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Website Protection Site Scanner

Show visitors your site is safe from hackers and malware links with our trusted security seal.

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Product Overview
  • Pricing
  • How it Works
  • Ours vs. Theirs
  • Common Threats
  • FAQs

Don't get blacklisted by Google®. Find security threats before hackers do.

Site Scanner identifies malware links and security gaps on your website that could allow a hacker to steal information, vandalize your site or infect your customers. Our daily vulnerability scan looks for threats and gives you recommendations on how to fix them. Find a tough one? Call our hotline for FREE help from our award-winning security experts. Learn more about common threats.

Site Scanner
$6.99 /mo
  • Trusted Site Seal
  • Daily Malware Link Scan
  • Daily Website Vulnerability Scan
  • FREE Expert Support
  • Google "Blacklist" Check
Select Quantity 
  Plan Features
 > Scanning for one website
 > Online dashboard with scorecard
 > Email notifications
 > Easy monitoring & reporting

Keep your site safe from malware & hackers

Site Scanner looks for malware links on your site and crawls the website for security gaps that a hacker could use to steal customer information and infect your visitors with spyware and viruses. Learn more about common ways a hacker can exploit your site and your customers.


Don't let your site get banned by Google

Google is constantly on the lookout for websites with suspicious activity. If it appears that your website may be spreading malware or viruses – even inadvertently – Google will ban your site and it won't appear when searched. Site Scanner looks for these vulnerabilities before they happen and does a daily check against the Google Safe Browsing list to make sure your site hasn't been blacklisted.


Direct access to Security Experts – FREE

For help, call our security hotline to speak to one of our award-winning experts – at no additional cost! Or use the online dashboard for help, education and information about IT security best practices.


Enhance visitor confidence with site seal

Increased customer confidence leads to increased revenue. When your customers see that your site is backed with daily vulnerability scans, they'll feel more confident visiting and interacting with your site.


Fully automated daily scans with email alerts

With Site Scanner, there's no software to manage and it's easy to set up. Daily scans check for thousands of Web-based vulnerabilities, then send you an email alert with a simple scorecard to let you know the severity of the issue: "Critical", "Warning" or "Informational".


Easy-to-read dashboard & reporting

Monitor results and improve your site's security with our online dashboard. Quickly see if any issues exist and get a detailed report on what they are, where they are, their threat level and suggestions on how to fix them.


Give your customers confidence

Show your visitors your site is safe and reliable with Website Protection Site Scanner, the easy way to detect and correct security threats on your site.


Automated daily scans

Identify threats and vulnerabilities on your website before they can be exploited. A daily scan looks for more than 3,000 vulnerabilities that a hacker could exploit to inject malware, spyware or steal customer information through phishing attacks. If any issues are discovered, you are notified via email or you can simply log in to the online dashboard to view the latest results.


Identify website vulnerabilities

Site Scanner scans forms, login and password fields, internal and external links – places a hacker could get in to deface your website, steal information or infect your customers with malware. Learn more about common threats and how Site Scanner helps protect you.


View your scorecard

If a vulnerability is discovered, your easy-to-read scorecard ranks the threat severity as either "Critical", "Warning" or "Informational", so you can prioritize and respond accordingly. The online dashboard lets you drill down for detailed information, report your fixes, dispute issues, request help, add notes and manage email alert settings.


Fix the threat with expert help.

Website Protection Site Scanner provides detailed reports and history, offering explanations of the issues, the location of the vulnerability and suggested courses of action. Best of all, you get additional assistance from our trained security professionals via email or direct access through our security hotline number.


Site secured

When your website is cleared of vulnerabilities, including malware links, the Go Daddy Website Protection seal will show the date of the most recently passed scan so your visitors know your site is free of critical vulnerabilities. The site seal remains visible as long as any vulnerabilities that may have caused a failed scan are addressed within 72 hours.


Site Scanner $6.99/mo

  • Trusted Site Seal
  • Daily Malware Link Scan
  • Daily Website Scan
  • FREE Expert Support
  • Google Safe Browsing "Blacklist" Check
Learn more

Protect your website against hackers, malware and fraud for less!

Dollar for dollar, Site Scanner is the most cost-effective website scanner on the market. It not only scans your website daily, but tells you how to fix whatever it finds. Plus it comes with a hotline for FREE expert help with anything you can't easily fix yourself. Compare and save!

Why pay more for the same protection? Website Protection
Site Scanner
Hacker Proof™
Pricing $6.99/mo $70/mo $191/mo
Number of websites scanned 1 1 - 4 1
Automated daily scans for security gaps      
Automated daily scans for malware links     — —
Identifies major website vulnerabilities      
Monitor Google® Safe Browsing "blacklist"      
Phone and email support from security experts      
Vulnerability analysis and recommendations      
Trusted Site Seal to increase visitor confidence      
Monitor vulnerabilities with online dashboard      
Prioritize security issues with vulnerability score card     — —
Alert notifications      
Easy installation     — —
Information updated September 1, 2011

The Web can be a dangerous place. Let Site Scanner protect you.

Site Scanner looks for weaknesses on your website that a hacker can exploit. It scans forms, login and password fields, internal and external links – places where a hacker could get in to deface your website, steal information or infect your customers with malware. Site Scanner scans for more than 3,000 vulnerabilities every day, including spyware, back doors, SQL injection opportunities and cross-site scripting (XSS) holes. Here are just a few common examples:


Stealing your customer information

Input fields can be a hacker's playground. Any field that asks a visitor to enter information like their name, address, email, login name or password can allow a hacker into your website database, exposing all of your customer's information! When fields aren't checked properly, hackers can insert code that exposes everything in your database. This is a favorite exploit for identity theft.


Defacing your website

There is no better way to scare off customers than for a hacker to vandalize your website. Hackers can inject malicious code into input fields, so when your visitors submit comments or forms, derogatory messages appear. This makes it clear that your site is not secure!


Infecting your customers

Links on your website are also a common access point for hackers. For example, you may include a link on your site for your customers to download product information. If the URL is not properly checked on the server side, hackers can inject malicious code that redirects customers to another site and deploys spyware or malware to their computers.


Don't be blacklisted by Google®!

Without Site Scanner, you might not even know that your website is being used to spread malicious software. If your site is deemed "suspicious" by Google, they will "blacklist" it from their search engine – causing you to lose traffic, customers and sales. Site Scanner works to alert you of vulnerabilities before this can happen – and checks Google Safe Browsing daily to make sure your website isn't on the "blacklist".


Site Scanner $6.99/mo

  • Trusted Site Seal
  • Daily Malware Link Scan
  • Daily Website Scan
  • FREE Expert Support
  • Google Safe Browsing "Blacklist" Check
Learn more

What is Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner?

Website Security

Site Scanner is one of our most powerful website security solutions. It checks your website for malware URLs and security threats that hackers could use to steal information, infect your customers, or wreak havoc on your site. Daily scans identify holes in your site's security early so you can quickly close the gap and beat the bad guys to the punch.

The security scanner scans your site daily for more than 3,000 common vulnerabilities, including phishing exploits, SQL injection flaws, and cross-site scripting (XSS). If an issue is discovered, you'll receive an email with instructions to check out the details in your account.

For more information, visit our Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner support page.

Why do I need Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner?

Online security is vital to the success of your website. If people don't feel safe on your site, they won't come back. But if you can show visitors that your site has reliable web security, they're more likely to place an order or refer a friend.

Don't update your site that often? New threats are discovered daily. Do your due diligence and protect your sites' visitors from malicious content.

When the daily vulnerability scanner confirms your site is clear of known vulnerabilities, the trusted Website Protection display site seal displays so visitors know your site is safe. Visitors can click the site seal to learn more about Site Scanner website security protection.

For more information, see What is Website Protection Site Scanner?

How does Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner work?

Our daily security scanner checks your site for potential gaps in your website security. For example, it checks your URLs, submits forms, posts comments, and performs other tests to find known Web application vulnerabilities. Site Scanner organizes the scan results in our easy-to-read online scorecard, so you can see the severity of any threats. From there, it gives you suggestions on how to resolve the issues. If you're still not sure what to do, you can contact our award-winning online security professionals for one-on-one advice.

For more information, see What does Website Protection Site Scanner scan in my website?

How does Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner compare to other web security services?

Simply put, you won't find a better value in website security. Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner offers the same level of online security as our top competitors, but for a fraction of the price. Our vulnerability scanner software incorporates both external and internal resources, such as industry standard reputation feeds, databases of known vulnerabilities, the Google® Safe Browsing List, and our own security operations team to identify common vulnerabilities and malware on your site. Plus, it's backed by our 24/7 expert support team.

For more information, see the Ours vs. Theirs comparison page.

If I have an SSL Certificate, why do I need Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner?

An SSL certificate secures the information being passed back and forth between your visitors and your website (i.e. credit card information, login name and password). While both an SSL certificate and our Web vulnerability scanner work to secure websites and their visitors, only the security scanner can identify and help you close potential security holes in other areas of your website.

For more information, see Differences Between Site Scanner, SSL, and Anti-Virus.

I have anti-virus software. Do I need Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner?

Yep. Anti-virus software protects your computer from malware and viruses, but it doesn't extend to protect your website. Anti-virus software can't detect existing vulnerabilities in your site such as cross-site scripting and code injections. Plus, Go Daddy Website Protections Site Scanner notifies you when security threats and vulnerabilities are discovered on your website.

For more information, see Differences Between Site Scanner, SSL, and Anti-Virus.

I just bought Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner. Now what?

Go Daddy Website Protection Site Scanner setup only takes a few minutes. Simply log in to your Go Daddy account, and click on Website Protection. Click Launch next to the account you want to use, and then provide the requested information.

If you already host your website with us, that's it! Scans occur every 24 hours – so check back to view the results.

For more information, see Setting up Website Protection Site Scanner.

Plan Includes

  • Trusted Site seal
  • Daily website vulnerability scan
  • Daily scan for malware links
  • Scanning for one website
  • Google Safe Browsing "blacklist" check
  • Online dashboard
  • Email notifications
  • Phone and email support from security experts
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