)

CACE - Computer Aided Cryptographic Engineering

The goal of this project is to design, develop and deploy a toolbox that will support the specific domain of cryptographic software engineering. Ordinarily, development of cryptographic software is a huge challenge:security and trust is mission critical and modern applications processing sensitive data typically require the deployment of sophisticated cryptographic techniques. The proposed toolbox will allow non-experts to develop high-level cryptographic applications and business models by means of cryptography-aware high-level programming languages and compilers. The description of such applications in this way will allow automatic analysis and transformation of cryptographic software to detect security critical implementation failures, e.g., software and hardware based side-channel attacks, when realizing low level cryptographic primitives and protocols. CACE is an FP7 project funded by the European Union.

CACE will start beginning of 2008 and run for 3 years.

Rescue - Reliable and Safe Code execUtion for Embedded systems

This project aims at providing innovative, efficient and expressive mechanisms for the secure implementation and execution of code, with an emphasis on problems posed by embedded systems.

Rescue is a 3 year project, funded by FCT under contract PTDC/EIA/65862/2006.
Starting date: January 2008.

AMADEUS: Aspects and Compiler Optimizations for Matlab System Development

This project addresses the enrichment of MATLAB with aspect-oriented extensions to include additional information (e.g., type and shape of variables) and to experiment different implementation features (e.g., different implementations for the same function, certain type binding for variables, etc.). The proposed aspects aim to configure the low-level data representation of real variables and expressions, to specifically-tailored data representations that benefit from a more efficient support by target computing engines (e.g., fixed- instead of floating-point representations). The approach also aims to help developers to introduce handlers (code triggered when certain conditions may occur and with a richer functionality than assertions) and monitoring features, and to configure function implementations. We believe aspect-oriented extensions will help system modelling, simulation, and exploration of features conceiving system implementation. One of the advantages is related to the fact that a single version of the specification can be used throughout the entire development cycle rather than maintaining multiple versions, as is currently the case.

Funded by FCT (PTDC/EIA/70271/2006)
Partners: Inesc-ID, U.Minho, Uninova, Deimos.
Budget: 106K¤

IVY - A model-based usability analysis environment

IVY's goal is to develop a model based tool for the analysis of interactive systems designs. The tool will act as a front end to the SMV model checker, creating an abstraction layer where models of interactive systems can be developed and analysed.

SCAPS - Safe Control of Automated Production Systems

Development of tools and techniques to aid the formal verification of Discrete Event Systems (DES) controllers using timed plant models.


Language Engineering and Rigorous Software Development is an ALFA project (Latin America Academic Training ) funded by the European Comission.

Project partners are the Universities of Minho (coordinator), Utrecht, Chalmers, INRIA, Politécnica de Valência, Castilla-La Mancha, La República, EAFIT, Nacional de San Luís, Federal de Minas Gerais, Católica de Santiago del Estero.

The project will fund a total of 27 PhD students co-tutored by a Latin-American and an European institution. Total funding: approx. 530.000¤. Current state: 8 PhD students have started their work.

Additionally the project will set up a research network in the areas of Programming Languages and Rigorous Software Construction.

APPSEM II (Applied Semantics)

Several group members participate in this 5th. framework program thematic network, IST-2001-38957


The Types project is a coordination action in EU′s 6th. framework programme. It started in September 2004 and is a continuation of a number of successful European projects.

Maria João Frade is associated to this project.


Technological and Scientific Cooperation Project between Portugal and the P. R. of China on Formal Foundations for Component-based Programming


A Iberoamerican network of experts in Software Verification and Validation. Funded by CYTED. Started 01/2007, runs for 3 years. J. F. Campos and J. B. Almeida are members.

SOFTAS: Software Development with Aspects

This project aims at inventing a seamless AOSD process by focusing on the definition of a complete software methodology covering all the development stages, so that crosscutting and non-crosscutting concerns can be traced during the lifecycle to produce efficient and high-quality software applications. The research results will be instantiated in practice with real world examples from industry.

In summary, the two main objectives of the project are:

  1. to propose a modelling and architecture design framework, which includes a methodology and tools to help the development of software applications that can take advantage of the principles of aspect-orientation;
  2. to derive quantitative evidence on the improvement on the modularity of produced software and other quality attributes.

Funded by FCT (POSC/EIA/60189/2004)
Partners: FCT-UNL, U.Minho, IP Beja, LINCIS, NAV.
Budget: FCT: 89K¤