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Photos posted Friday 5 July 2013

Recent YouTube Favourites

The Sound and the Fury playlist

BBC FOUR recently had a three-part TV series about 20th century classical music, The Sound and the Fury which, to me, knowing little about the subject, seemed good. So, inevitably, I’ve made a Spotify playlist of the works it mentioned.


In Writing on 19 Mar 2013

Diary emails and RSS feed fixed

If you read the diary entries by email or RSS you might have noticed it’s been quiet for the past few days, but it should be back now.


At Pepys' Diary Site News on 3 Mar 2013

Links for Thursday 4 July 2013

Boat Race protester Trenton Oldfield ordered to leave UK | World news | The Guardian

This is outrageous. I can't believe things could go this wrong in this day and age.


A comment on another site on 23 Jun 2013

Mike Johnston’s 266 (or so) Books By Genre

Over on The Online Photographer the host Mike Johnston recently wrote about a list of books he’s been compiling for some time:


At Septivium on 25 Mar 2013

About me

I live in London, UK. I have been developing and designing things on the internet for many years and currently work as a Creative Technologist at BERG. I have previously been an acting student, modelmaker, illustrator and futurist. More about me.

My other sites



Recently listened to music

  1. The-Drum - Mantra
  2. The-Drum - Contact
  3. The-Drum - Horizons
  4. The-Drum - Switch
  5. The-Drum - Sim Stem B

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