[Home]Transcode Wiki


Transcode is a suite of command line utilities for transcoding video and audio codecs, and for converting beween different container formats. Transcode can decode and encode many audio and video formats, e.g.

A variety of video and audio pre and post-processing filters are available, including (but not limited to):

Transcode can import DVDs on-the-fly, or record from Video4Linux (including V4L2 video capturing) devices.

See General Information for a more detailed description of Transcode's capabilities. Or scroll down and choose your topic of interest from the documentation part below.


September 24, 2008
New Transcode Support Site Launched on http://tcforge.berlios.de
For the full announcement see [1].
January 18 (Sunday), 2009
Transcode 1.1.0 released!
Transcode 1.0.7 released!
Transcode 1.0.6 released!
Transcode 1.0.5 released!
Transcode 1.0.4 released!
Transcode 1.0.3 released!
Transcode 1.0.2 released!
Transcode-htdocs 1.0.0 released!


Latest Source Tarballs and CVS Access


There are two mailinglists, one for development related topics and one for discussions about transcode usage and other audio/video related topics

searchable mailinglist archives can be found here

Always look in the archives before you ask a question! And see

This makes it easier for others to answer your questions.

Also you can meet us on IRCnet in #transcode.



An issue tracking system is avalaible on tcforge.berlios.de at http://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=10094 .

See also Bug Showcase for some known bugs (the tcforge page is preferred anyway) Some historical bugs are also listed in our old experimental bug tracker: http://tcfoundry.hostme.it/mantis The old mantis is maintained in read-only only for historical reasons. The bugs still alive are moved on the tcforge bug tracker

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Last edited February 27, 2010 2:16 pm by Joern (diff)