Why We Need to Automate APM

In Smart Thoughts - 10/10/2013 Leave a comment
Why We Need to Automate APM

Application performance management (APM) can help companies increase their productivity in incident and problem management. That, coupled with IT process ...

Application performance management (APM) can help companies increase their productivity in incident and problem management. That, coupled with IT process automation, which has quickly reached attention-grabbing status as run book automation (RBA), could considerably reduce the time to repair problems. Linking the two technologies makes sense, but it’s not completely there yet. However, there is one company that has planted the first stake in the ground.

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Limitations of Logging

In Smart Thoughts - 09/23/2013 Leave a comment
Limitations of Logging

The old standard of troubleshooting application issues by trawling log files, which was never been easy or fast, is simply not enough ...

The old standard of troubleshooting application issues by trawling log files, which was never been easy or fast, is simply not enough to get to the root cause of problems in modern distributed applications.  To read about a more modern approach to stay informed about application performance issues and to minimize the business impact of performance degradation and downtime, click here.

Free. Instant. Confirmed: Application Performance Management at OpenTable

In Smart Thoughts - 09/10/2013 Leave a comment
Free. Instant. Confirmed: Application Performance Management at OpenTable

OpenTable is trusted by 28,000 restaurants and 450 million diners worldwide to make free, instant and confirmed meal reservations. What ...

OpenTable is trusted by 28,000 restaurants and 450 million diners worldwide to make free, instant and confirmed meal reservations. What does it take to keep the complex software applications at the heart of OpenTable up and running smoothly, quickly and reliably, 24×7? Open Table’s Performance Lead, Alan Novitskiy, sits down with Slashdot Media’s Joe Maglitta to discuss performance demands and challenges and the increasingly crucial role played by Application Performance Management (APM).


Determining the ROI of APM: Know the Real Costs Before Buying In

In Money & ROI - 09/04/2013 1 Comment
Determining the ROI of APM: Know the Real Costs Before Buying In


Computer networks—and the demands organizations place on them—are more complex than ever. Adding to that complexity are performance problems ...


Computer networks—and the demands organizations place on them—are more complex than ever. Adding to that complexity are performance problems resulting in the growing number of applications that are installed and deployed. This has heightened interest in application performance management (APM).

Like any new technology investment, launching an APM solution starts with making the business case for it – the return on investment (ROI). That includes what the technology costs to purchase, deploy and maintain, of course. Realizing thousands, or millions, of dollars in savings isn’t of great value if you’re paying out similar funds to purchase an APM solution in the first place.

Beyond the cost of an APM solution, there are several things to look for to help ...

Video: Don’t Get Burned by App Downtime

In Money & ROI - 08/22/2013 Leave a comment
Video:  Don’t Get Burned by App Downtime

When your business-critical applications goes down, it can burn a ton of money, productivity and even your reputation. But now ...

When your business-critical applications goes down, it can burn a ton of money, productivity and even your reputation. But now there’s a tool that can prevent your time and money from going up in smoke.

Don’t Let Downtime Destroy Your Organization

In Money & ROI - 10/08/2013 Leave a comment
Don’t Let Downtime Destroy Your Organization

Downtime can cost companies big time—to the tune of $1 million dollars for a single incident for some. But you ...

Downtime can cost companies big time—to the tune of $1 million dollars for a single incident for some. But you can protect yourself and your company with the right tools. Find out how you can better understand the risks of downtime, its impact on your business, and what you can do to prevent it, or at least minimize its effects.

DEFCON 1: Address Key Performance Issues Before It’s Too Late

In Smart Thoughts - 09/11/2013 1 Comment
DEFCON 1: Address Key Performance Issues Before It’s Too Late

When it comes to performance, it’s crucial to maintain the most heightened state of readiness to avoid needlessly working long nights ...

When it comes to performance, it’s crucial to maintain the most heightened state of readiness to avoid needlessly working long nights and weekends or possibly losing your job. This article focuses on issues you should not ignore, including treating performance as an afterthought and waiting for your users to report performance problems.

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Conquer Concurrency Complications

In Technology - 09/06/2013 Leave a comment
Conquer Concurrency Complications

Concurrency, the execution of several computations simultaneously, lets your application accomplish more work in less time. But it also comes with ...

Concurrency, the execution of several computations simultaneously, lets your application accomplish more work in less time. But it also comes with issues that can have dramatic impact on performance. Learn how to fix three common concurrency problems: thread deadlocks, thread gridlocks, and thread pool configuration issues.

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Java Garbage Collector: Don’t Let It Mess with Memory

In Technology - 08/27/2013 Leave a comment
Java Garbage Collector: Don’t Let It Mess with Memory

Java memory management has made it easier than ever to build stable and secure applications, but it can also lead ...

Java memory management has made it easier than ever to build stable and secure applications, but it can also lead to performance problems. Find out how to mitigate two of the most common memory issues: garbage collection configuration and memory leaks.

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Death by 1,000 Cuts: How to Fix Common Database Problems

In Technology - 08/19/2013 Leave a comment
Death by 1,000 Cuts: How to Fix Common Database Problems

The core of any modern web application is its data. Scaling databases and data access is crucial to growing the ...

The core of any modern web application is its data. Scaling databases and data access is crucial to growing the user base and performance quality for any new or existing app. Learn how to overcome issues with databases and data growth. This article covers a number of issues with databases including the so-called N+1 problem, improving database queries and how to ensure data consistency across distributed caches.

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