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Global Policy Weekly – July 16, 2013
Blog Post: CDT's Global Policy Weekly highlights the latest Internet policy developments and proposals from...
International 7/16/2013
Jay-Z’s App Highlights Privacy Issues in Collecting Vast Amounts of Smartphone Data
Blog Post: Jay-Z’s new album, Magna Carta… Holy Grail, was released last week after much hype. But if you own...
Consumer Privacy 7/11/2013
Former Judge Slams Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Procedures
Blog Post: The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) met yesterday for a workshop addressing the...
Security & Surveillance 7/10/2013
Restoring the Balance Between Privacy and Security
Commentary: Twelve years after 9/11, One World Trade Center recently became the tallest building in America....
Security & Surveillance 7/10/2013
Call Detail Records: “Does the NSA Know Where You Are?”
Blog Post: Since the Guardian reported that the NSA collects the “call detail records” (CDR) of millions of...
Security & Surveillance 7/10/2013
Find all our latest Policy Posts (Policy Posts are in-depth analyses on current tech policy issues from CDT experts) testimony, papers, and other reports here.
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Civil Society Letter to United States Senate on SEC Exception Proposal
Letter: On July 12, 2013, civil society groups submitted a letter to the United States Senate expressing...
Security & Surveillance 7/15/2013
Law Enforcement & National Security Access to Medical Records
Policy Post: Section 215 of the PATRIOT ActHIPAA Privacy RuleProtections for Records of Federally-Funded...
Health Privacy 7/11/2013
Law Enforcement & National Security Access to Medical Records
Policy Post: Section 215 of the PATRIOT ActHIPAA Privacy RuleProtections for Records of Federally-Funded...
Security & Surveillance 7/11/2013
Restoring the Balance Between Privacy and Security
Commentary: Twelve years after 9/11, One World Trade Center recently became the tallest building in America....
Leslie Harris Security & Surveillance 7/10/2013
Coalition Letter to PCLOB on NSA program
Security & Surveillance 7/8/2013


by Emily Barabas | July 16, 2013
CDT's Global Policy Weekly highlights the latest Internet policy developments and proposals from around the world, compiled by CDT's Global Internet Freedom Project.FREE EXPRESSIONGambia’s National Assembly passed a bill that would ban “Internet activism” and online distribution of “false news” about the government. The proposed law, which amends the country’s Information and Communication Act, would include severe penalties, including up to 15 years in prison. Article 19 warned that the...Continued »
by G.S. Hans | July 11, 2013
Jay-Z’s new album, Magna Carta… Holy Grail, was released last week after much hype. But if you own a Samsung Galaxy phone, you had the option to get the album for free. Great deal, right? Samsung reportedly paid $5 million for the privilege of providing a million copies to its users, gratis. All a user had to do was be one of the first million users to install an app called Magna Carta, which Samsung had developed, and they’d receive a copy of the album 72 hours before its official release.Continued »
by Lauren Henry | July 10, 2013
The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) met yesterday for a workshop addressing the National Security Agency’s controversial approach to surveillance in programs supposedly authorized by Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act and Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The workshop consisted of three panels of experts, which focused on the legal, technological, and policy aspects of the programs.Many panelists worried that the current procedures of the Foreign...Continued »
by Aubra Anthony | July 10, 2013
Since the Guardian reported that the NSA collects the “call detail records” (CDR) of millions of Americans, a lot of conflicting information has emerged about what exactly the NSA can scoop up under Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act. What exactly do we know about the call detail records that the NSA ordered Verizon and other carriers to hand over? Absent any information from the NSA, what can we infer based on what we know about CDRs in other contexts?Phone companies use CDRs to bill their users....Continued »