
Clusters with Knights Landing: Getting More from Xeon Phi

How to determine if your code benefits from clustering with KNL  Xeon Phi experts Colfax Research discuss the different clustering modes of Knights Landing, the new Xeon Phi processor, and demonstrate how to determine if your code will benefit from clustering, according to this brief from Slashdot Media Editor Michael …

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Supercomputers Drive Lithium-Ion Battery Research

Improving battery technology key to next generation smartphones, cars, and homes Research scientists have made a huge advance in lithium-ion battery research with the help of supercomputers, according to this brief by Slashdot Media Contributing Editor Wylie Wong. Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) have made a major advance …

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Clusters with Knights Landing: Getting More from Xeon Phi

How to determine if your code benefits from clustering with KNL  Xeon Phi experts Colfax Research discuss the different clustering modes of Knights Landing, the new Xeon Phi processor, and demonstrate how to determine if your code will benefit from clustering, according to this brief from Slashdot Media Editor Michael …

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Supercomputers Drive Lithium-Ion Battery Research

Improving battery technology key to next generation smartphones, cars, and homes Research scientists have made a huge advance in lithium-ion battery research with the help of supercomputers, according to this brief by Slashdot Media Contributing Editor Wylie Wong. Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) have made a major advance …

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Solving the World’s Largest Math Proof with Supercomputers

Solved by 3 scientists, resulting proof is 200TB. A 30-plus year old math proof was recently solved by a team of US and UK-based researchers, and the resulting proof is bigger than 300,000 copies of “War and Peace”, according to this brief by Slashdot Media Contributing Editor Wylie Wong. Three …

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Pittsburgh Supercomputer aids Genomics, Disease Research

NSF-funded Xeon behemoth makes early impact for researchers in a broad range of disciplines Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center’s (PSC) new Bridges supercomputer had made a big difference for researchers in its first 90 days, according to this brief by Slashdot Media Contributing Editor Wylie Wong Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center’s (PSC) new Bridges …

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NSF Funds development of 18 Petaflop Computer

Stampede 2 at Texas Advanced Computing Center to be twice as powerful as its predecessor Dell and Seagate partner with TACC to develop one of the world’s fastest Xeon and Xeon Phi supercomputers, according to this brief by Slashdot Media Contributing Editor Wylie Wong The National Science Foundation (NSF) has …

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Supercomputer Churns Away to Help Fine Tune Climate Projections, Weather Forecasts

2,400 Intel Xeon cores work on problem for more than a quarter million hours What connections Indian Monsoons and US Western weather? A phenomenon that is being peeled back by researchers using an Intel-based supercomputer, according to this brief by Slashdot Media Contributing Editor Wylie Wong The Pacific Northwest National …

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