If you want to make sure we capture one single page of a site, you can follow the directions below.  We will only capture the one page you enter, and it does not get added to any sort of list to be crawled regularly, so doing this will not ensure that your site will be captured regularly or with any completeness.  (If you want your entire site archived, please read the My site’s not archived! How can I add it? FAQ.)

To archive a single page:

  • Go to the Wayback Machine at http://web.archive.org
  • Enter the URL of the page in the search box
  • You will either go to our last indexed capture of the site (in which case the page is archived and indexed already), or you will go to the live version of the site with a toolbar at the top that tells you we’ve just archived it.

When you see this toolbar, we will have just captured a copy of this page for the archive (if robots.txt allows us to). As explained in the toolbar, you will not be able to access this crawled version through the Wayback Machine immediately – we have to add it to the index first, and we only update the index every few months. Again, we only capture that one page and we only capture it one time; the site will not be archived beyond this.  If you want a full archive of your site, please read the My site’s not archived! How can I add it? FAQ.


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