DIY High-Speed Book Scanner from Trash and Cheap Cameras

 by daniel_reetz
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I love books. There is some truly fantastic knowledge and information hidden out there in hard to find, rare, and not commercially viable books. I find that I want my books with me everywhere. But that's where the problems begin. Buying, moving, storing, and preserving books means environmental costs... and when I loan a book to a friend, I no longer have access to it.

Digital books change the landscape . After suffering through scanning many of my old, rare, and government issue books, I decided to create a book scanner that anybody could make, for around $300. And that's what this instructable is all about. A greener future with more books rather than fewer books. More access to information, rather than less access to information. And maybe, years from now, a reformed publishing/distribution model (but I'm not holding my breath...).

UPDATE: We've outgrown the Instructables commenting system. There's a new place to discuss book scanner building -- please join us at DIYBOOKSCANNER.ORG -- and BTW, you don't need to register to get a PDF of these instructions. UPDATE:9/16/2011 - Instructables has kindly made the PDF download public for everyone. Thanks, Eric.

UPDATE: If you're actually planning to build one of these things, you really should visit I have a new set of plans there that is much simpler than these ones.

I've built two of these things now, and this instructable covers the best parts of both of them. You can build a book scanner using only hand tools plus a drill. I realized that not everyone is comfortable with using all the different hand tools you might need to make it. So I scanned a book on using hand tools that should answer all your questions. ;)

Download a sample here.
Download the entire book (115mb) here. I may have to remove this if there are too many downloads. Please note that these were taken before the scanner and software were complete. Scans from the final system are much nicer.

We have written some open-source, free software to convert the images from your scanner into PDFs. It's currently in a rough alpha stage, and needs a pretty fast computer to get things done. It works on Macs and PCs. Help us improve it! This software is covered on step(78-79).

EDIT: Many people have commented that an automatic page flipper would be faster. I think this system is pretty fast. I made a comparison video if you'd like to see how this compares to an automatic scanning system. And you can watch a movie while you work on my system.

Let's get to it!
UPDATE, 2009-04-28. Step 1 now contains a beta-quality printable PDF materials list.
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Step 1: Material Acquisition: Dumpster Dive in the Day With Your Camera

Let's start with getting the things you need.This book scanner employs recycled, found, and salvaged materials at every step. I think it's important to note that this is not only because it is the right thing to do, environmentally speaking, when prototyping and building things, but also because the major thrust of this project is to make it affordable for almost anyone. Affordability often means getting creative with what you have and what you can find.

UPDATE-2009-04-28 -I've made a PDF materials checklist. It's currently in beta. Please help me perfect it!
UPDATE-2009-4-29: Here's the parts list by Autophile, who's almost completed his own scanner.

One of the problems of building this way is that there is a strong stigma against recovering things from the trash. I'll admit that this affects even me on occasion. With that in mind, I want to show you a little dumpster diving trick that's socially acceptable. It's terribly simple. Take your camera, and hold it over the edge of any dumpster you find interesting. When you get home, see if there's anything that will help you. Later, return under cover of darkness and recover whatever it is you needed.

I spent almost a month thinking about this second book scanner and where to find stuff. During this month, I was vigilant about noting the locations of various construction dumpsters, and I also kept an eye on trashcans whenever I passed them. Whenever I saw something interesting, I made a simple decision. Should I grab it now, or simply photograph it? If it was a dumpster, I photographed it. If it was something useful, I grabbed it right away. It's good to keep a fabric shopping bag or backpack on you to transport all the stuff you will inevitably find.
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donkeyknee says: Jul 18, 2013. 2:52 AM
wow !!
Chloe8 says: Jun 9, 2013. 8:27 PM
wow,,, awesome.
prawnonly says: Apr 3, 2013. 10:48 PM
this is really cool.
made me curious for scanner and i found this.
prawnonly says: Apr 3, 2013. 10:46 PM
did you guys see this?
Someone took your idea and commercialize it
contactscolored says: Mar 26, 2013. 3:32 AM
your doing it right.
softenersreviews says: Mar 2, 2013. 8:52 PM
Thanks for adding to the legitimacy of this practice. I've been doing this for years. It's amazing the valuable things people throw out
JensonBut says: Jan 20, 2013. 9:41 PM
Those videos are amazing. I made this with my science class, but never that much. Wowzer.
dubstepmaker says: Nov 28, 2012. 11:18 PM
woa!!! so freakin cool man.. CRAZY
cal54 says: Sep 25, 2011. 7:43 PM
I can't thank you enough this is a great direction towards the reader I want to build for my girlfriend that has closed angle glaucoma. I would like to make something that I could offer to others with limited income with similar disabilities.
Thanks again
daniel_reetz (author) in reply to cal54Sep 25, 2011. 8:06 PM
You're welcome. If you like, please join us at where there is an active community working on more recent designs.
furrysalamander says: Feb 29, 2012. 2:22 PM
I bow to you in awe.
paperairplanecreator says: Dec 17, 2011. 6:05 PM
you should put a shell around it that looks like a Dalek.
Kiteman says: Sep 20, 2011. 4:56 AM

Did you see that you were featured on the BBC?
daniel_reetz (author) in reply to KitemanSep 20, 2011. 5:33 AM
Awesome! Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
MandingaRes says: Jul 23, 2011. 12:59 PM
Todo lo contrario! Gracias a Uds. por la respuesta, por compartir el proyecto e intentar ayudar a mejorar nuestro mundo un poco. Pero esto no termina acá...Tengo una muy buena noticia!! Esta misma mañana me enteré que EUDEBA (Editorial de la Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina) acaba de lanzar un programa de venta de e-book además de los libros tradicionales, pero la ventaja es además el precio, pudiendo obtenerlos con valores entre un 50 y un 70% más baratos!! Además para promover la lectura digital EUDEBA ofrece la venta de lectores electrónicos a precios más ventajosos (
Estoy completamente convencido que esto lo arreglamos entre todos, aunque sea poco lo que cada uno de nosotros pueda hacer. Muchas Gracias otra vez y trataré de aportar todo lo que esté a mi alcance en cuanto a tu emprendimiento.
Un afectuoso saludo.
MandingaRes says: Jul 22, 2011. 8:47 PM
El proyecto es realmente espectacular, no solo por el fin sino también por el proceso de construcción ya que se utilizan elementos reciclados, lo cual ayuda ya sabemos cuanto a nuestro mundo. Pero debo confesar que a partir de ver el vídeo y a pesar de mi edad (acabo de cumplir 55 años de edad) recién ahora me doy cuenta que el libro fue, es y seguirá siendo parte fundamental en nuestras vidas y que gracias a los libros nos educamos, nos entretenemos y transmitimos a las generaciones que nos suceden la esencia de la vida..
La industria del libro da trabajo a infinidad de personas y de todo este sistema viven muchos otros (propiedad intelectual, copyright, impuestos, etc.) pero... CUANTO DAÑO PRODUCE UN LIBRO!!! No, no estoy loco. Me puse a pensar cuantos arboles se deben talar para producir un solo libro! Cuantos bosques (sustentables o no) desaparecen por culpa de los libros!
Creo que ya -en pleno siglo XXI- debemos tomar conciencia y bregar para que a partir de ahora los libros solo sean virtuales y que en cada hogar pueda haber un computador para poder leerlos.
Mis felicitaciones por el proyecto y mi agradecimiento personal por ayudarme a recapacitar.
Un sincero saludo.
daniel_reetz (author) in reply to MandingaResJul 22, 2011. 9:20 PM
I agree, I think the book will remain an essential part of life for a long, long time, but that our daily interaction with them will decrease from this point in time forward.

Thanks for taking the time to check out this project and for your response!
toftej says: Apr 24, 2009. 11:39 PM
Thanks for adding to the legitimacy of this practice. I've been doing this for years. It's amazing the valuable things people throw out.
daniel_reetz (author) in reply to toftejApr 25, 2009. 3:35 AM
You're welcome. on the suggestion of people here and elsewhere, I'm going to make an entire guide to material salvage. I'll post a comment here when it's done.
mcshawnboy in reply to daniel_reetzApr 29, 2009. 3:43 AM
Daniel, if you talk to folks in tight economic situations you'll find multisodic episodes on dumpster diving. I knew some fellows with low budgets for groceries who made friends with food service outfit. Providing they left the area tidy advance notice would be provided to them when frozen foods were to be disposed of past the "Sell by date" but not the "Use by date". When just out of H.S. I worked for a large pizza chain that would throw away 100 LBS of "Old" dough per night. I mentioned it to a friend that fed people of meager resources and she started baking bread, pastries and pretzels. When our manager found out he put bleach on it to prevent its use! Also, while in college I worked at a dairy store where the manager would order too much milk. I asked if I could have it and a friend from made cheese with the Cooks Guild.
Algag in reply to mcshawnboyJun 7, 2011. 11:14 AM
I can see both sides of this arguement though, if the manager was letting the food be eaten then people stop buying and just get the free food but if they cant get it free then they are going to pay
daniel_reetz (author) in reply to mcshawnboyApr 29, 2009. 9:14 AM
I used to work at a restaurant in Bismarck where they would deliberately mix good (but cold) food with uncooked food or food that fell on the floor so that it was inedible. Staff had to purchase their burgers on breaks instead of eating one that had just "expired". It is a real shame that many of our surpluses cannot be recycled strictly because of profit motive.
autophile in reply to daniel_reetzApr 29, 2009. 9:47 AM
It's not even a profit motive, because food that's thrown away would net the business zero money regardless of whether it was still good food or bad food. It's this ridiculous notion that since everything is supposed to have value, it should not be given to anyone (except for some reason to the landfill) unless money is exchanged. They're essentially saying, "If I can't have the money for it, nobody can have it!"
MahavishnuMan in reply to autophileApr 29, 2009. 11:27 AM
Actually, it's more of a legal maneuver. Making the wasted food inedible prevents liability; in the past, people have tried to sue companies because they salvaged wasted food that, due to handling in its disposal, made them ill. Personally, I think two things might help. First, if the managers responsible for restocking paid more attention to trends it would prevent them from ordering a surplus that requires wasteful disposal. Second, if the disposed food were treated with the same care as the food being served the surplus could be salvaged. Both steps would benefit society as a whole - but that would require effort, wouldn't it?
a_traceur in reply to MahavishnuManSep 28, 2009. 6:52 PM
Then they should at least sell it on a "Your buy, your risk" liability contract like thing. Then the food doesn't go to waste.
MahavishnuMan in reply to a_traceurSep 28, 2009. 11:04 PM
Yeah, but take a candid look at your average American: if they won't buy a dented (even at a discount), how in God's name do you think they'll enter a contract (signed, verbal, or implied by purchase) wherein they wave legal recourse should they consume something iffy and get the trots? Personally, I do almost all my grocery shopping at an Amish-owned supermarket that deals in food that would otherwise be discarded by other grocery stores. Granted, you do have to check the "sell by" dates on some things, but it's way cheaper and prevents waste (although I don't do it for the smug factor like some I know). My wife and I tend to spend a total of $250/month on food this way, at the expense of having cereal boxes that have a crushed corner.
rkundi in reply to MahavishnuManApr 30, 2009. 3:17 PM
This should be easily fixable. Just change the law so that people can't sue for this reason.
cannonwashburn in reply to rkundiSep 30, 2009. 12:25 PM
This topic is a catch 22. If you change the law then someone else will probably suffer for it. The law that prevents stores from selling paste the sale date is was changed to make food banks and kitchens exempt, meaning food banks and kitchens and serve food paste sale date.
daniel_reetz (author) in reply to MahavishnuManApr 29, 2009. 5:04 PM
Indeed it would. As materials and energy inevitably become increasingly scarce I suspect such wasteful behavior will be increasingly unacceptable.
autophile in reply to daniel_reetzMay 1, 2009. 10:38 AM
I'm a Singularitarian, so I'm kind of hoping that the age of scarcity will be over within 30 years or so :)
Einr in reply to autophileMar 21, 2010. 10:48 AM
 "The age of scarcity" has been over for a long time, at least in western countries. It is all a question of politics.
autophile in reply to EinrMar 21, 2010. 1:58 PM
"Age of Scarcity" refers to that time period in human history when physical resources have been so scarce that a means of determining resource allocation has to be used, e.g. currency or barter. Since all western countries still use currency to allocate those resources, we are not yet out of the age of scarcity.
richie_114 says: May 1, 2011. 11:20 AM
Incredible instructable and movie! A powerful message indeed!
I bought my Nook with the idea that less books means less pollution, but I as well love books and still have hundreds, I hope your message moves us all forward!
I will be making my own soon.... and my books will last forever!
piaferre says: Mar 3, 2011. 9:58 AM
LOVE the idea of digitalizing books!
paqrat says: Feb 1, 2011. 2:43 AM
Truly awesome instructable. Might I suggest a video of it in operation?
jakebaldwin says: Jan 23, 2011. 2:21 PM


Quite Awesome.

And I especially love all the wonderful typography adorning your pictures.
McGyver2 says: Sep 18, 2010. 9:44 AM
This is THE LONGEST instructable I have ever seen. But so far it proves a heavy amount of usefullness to me...perhaps I shall go and scan all of the books in my school library. As far as I rating to give to you on a scale of 1-10 (With usefullness and relativity to the subject) I give you 10. Keep up the great work!
daniel_reetz (author) in reply to McGyver2Jan 9, 2011. 6:46 PM
Thanks, McGyver2... and let me know how that library scanning comes out. :)
McGyver2 in reply to daniel_reetzJan 10, 2011. 4:48 AM
Actually, Since I have said I would I have tons of sci fy books. Probbably going to take me a while before I will be able to get other Genre's...Right Now I just Finished with K.A. Applegate's Animorph Series...Of what my school had anyways.
CyborgGold says: Sep 22, 2010. 2:42 AM
How well does this perform for really old books (on the software side, contrast wise)? My wife has a few late 1800s books that she never picks up because she is afraid to ruin them, digitizing would be great to make them readable for her. Will the software that digitizes the text work with low contrast pages?
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